Chapter 9

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Rose's POV

"I can't go to sleep. I'm too traumatized!" I yell out as I jump onto my bed. "Because of you, Lilia! You and that stupid movie!"

Lilia follows behind me, her head shaking.

"You weren't even looking at the scary parts." She says. "You barely even watched the movie.*

I groan. "I still heard the music and the music is what makes it scary."

"Do you want the boys to stay over then?" She asks, tone getting quieter. "You want them to stay overnight, so they can protect you from the monsters?"

I turn to face her, looking dead into her eyes. "You just want to hang with Jimin more. You two have been getting really close. You want him!"

Lilia scrunches up her face. "No, of course not."

I laugh out loud. "It is! You only scrunch up your face when you're lying!"

"Ugh! Why do you have to know me so well?!" Lilia flops onto my the bed, face first.

"I think you two are cute." I pat her back. "You and Jimin would make really good-looking babies."

"Oh, would we?" Jimin smirks as he appears in the doorway with Taehyung standing by him.

I jump back with a yelp. "Sh*t. Don't scare me like that!"

"Someone thinks we're cute! Someone thinks our babies would look good!" Jimin sings and looks at Lilia with a grin.

Lilia groans and hides her face with my pillow.

"I like your room, Rose." Taehyung says and walks in. "It's very near and...uh, well decorated."

I hop off the bed. "H-How did you know it was my room?"

Taehyung points to the right wall with my name written in big,pink letters.

I close my mouth and mentally slap myself. "Oh."

"Well, it's really late." Lilia sits up with my pillow in her lap.

"You want us to leave already?" Jimin puts his hands on his hips. "I thought you liked me."

Lilia chokes.

"Um, well, I'm not sleeping anytime soon, so...." I trail off my sentence. "I'm not rushing or anything."

"It's freezing outside, though. I'm not over-exaggerating. You could freeze a pizza out here in 5 minutes." Taehyung points out the window.

I look out and see that my window was almost frozen over with frost.

"I'm tired." Lilia says and walks past Jimin and Taehyung, leaving me alone with them. "Goodnight, y'all."

"Such a good host." I mutter.

Jimin winks at me and follows Lilia out the room.

I hope he knows what he's walking into.

Taehyung awkwardly leans on the doorframe with his hands stuffed in his pant pockets. "So, uh..."

"Well, do you want a blanket? I have a lot of extras." I ask. "The good kind too."

Taehyung walks back over and sits down on my bed. He tilts his head and starts bouncing.

I laugh. "What are you doing?"

"I," He bounces again and giggles. "It's very bouncy and soft."

I smile shyly and look down. "Oh, yeah."

"Well, guess you guys have to sleep over..." Lilia comes back in with Jimin following behind her. "It's cold out and it's late. Why not?"

Jimin and Taehyung nod.

"Well, we have extra towels and toothbrushes. You guys could shower, but the water would be freezing cold. If you are still hungry, we might have some pizza left. And blankets! Blankets are good for cold weather." I went to get blankets, but Lilia stopped me.

"We don't have guest bedrooms." Lilia whispers in my ear. "Where could they stay?"

"The living room is fine." Taehyung says, overhearing us.

I shake my head. "It's too cold."

"Well, where could we stay then?"

I turn to Lilia and shrug.


Taehyung lays down on the small bed I made for him made of blankets and pillows.

Haha, guess who made Taehyung stay in my room because they want us to "get closer and not be so awkward with each other".


Well, excuse me! I met him 2 days ago and we started off on a bad note, so don't blame me for being awkward.

Although, after the movie thing, I managed to not be too shy around him, which is a good thing because he's actually spending a night with me.

"Is it ok? Are you comfortable? Are you warm? Do you need more blankets?" I kneel down to fix the sheets for him. "I hope this will be ok for you. I don't want your back to hurt tomorrow."

"No, no, it's perfect. Thank you, Rose." Taehyung assures and kneels down besides me.

"Ok, good."

We locked eyes when I responded to him.

Just suddenly, the awkward I had around him vanished and was replaced by butterflies.

The damn butterflies!

"Um, alright! That's settled!" I clap my hands. "I'll be in my bed."

I jump into the bed and covered myself with my cozy blankets.

"Good night, Taehyung."

"Good night, Rose."


It was probably 3 in the morning when I woke up with a gasp and my heart was pumping blood like I just jumped out of a plane.

I look around to see if any monsters were in the room, watching me sleep or something. I was too afraid to look under my bed or in the closet.

I was getting flashbacks to when I was younger because I had this same problem growing up.

Nightmares were common for me and that's why I despise horror movies. They trigger it.

Back then, my mom or dad or sometimes both of them would come into my room whether it'd be 2am or 5am, and they would cuddle me back to sleep.

They're not here now...

"Oh my gosh, oh my goodness." I quickly sit up and rub my temples. "No monsters. No monsters. No monsters. No monsters. No deadly people. I'm safe. I'm safe."

"R-Rose? H-Hey, are you ok?" Taehyung's sudden raspy voice makes me jump from fear.

I shake my head. "It's ok, Taehyung. Go back to bed."

I hear him sigh.

In just a moment, I feel a body sit next to me on the bed. A pair of arms wrap around me, devouring me in a comforting pit of warmth.


"I'm here, Rose. I'm not going to bed knowing you're terrified out of your mind right now." Taehyung says, softly.

"Tae-Taehyung, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare. I don't think you should-" I place my hands on his hands. "Your hands are super cold-"

"Don't worry about me. I'm a man. I can handle it. It's not too bad."


"Like you said, Rose," He tightens his grip around me. "Bonding experience."

This wasn't what I meant.

But, wow, I am not complaining.

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