Chapter 15

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Rose's POV

Jimin grabs my hand and tugs me away from the little circle made of a betrayer and two dirty minded men.

"J-Jimin!" I squeak as he aggressively pulls me up the stairs. "Not too hard. You look like you're bringing me to my death."

"More like, I'm bringing you to the cause of my death." Jimin stops at the top of the stairs and faces me. "It was really nice knowing you, Rose. It was little time, but getting close with you was super easy and I love that in people."

I tilt my head. "Why are you giving a speech right now?"

He licks his lips. "Taehyung, your surprisingly protective 20 minute boyfriend, is going to hunt me down and break my neck...."

"Oh my gosh, Jimin! I told you! What do you think you're doing?"

"I just want to make Lilia jealous..."

I gasp. "Wha-You-You-Yo-You like- You like Lilia? For sure, for sure?"

Jimin nods, turning pink in the cheeks. "Wasn't it obvious? I-I kind of do, but she also kind of scares me. I'm usually confident when it comes to girls because," Jimin steps back and points to himself. "Look at me, I'm HOT!"

I giggle. "Ok, well, why don't you confess to her then, Mr. I'M HOT?"

"I want to, really badly, but I feel like if I do, she could punch me in the face or knee me in the stomach. I mean, have you seen how she is around me! My confidence went down a lot when she didn't catch on with my flirting."

I laugh. "Flirting? THAT was flirting?"

"Hey! I have my ways, you have your ways."

"HAHA, I DON'T.....have ways.....Um, well, yeah, she does give off that vibe. But she really isn't all that bad. Give her a note with flowers, put it in her locker or decorate it and wait for her to read it then hug her from behind or something like that. A romantic, yet old school, mysterious love type of situation. It's cute."

Jimin furrows his brow. "Wait, what? Old school-"

I zone him out and let my imagination take over. "Maybe sing a song for her, oh! That would be so romantic, maybe a love song, obviously? A man with a nice voice will always pull at a girl's heartstrings. Trust me, Jimin. I know. Girls love that!"

"Singing? I don't know-"

"Play the piano or guitar as you sing, maybe have someone play it off in a distance. Like one of your close friends. Awh, that would bring tears for sure." I clasps my hands together. "Audience or not, I think she'll love it. She loves the attention!"

"Rose?" Jimin calls my name.

"Oh, but, Jimin, if you do decide to do the note one, decorate her locker with lots of hearts and cute stuff! Maybe give her bouquets and line them on the shape of a heart! Maybe that's too mu-"

"Rose!" Jimin finally snaps me out of my trance.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry. I gotta carried away. There's just so much men can do to confess to a girl and it just got me excited. OH! Jimin, about the singing thing, you can..."

Taehyung's POV

I clearly see Rose struggling as Jimin pulled her up the stairs. He was pulling her arm quite roughly, which the thought of it being a JUST dare left my mind.

This has to be some joke, Jimin knows how I feel about that type of stuff. He knows my past.

"Jimin!" I growl as I stand up.

"Taehyung, let it go." Seokjin softly tugs on the hem of my sweater. "It's just a dare. It's not real."

I push away his hand. "I don't care. I want to know what's going on."

I quickly make my way up half the stairs and hide behind the wooden railing between the two sets of stairs.

"You like Lilia?" I hear Rose whisper to Jimin.

"I-I kind of do..."

My face softens up as I see that them not doing what my jealous butt thought they were doing.

Ok, I'm overreacting.

They talk about Jimin's crush on Lilia for awhile and I just listen. It was too obvious that he liked her, so I'm not surprised, but I'm proud. Jimin hasn't gotten a serious crush on awhile.

I was about to go back down to the boring game of nothing until I heard Rose talk about how Jimin should confess to Lilia.

She was rambling on and on about the ideas and she sounded like a little kid talking about her favorite flavors of ice cream.

I smile at how adorable she sounded.

"Play the piano or guitar, maybe have someone play it off in the distance." She continues, voice rising as she goes on.

That does sound really romantic.

Jimin stopped her from talking and my smile drops.

I wanted her to continue....awh...

The talking silenced and I took that as a sign to go back down. I quietly walked down the stairs and back to my dead group.

"You look happy?" Seokjin asks. "Is everything alright up there? Did you see one of your best friends cheat on you, Taehyung?"

I scoffed at him. "Ok, Seokjin, you're right about everything, blah, blah, blah."

The other group scooted over to us and Lilia sat next to me.

"What are they doing?" Lilia asks in a whisper.

Namjoon and Yoongi giggle under their breaths.

"Nothing scandalous. I'll tell you that." I reply, shrugging.

"Oh?" Lilia cocks her head. "But you did think Rose was cheating on you, right?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Ha! Prank succeeded!" She cheers and pats her own chest.

"Wow, that was you? That's harsh, Lilia. That's harsh."

"What were they talking about, Taehyung?" Hoseok asks.

I shrug. "Eh, just some things..."

Jungkook leans forward "Was it anything about any of us? Was it about..." He points to Hoseok.

He gasps. "What? Why me?"

"Hoseok," Jungkook places a hand on his shoulder. "Sometimes, you can be questionable."

"Wow..." He shakes his head.

You know what, I'm gonna let Jimin off the hook this time. I actually am curious on how Jimin will confess to Lilia. They're cute together, so he better man up and do it like how I did to Rose.....but not exactly because I kind of screwed up.

What Rose said suddenly came to my mind. What she told Jimin, the advice she gave him...was probably her fantasy too...

It would make sense because she was talking about it like she was talking about her newborn baby. Full of passion.

I rest my head on my elbows and start to ponder.

It would be so romantic.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now