Chapter 20

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Rose's POV

"Hey! Not my butt!" I yelled out loud as i swung my legs around. "That's not how you push someone, Tae!"

My boyfriend giggles. "Sorry, that was an accident."

We were at starting our first official date off at the park. It may be basic, but we both have an inner child and the park was a cute place to hang out.

I was on the swing and Taehyung was pushing me, but he kept smacking my butt every time he pushes me forward.

"Do you want a turn?" I ask.

"Yeah!" Taehyung throws his hands up in the air and cheers.

I hop off and let Tae on.

"No, no, don't push me. Come, sit on my lap." Taehyung holds out his hands.

My heart fluttered and I accepted his cute request. He lifts me onto his lap and wraps his arms around my waist to keep me steady.

"Much better." He smiled and kissed the side of my head.

I blush. "You are so adorable."

As we were were swinging and talking, a random little girl runs up to us. Her smile was huge and innocent and her tiny hands were balled up like she was so eager about something.

"Oh, do you want to swing?" I instantly jump off Taehyung's lap.

I motion for him to get off too and he does.

"Here you go." Taehyung shows a friendly smile as he's offers the swing to the child.

The little girl smiles and runs up to the swing.

"Thank you so much! Will you help me up?" She holds up her arms.

I was a bit hesistant at first. I didn't want her parent or guardian to come up and scold me for touching her child. But I did anyways. I lifted her up onto the swing while Taehyung held it still, so she wouldn't fall off.

"Thank you so much." The little girl says and gives me the cutest, sweetest smile ever.

"Awe." A tingly feeling forms in my stomach. "You're welcome, sweetheart."

Taehyung pats her head. "Be careful. Hold on really tight. Do you want me to push you?


Taehyung walks behind her and gives her a gentle push.

The swing barely moved, but the girl was laughing and having a great time on there.

I watched her, hopefully not like a creepy lady, but I watched her with my heart warming up.

She was so cute.

"Are you guys dating?" She asks, smile still wide.

Taehyung chuckles. "Yes, we are dating."

The little girl smiles even brighter. "Awesome! I think you two are so cute together and very nice too."

I hold my hand to my heart. "You are the sweetest little sunshine ever."

Before I could gush over here more, a woman comes running into the scene with her breath heavy.

"I-I'm sorry for the trouble. She ran off and-and I'm not a good runner." The woman panted.

"Hey, mommy!" The girl giggled.

"Oh, no problem. She is very sweet." I assured.

"Thanks for watching her." The mom stands up straight, finally catching her breath.

The little girls jumps off the swing and runs up to her mom. She tugs on her shirts and points to us.

"Mommy, mommy, these people are so kind to me! They said they're dating. Isn't that a good thing, right?"

Taehyung walked over to my side and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"It's a wonderful thing, hun. Let's leave them alone now, ok? Daddy is waiting with your ice cream."

"Oh! Ice cream!" The little girl jumps up and down. "Bye!" She waves to us.

The mom and daughter walk away, hand in hand.

"Wow, we do look nice together." Taehyung leans down and kisses my lips. "Even other people agree."

"I guess we do." I chuckle.


"I will pour this drink on you, Taehyung! I am not messing around!" I struggled to be intimidating as Taehyung tickled my side.

After playing around at the dark, we decided to get something to drink. Of course, what better drink is there other than the famous Boba Drink?

Taehyung smiles and bumps into me. "If you pour that on me, you'll have to clean it up."

"Please." I scoffed. "No amount of time or towels will clean up the mess."

He leans down to my ear. "You'll have to lick it off me then."

I gasp and smacked his arm so hard, his drink almost dropped. "That's disgusting, Taehyung! Take a shower! You don't need to be so gross."

"It's my fantasy." Taehyung looks up and holds out his hands.

"Why are you like this? Don't mess with me like that!" I cover my pink face with my one free hand.

Taehyung smirks and takes a sip of his bubble tea. "Don't fight it."


It's evening now and it's also getting dark out.

Our last stop is at the beach. I bought some fruit and we were having a small picnic on the sand.

I pick up a grape and put it in Taehyung's mouth.

"There we go." I giggled.

"Open up." Taehyung throws a grape into my mouth and I almost choke on it.

"Hey, let's see how much grapes I can catch with my mouth." Taehyung scoots farther away from me and opens his mouth.

I laughed. "Ok, I'll start."

I pick up a handful of grapes and start aiming them at him.

Taehyung catches all of them, except for the last one, which landed on his eye, causing him to fall on his back.

I fall back laughing when he sat back up with his cheeks looking lumpy from all the grapes in them.

"What?" Taehyung looked at me wide-eyed.

"You look like a cute little squirrel."

"Awh, thank you. You do too."

"Excuse me."


"That was so much fun, Taehyung. I had such a great time." I throw my purse on the table and fall down on the couch.

He flops down besides me and lets out a sigh.

"You liked it? That's great, I'm glad you had fun." Taehyung beams.

"Yes, it was the best date ever." I patted his smooth cheek. "Let's got on dates more often, deal?"

"Yes, but," Taehyung rises up and kisses my forehead. "This date hasn't ended yet, my dear."


With no moment or second wasted, he smashed his lips onto mine, which sent my hands to tug on his hair.

What a day.

What a night.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now