Chapter 51

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Taehyung's POV

I eagerly wait for Seokjin to answer his phone. I sneak glances at Rose to see if she was waking up, she wasn't.

"Hello?" Seokjin answers.

He doesn't seem tired.

"Hello? Jinnie, were you sleeping?" I ask.

"No, I was picking out an outfit for today and also doing my hair. My hair is ON POINT, I have to say." Seokjin laughs.

I let him continue to talk, so I get on his good side.

"Anyways, why did you call me this early?" He finally asks.

"Hyung, I need advice for me and Rose."

He gasps and I hear a strange sound like he dropped the phone or something.

"Jin? You there?"

"Yes, yes! I'm here and YES! I've been waiting for a moment like this! Ahh! All those frustrating dramas are FINALLY going to pay off!" The man screams.

I let out a sigh. "Good. Please tell me what I could do with Rose today. My plans aren't going to work out because I don't know if I want to risk getting Rose late to class again."

"Oh...this is like basic advice giving. I thought you were going to talk about pregnancy-"

"What? No! Of course not! How could you- Why would you-"

"You haven't done...."

"KIM SEOKJIN, FOCUS! Just- I don't know, but...she's not pregnant and please answer my question. Rose could wake up any minute now." I impatiently tap the wall.

"Ok, here's what you can do. In the morning, you could make her breakfast in bed. Then at night, take her out for dinner. A romantic one." He says.

"That's good! That's a great idea! Thank you so much!"

"Hmhm, maybe tonight, you'll finally get to-"

"Ok, one thing at a time. Good day, sir!" I quickly hang up.

I sprint out of the bathroom and sneak past my sleeping beauty and out to the kitchen.

I open my cabinets and searched through it, quietly mumbling to myself and debating on what to make.

"Pancakes or waffles?" I whisper to myself. "Hoseok said waffles are healthier. So waffles?"

I take out the ingredients and set them out on the counter. I stare at them waiting for a clue on where to start to pop in my head.


Wait, do I-

"Honey, Taehyung? Is that you in the kitchen?"

My mom pops out of nowhere, startling me.

"Oh, geez!" I screamed and held a hand to my heart. "Mom, you scared me. I thought you were at work already."

"Thursday is the only day this week for I don't work until the afternoon. I think next week, I have Tuesday off." My mom says while looking over my shoulder. "What are you up to this early?"

"I'm making breakfast for Rose. She...spent the night and I want to do a nice thing for her this morning. I already wasted a lot of time, so I need to hurry." I said, looking at the back of boxes. "Why don't they make these simple?"

"Need some help?"


My mom helps me add in all the liquids together and mix them up. She tells me to slice up the strawberries.

"Ok..." I trail my words and open the fridge. I take out the fruits and started cutting them into slices.

Hey, I'm better than Namjoon.

My mom takes out the waffle compressor thing and starts making them.

"Huh?! How long did we have this?" I asked her, surprised we had such a contraption. "I've never seen it before."

"Quite awhile now. You probably haven't seen it because I hid it behind all the pots and pans." She answers while making waffles like a pro.

"Why was it hidden?"

"Your father and I thought if we let you have access to would make so many waffles that you could build a whole house with it."

I nod, thinking about how yummy that house would be. Wow, I would never be hungry ever again. Every time of day would be breakfast.

Hoseok would come over all the time-

"Sweetie, focus on the fruits."

"Oh, right."

My mom finishes and lets me prepare the rest. She kisses my cheek goodbye and heads back to her room to get some more rest.

I put two waffles onto the plate and poured some syrup around it. Then, I carefully place the fruit on top of the beautiful waffle stack.

"Ah, finished." I chuckle.

I pour a glass of milk for her and placed it next to the plate. I take the tray and walked to my room.

Rose was still fast asleep, but her position definitely changed.

The cute little beauty was now sleeping on her stomach with her legs making a NIKE sign.

She looked so beautiful, honestly.

Ok, enough wasting time.

"Wake up, baby. It's time to wake up. Rise and shine, my sleeping beauty, time to wake up." I sing and swing my body closer to the bed. "Wake up before I pour cold water on you."

Her face twitches and she hides herself under the blankets.

I place the tray down on the bedside table. I jump onto the bed and wrapped her body in my arms.

"Mmm, Tae, did you sleep well?" She mumbles in her sleep.

I smile. "Yes, did you?"

"I did." She giggles and tries to kiss my cheek, but she misses. "U-Uh, I smell waffles. Is that-"

"Yes, it is. Sit up and you can eat it."

Rose instantly sits up and fixes her hair. "I'm up. I'm up."

I place the food in front of her and her eyes brighten up.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you so much! I would kiss you, but the food might spill." She says while holding her hands to her heart.

I kiss her cheek. "You're welcome, beauty."

She eats the food and gives me many compliments.

"What time is it?" She asks with her mouth full.

"About 7:30."

"Oh my goodness. I need to get ready." She says and tries to get up.

I sit her back down and shake my head. "It's fine, you have plently of time."

"Fine. Thank you again."

She drinks the milk and lets me have a taste. She gets the milk mustache and I kiss her, trying to be romantic, but failed miserably.

Once she finishes, she immediately pulls me onto the bed and wraps her arms around me.

"Thank you, babe. You really know how to make someone feel loved."

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now