Chapter 21

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Taehyung's POV

*bzzzz bzzzz bzzzz*



*bz bz bz bz bz bz bz*

Is that my phone?

I yawned before opening my eyes.

"Where..." I blinked a couple times. "Where am....I......"

After a second, I finally recognized where I was.

The same house I snuck into yesterday.

Rose's bedroom.

I reached over and grab my phone that was vibrating on the counter.

"8am, aish." I sighed.

I pressed 'answer' right before I missed the call.

"H-Hello?" My raspy voice greets.

"Hey, my son!" My mother greets me back.

I yawned again. "Hey, mom."

"Why do you sound so sad?" My mom asks.

"I-" I pushed myself up, so I was sitting, but a weight held me down.

I lifted the covers and saw Rose cuddled up to my chest, clinging to me like I was a tree and she was a koala bear.

"Oh, whoa..." I gasped.

"Honey, you ok?"

"Uh, yes, I am. Um..." I tried to sit up with Rose snoring softly into my chest. "I just woke up, so I'm still in a daze."

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey! I almost forgot. The time is different. My bad."

"Yes, mom. Is there anything you need to tell me?"

"Of course. I just wanted to check up on you, Taehyung. How is my boy doing? Is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine, mom."

"Ok, good. And I also want to tell you that your father and I might be coming home sooner than planned."


"The retreat ended earlier than planned. We also met very kind people at there, which isn't a surprise. It is a marriage retreat. We're gonna spend the rest of our time with them."

"Ok, well, have fun."

"Oh! They have arrived! I'll see you later, my son. Stay out of trouble and continue to do well in school."

"Yes, yes, I'll see you later, mom."

"Do your homework too! Your dad and I don't want to hear you going to detention anymore."

"Yes, yes, mom, I'll try my best. Good bye!"


Rose flutters her eyes open as soon as I end the call.

I pulled the covers over her and kissed the top of her head.

"Babe. You're awake, finally." I whispered.

"Mmm, what do you mean?" She says, barely above a whisper.

Her eyes slowly closed again and it was cute to see her struggle to stay awake.

"My mom called me." I press my lips together and slide down, so we were leveled with each other.

Her eyes open and she looks at me with half concern and half excitement. "How was it?"

"It was ok."

She bit her bottom lip. "Did you tell her"

I shook my head. "It didn't come up. Sorry, Rose."

She shrugs. "It's ok."

"Wanna get breakfast?" I ask.

"Yes, but..." Rose sits up and brings the covers closer to herself. "Let's wait a bit."

"Hmm?" I raise my eyebrows.

"I-uh, do you remember, uh." She looks down and back up at me with red cheeks. "You don't remember?"

I straighten my posture and shrug. "I-I don't know. Are you cold? I-"

"Tae!" She throws her hand down and whines. "I'm not wearing anything underneath!"

My eyes widen and my heart flies up my throat.

"Na-Nak-ked?" I gulp. "Yo-You?"

"Yes, so..." Rose points to the door.

"How are you naked?" I ignored her request.

"Tae, don't ask me that!" Her cheeks redden and she looks away.

I smile at her reaction.

"Well, did it...?" I fold my arms and bring my hand to my chin. "Oh, did I-"

"Taehyung!" Rose kicks my leg. "Please, let me get dressed. Let's not talk about this now."

I chuckle and nod. "Ok, ok, ok. We can talk about it later, then."

I stood up and 'accidentally' get my foot caught in the covers that Rose was using to cover herself.

The covers fall and I hear Rose shriek.

"KIM TAEHYUNG! DON'T PLAY LIKE THAT!" She screams and pushes me out of the room.

I hear the lock click and I laughed hard.

No, we didn't have the sex.

Rose's POV

"Hey, mother! How are you and dad doing?" I say into the phone. "How's America so far?"

"Very wonderful, sweetie. I have something to tell you."


"We met some people at the retreat and now I know what it's like to have best friends!" My mom says with with so much enthusiasm.

I laugh. "That's great, mom."

"The retreat didn't take as long we thought it was going to, so we'll be leaving sooner."


"We have to go now. Dad says 'love you', I love you too. I'll see you soon, kisses, bye!"

"Bye, mom! Love you too!"

I put my phone down and joined Taehyung on the couch.

"Hey, have you see Jimin and Lilia?" Taehyung asks me as I sit by him. "I haven't seen them since-"

I gasp. "Oh my gosh! Where ARE they?"

"I don't know. That's why I asked you..."

"I totally forgot about them! Are they still in the room? Were they in the room?! I totally, totally forgot about them. I'm-"

I sprinted out of the living room and into Lilia's room.

"Lil..." I peek inside the room. "Hello? Lilia?"

No one in the room.

But the covers....

Were they......

Did they...

Taehyung comes up to me and looks around the room too. He places his hands on his hips and tilts his head.

"Did they do it?"

"Don't ask me that!"

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now