Chapter 63

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Rose's POV

I was picked up by a big, pink grizzly bear with really nice hair. The pink bear carried me outside and put me down on the soft grass. The bear then kissed my cheek and left me there.

That bear reminded me a lot of my "guardian angel" when I was a little girl.

Suddenly, 7 objects started floating around me.

One was a bed

One was a blanket

One was a mint green sweater

One was the sun

A pair of arms.

A smile

The last one was a picture of Taehyung and ME hugging each other in our sleep.

I stood there, really confused, but feeling sense in all of this.

Another figure appears and stands by my side. It was a ballerina spinning around gracefully, non-stop.

She reminded me of Lilia.

"Sleeping beauty." The 7 objects started circling around me.

The objects continued harmonizing while slowly turning into humans.

Familiar friends.

My friends.

I wanted to call out their names, but I couldn't speak. Actually, I couldn't move.

My body lets go without me doing anything and I start falling back in slow motion.

A bed catches me and I'm suddenly wearing the mint green sweater. The sun starts shining in my eyes and the blanket covers me slightly. The pair of arms wrap around me, causing me to panic a little, but I start seeing smiling mouths all around me. The picture of me and Tae floats in front of me.

The picture zooms in, making the picture seem more real. Almost like I was a ghost watching over my real self.

Then....everything turns black.

Taehyung's POV

I was woken up by Rose moving around in my arms.

I lean up to look outside and it wasn't dark anymore. It was sunny and very clear out.

The car slows down and Jin parks the truck outside a gas station/convenient store.

Jimin looks behind and sees me rubbing my eyes.

"Tae, you're awake." He smiles.

I nod. "Y-eah? How long was I asleep?"

"Maybe about 3 hours. Jin and Namjoon are gonna switch so Jin could rest for awhile." Jimin says.

Rose moves around again, causing my heart to jump.

"Oh my- Lilia, Lilia! Get up, get up!" Jimin whisper yells and shakes Lilia around.

"I swear, Jimin, I'm going to choke you with my hands if you continue to shake me." Lilia growls and sits up straight.

Jimin holds his hands up. "Your best friend is waking up. You can't miss the moment!"

Lilia gasps and turns around.

I smile at her and point to Rose breathing slowly.

"Ahh, she's waking up! Finally!" Hobi claps. "I made the day all sunny just for this moment!"

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now