Chapter 17

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Rose's POV

"Pst, Rose."

I turn my head away from the group and found Jimin peeking out from the hallway with his hand waving me over.

"Rose, come here." He whispers again.

I excused myself and hurried over to his side, beaming from half excitement.

All I know is that he and Lilia were just talking together IN PRIVATE!

Although, just a few minutes before, Lilia walked out looking calm and told me that she'll tell me details later.

I smacked his shoulder. "So, what happened? Did she ask you out? Did she confess? What did she do? What did you do?"

Jimin tilts his head, flustered from my sudden questions. "I-I, uh-"

I gasp. "Did she kiss you?" I grab his cheeks and examined his lips. "You have very plump lips, Jimin. I bet it's her lipstick!"

"My lips are just really plump."

I gasp again. "Y'ALL ARE DATING! I HEAR WEDDING BELLS! What is your favorite color?"

His eyes widen and he backs away from me. "No! No, Rose! Wha- I need to talk to you, that's all. It isn't about Lilia."

I drop my hands. "Oh."


His fingers fiddled around. "Um, Lilia told me about your...y-your feelings...for me."

I choked.

"Rose, I am the type of person to become close with people very quickly. It doesn't necessarily mean that I..." He paused, words trailing. "You know? I just have a bubbly, confident personality. It doesn't mean-"

I leaned over and laughed way harder than I should. I smacked my knee a couple times to emphasize the humor.

The "bubbly" boy looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "Is this something you do to prevent awkwardness because, um, it's not working."

I catch my breath and shake my hands. "N-No, it's not that. HAH! It's not that at all, Jimin."

"Then why are you laughing?"

"You-You thought I liked you?! Jimin, you're my friend! And hello, I'm dating one of YOUR best friends."

"Then what were all those dramatic things you told Lilia? 'Jimin is real' or 'when he loves, he loves' what was that?"

I covered my mouth to keep myself from laughing again. "That was only because I was trying to get Lilia to confess."

"Confess what?"

"Her love for you."

"Her love?"

"Well, not exactly."

"......did she confess?"

"NO!" I shout, causing Jimin to flinch. "You yelled right before she was about to say something. I was sooooo close too."

He opened his mouth in offense. "Well, that's not my fault because you should've told me something!"

"I didn't want you knowing, Jimin. I'm sorry, but you might make it so obvious and ruin everything.....again."

He crosses his arms. "Fine, but now I know. What are you going to do?"

"Since you know now, we can make a plan."

"Oh, ok. I'm listening."

"Ok," I lean forward and held a hand by my mouth, hinting the privacy of our words. "I'm going to pretend that I'm still in love with you."

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now