Chapter 65

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Taehyung's POV

"Hey, Ro-" I open the tent only to see no one.

I furrow my brows and looked outside.

Wow, this place is seriously no joke. It's so beautiful even with the bugs around. I can't wait to go catch one and scare my brothers.

But...not Suga.

I suddenly get an empty feeling in my heart as I remember Rose isn't with me.

I look around and see a small figure on the top of the hill. I smile and sprinted up the hill.

I see Rose glowing slightly while staring at the stars. Her hair was glistening. I could even hear her calm breathing.

It makes me fall in love with her all over again. I just might fall down the hill.

I sneak up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "It's crazy how you shine brighter than any star to me."

She turns around and hugs me without even looking at me.

"You're so sweet." She whispers and kisses me on the lips.

I deepen the kiss by pulling her closer and running my hand behind her hair. She tangles her hands in my hair and giggle through the kiss, which makes me even more desperate for a more passionate kiss.


Rose's POV

Taehyung and I chat for a little bit and we head back down the hill, holding hands. We see everyone awake and around a campfire, sitting on logs.

"Hey, sweet cheeks!" Namjoon smirks at us.

"Where did the couple go?" Jimin asks and giggles.

"What are you two doing up so late?" Jungkook asks while gasping. "YOUR HAIRS ARE MESSY!"

Jin calms him. "Jungkook, I'm sure they were just star-gazing. I'm SURE they didn't do anything bad." He shoots us a glare.

Taehyung blushes and I kiss his burning cheeks.

"Come and join us." Suga says and scoots over.

We sit by Suga and stare at the fire.

"This seriously can NOT get anymore pretty." Jin squeals. "This is so much better than the dramas."

"I know right!" Lilia squeals with him.

Taehyung intertwines his fingers with mine and kisses my cheek.

"So. what are we going to do now?" I ask while holding my cheek where Taehyung kissed me.

" were actually of talking about our favorite moments. During the time we have known each other." Jin says while throwing a branch into the fire.

"Ha, so things are going to get pretty deep." Hobi jokes and laughs crazily.

"Let's bring out the marshmallows and chocolate." Jin takes out bags of chocolate and marshmallows. "If you don't mind. I couldn't find the graham crackers."

Everyone claps and cheers.

"I'll start." Jungkook raises his hand and smiles with his cute bunny teeth.

We nod.

"My favorite part was when I was hanging out with Rose and that's what kept Rose from figuring out about your detention streak." Jungkook shares while shyly looking at me.

Taehyung turns red and covers his face. "Oh....that..."

I laugh. "Come on, babe, I already forgave you."

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now