Chapter 48

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Rose's POV

"Taehyung, I should be going now. It's getting pretty late and it's a school night." I swing our hands around.

I didn't want to leave. Why am I speaking!?

Taehyung stomps his cute feet. "I don't want you to go, though. Can't you stay the night?"

I shrug and look down. "I could, but I don't have anymore clothes with me."

"Maybe you can have Lilia drop some off." He suggests.

"I guess. Are you sure?"

"Please, Rose! Please, please, please, please." Taehyung picks me up and spins me around. "I need you with me because I love you so much! Don't you love me? You said you loved me! You can't take that back!"

I wrap my legs around his waist to keep myself from face-planting the floor. "I won't take it back, silly! Ok, find, I'll stay the night."

"Yes!" He cheers. "We will have so much fun tonight! We can play games and get to know each other more!"

"Can I listen to your mixtape?"

Taehyung shakes his head. "No, it's too embarrassing for me. You have to listen to it when you're alone."

"Fine. Let me go call Lilia." I kiss his nose and pat his back to let me down.

I walk out of the bedroom and went out to the living room. I sat down on the couch and pulled out my phone.

"Come on, pick up." I mumble while tapping my knee.

"Hello? Rose? What is it now?" Lilia answers. "Did you burn your boyfriend? Did he choke?"

"No! Nothing's wrong, but where are you right now?"

"I'm on my way home, why?"

"I'm staying over at Taehyung's tonight. Can you drop off some clothes for me?"

"Oooohhhhhhh giirrrllllll! SCANDALOUS! Two highschool students spending a night together. Hm...what could go wrong? Or should I say...what could BE more wrong?"


She laughs out loud. "Fine, fine. No more this phone call. So, what kind of clothes?"

"Obviously school clothes, you chair. You have a good sense of fashion, so I trust you."

"I got you."

"School appropriate!"

"I know!"

"Thank you so much! Love you!" I hang up and threw my phone somewhere on the couch.

"She's coming?" Taehyung's head pops out from the hallway.

I nod. "Yes. We get to spend a night together!"

He cheers and joins me on the couch with a kiss on my lips.

"Hey, Rose?"


"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Um, I know this is out of the blue, but, uh...what was your first impression of me?"

"You really wanna know?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

Considering how we first met, I didn't want to answer, at least not truthfully.

"Yes, I wanna know and be honest."

I blow out some air. " scared the hell out of me, babe. When I entered the classroom, you kept glaring at me and I really thought you wanted to choke me or something."

He laughs. "Really?"

"Yes, but look at you now! You are the most sweetest, most romantic, most handsome man I know."

"Awh....thank you..." Taehyung joins his hands with mine. "You wanna know my first impression of you?"

"Do I?"

"Do you?"

"Yes, tell me."

"Believe it or not, when you first came into the room, I thought you were cute. A cute schoolgirl. Like in this one anime, where you are the head of the school and every student is scared of you because you're so tough and bossy. But you have a hard time at home....I don't know, that thought just came to my mind."

"No way. He hated me when you first met me."

"Believe it or lot, beautiful. That was my very, very first thought of you. The second thought was the hate one." He teased and poked me in the stomach.

I giggle. "Wow, ok, then. Go on."

"So, you just came into the room and went straight to doing your job. That was my...probably 5th time in detention I think and all those times, it was just because of being late and Mr. Ilnune. Anyway, my friends and I were acting like bad boys, like the group that can make every sub quit. It was sort of fun, until Jimin started being nice and good to you and totally ruined it. Then Seokjin totally went all out on you. Soon, everyone was so nice to you and I was just sitting there thinking 'why are they acting so nice so suddenly'. Then you started being all nice to them and it made me angry somehow...because I thought that you were acting up to get them to like you and then later on, you would be the meanest girl to them and taking them for advantage. I was also afraid to lose my closest friends. It was all weird for me and I didn't know what to think. I have never seen someone get so close to someone so fast...maybe that was why."

"Taehyung,  what experience have you had with girls? What made you to think this?" I rub my hand through his hair.

He sighs. "Not a lot actually. It's just- it happened to one of my very good friends back in middle school. Yeah, not TOO long ago. His name was Byun Baekhyun, and he was 2 years older than me. He met a girl named Cho Haeun and they were great friends. I felt like a third wheel because Baekhyun would leave me behind to hang out with Haeun. He would always say 'but she wants me to' and such, which made me so annoyed, but I let it go. A few months later, Haeun completely went off on Baekhyun. Telling him that she's embarrassed to be with him and telling him that she doesn't like him anymore. It was so sudden too. That made Baekhyun really depressed, so he tried doing...some things to his body. His parents found out later on and blamed it on the school, since we never mentioned Haeun to his parents. Baekhyun moved to a different school and we haven't been able to hang out together. We do keep in touch once in awhile because I'm the only person who knows the story. He's actually the only good friend I have other than my boys. So, that's why every time I meet someone new or someone suddenly comes into my life, especially a girl, and befriends my friends, I get paranoid."

I furrow my brows. "Wait, Taehyung. How come this never came up before?"

"It's definitely something I hate talking about. Besides, I'm usually an open and happy person, but when it comes to exciting and/or happy news, I immediately want to tell my parents....but they're not home and too busy to listen and that shoots down my confidence so much. It makes the news seem not good or important enough and I just don't make a big deal about it."

I turn around and push him down onto the couch. I grip his collar with my hands. "No big deal? This is really important, Taehyung!"

His shocked look softens and I see his heartwarming smile again.

He pulls me down towards his chest and hugs me.

"I love how you worry about me." He breathes against my hair. "But you have to know....guys have secrets too."

I smile. "It's just.....I just love you too much. I'm glad you explained to me a bit more on why you hated me before. It helps."

"I love you too." He kisses my head. "More than I thought I ever would."

"Yeah, I know."

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now