Chapter 59

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Rose's POV

I don't know....should I get dressed for Taehyung? Are we going to do something tonight? Or the weekend? Is he going to surprise me? Should I surprise him?

I don't know....I'm a little too tired to think about anything. All I know is that Taehyung went to his grandma's house.

I sink deeper into my bed.

"I'm bored." I mumble to myself. "What should I do?"

Maybe I should go watch some movies while eating.

Prefect way start to a nice weekend, right?

Lilia's POV

"Aish, Jimin stop looking at me like that!" I slap his chest.

Jimin kept staring at me with a big smile on his flawless face while I was texting Rose.

We were both laying the couch with our heads resting on either side.

I kick him and he grabs my leg.

"You want to kick me?" He gives me a wink.

I blush. "Don't you dare, Jimin."

Jimin brings his fingers to the bottom of my foot and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Leave my foot alone, I'm texting my best friend! Oh- she's calling, be quiet!" I pick up Rose's call.

"MY BEST FRIEND!" Jimin screams and grabs the phone away from me.

"Hey! Jimin!" I yell as I try to get the phone back.

I try to grab the phone, but he dodges my hand and I fall into his chest. He traps me with his arm and holds me there.

"Rose, guess what. Lilia is jealous of you because I like you a lot." He higgles. "So, how's everything......good? Oh, that's good-"

I finally snatch my phone back and I glare at him. "You're crazy, Jimin."

"Only for you." He says with a cheeky smile and I can't help but turn soft.

"Fine." I sighed and kissed him on the cheek before getting off of his chest.

Jimin's POV

Right when Lilia walked away to her bedroom, I get a call from Taehyung.

"Hey, bro." I greet with my hands still attached to my burning cheeks. "What's up?"

"Hey, Jimin, are you busy right now?" He asks.

"Mmm, no, just with Lilia."

"Oh! Nice!"


"I need to ask for a favor."

"What is it?"

"Can you hang out with Rose tonight and maybe, uh......get her really REALLY tired, so she'll be sleepy when we start driving."

"Oh, yeah, definitely." I chuckle.

"Thanks, bro. And don't do anything weird to her."

I laugh. "I won't, I won't."

"Ok, bye. Thanks again."

"Bye, bye."

I end the call and stood up.

"LILIA!!!!" I screamed. "LILIA! COME DOWN, BABE!"


So, how do I feel about Lilia?

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