Chapter 28

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Rose's POV

Why was he in detention so many times?

He told me he was going home to study or to the park to study. He even said he had clubs and sports practice. He never mentioned detention.

Once Lilia and I finished watching over detention for today, we take the bus home.

R u coming over to Tae's?
-Cute Guy Jimin 💙

I looked at my phone screen and cocked my head.

Speaking of him.

I didn't get invited

yes you did
-Cute Guy Jimin 💙

he probably didn't tell you yet,
but he told me to tell you
-Cute Guy Jimin 💙

ok, then yeah I'll go

Ok, see you. Bring Lilia
-Cute Guy Jimin 💙

haha of course, see you

I show Lilia the text Jimin sent and she scrunches up her face.

"He likes you!" I teased and waved it around her face. "He WANTS you to be there. Can't you tell?"

Lilia pushes me away from her and crosses her arms. "Could be because we're JUST FRIENDS!"


Rose ↓

Lilia ↓

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Lilia ↓

Lilia ↓

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"Agh, I'm so comfy!" I snuggle into my sweater as I jump into the passenger seat. "But, it's still cold out."

"You're making me drive?" Lilia scoffs.

"I drove you to school for a whole week. It's your turn." I argued.


The ride to Taehyung's was the usual. Lilia and I singing/screaming to our favorite, little songs in the car.

"BANG BANG BANG!" Lilia and I screamed at the top of our lungs and danced as best we could without crashing the car.


We arrive at Taehyung's house in a few minutes and I get a wave of nervousness run through my whole body.

It's been awhile since I hung out with my own boyfriend. I don't know why I'm feeling nervous to see him again.

I ring the doorbell and waited there with my hands intertwined with each other. Lilia waits by my side with a lazy expression on her face.

The door opens and my mom stands there, elated.


"You made it! Without crashing the car? Good job. Oh, come in, come in, we are just about to finish making dinner." My mom quickly invites us inside.

I take off my shoes and greet the other parents. I walk into the living room and I see Jimin first, then Jungkook, then Seokjin, then Suga, then Namjoon and Hoseok.

No sign of Taehyung yet.

"Hey, guys." I waved to all of them.

"Hey, Rose. Hey Lilia." They wave back.

"Where's Taehyung?" I ask.

"I think he's in the kitchen with his parents." Seokjin answers first.

I nod and turned to the kitchen. Before I went in, I looked back at the boys with a creepy giggle.

"Hey, I found this FUNNY thing at school," I held up a finger. "When I was watching over detention."

Their eyes widen.

"Wha-What did you find?" Suga stammered.

I laugh again. "I was taking attendance and I saw Kim Taehyung written on almost every day. There were even little notes about him."

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on something behind me, so I turn around.

I see Taehyung standing there with his sleeves rolled up and he was wiping his wet hands with a small towel. Black crew, jeans, socks. He looks really good in black.


"Oh, hey, Taehyung." I greeted, dryly.

"Rose, I can explain that." He says with the most serious voice I have ever heard him talk in.

"Explain why you lied to me this whole month?" I shrug and sit down on the couch. "Yeah, I want you to do that."

Everyone spreads out and my cupid signals catch Jimin following Lilia into the hallway.

Taehyung sits next to me on the couch. He looked back at the kitchen before kissing me on the cheek.

"I didn't want you to know I went to detention....all this time." He sighs. "That's why I was gone a lot after school. If if helps, I did study when I was I'm detention."

I grab his hands. "Why, Taehyung?"

He looks back at the kitchen again, retracting his hands from my grip. I followed his eyes and no one else was in the living room except us, so I was confused.

He turns back to me and grabs my hands again.

"I just didn't think you liked guys that did horrible in school and got detention a lot." He finally says.

I smack his thigh, causing him to jump.

"I am not normally looking for guys like that, but I like you, Taehyung. I really do." I grip his hand. "You don't seem like the kind of guy that would do horribly in school on purpose. School isn't easy most times. I understand that. Taehyung, I don't hate you because of that."

Taehyung's frown turns into a big teethy smile.

"It was Mr. Ilnune wasn't it?" I titled my head.

He nods, making me laugh.

"Oh, then, it was definitely not your fault. Hes a complete jerk."

"He is. Thanks for understanding."

I lean in for a kiss, but Taehyung pushes me back quickly after seeing his mom walking in to grab something.

DAFUDGE did he just do?

"Taehyung?" I whisper, jaw dropping. "What was-"

"Nothing. Nothing." He shrugs it off and goes back to smiling at his mom. "Hey, mom!"

"Oh, look! You two are talking. That's wonderful. Dinner's almost ready. Tell everyone to come help set the table." His mom walks back into the kitchen.

Taehyung turns back to me and tries to kiss me again. I push him away like how he did to me.

"Rose, what are-"

"Doesn't feel too good, does it?"

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now