Chapter 16

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Rose's POV

"I'm beat!" I yawn and stretched my arms above my head. "I can fall asleep any second now."

Taehyung steals a kiss on my cheek. "Do you want a nap?"

I yawned a second time. "Yes, I want to sleep."

He smiles as he takes me into his arms and rests my head on his chest. His hand supports my back and his other rests over my stomach.

"Uhhhh, soo, um...yeah....u-uh, so...." Jimin's awkwardness is bleeding out of him. "What should we do now?"

"Sleep." Lilia snaps, causing only Jimin to flinch. "Sleep, because it's late out. We spent a whole Saturday here! We didn't even leave this house once!"

Everyone silenced instantly, not knowing how to respond to her. Their eyes awkwardly darted back and fourth from each other.

They all looked towards me and I mouthed a "she's ok" to them, so they don't run away in fear.

"Is she mad?" Taehyung whispered near my ear.

I shook my head. "No, she's just tired. Don't worry."

"Oh, ok....for a moment there, I got kind of scared." He forced a chuckle. "That was kind of....uh...yeah..."

I looked over at Jimin and he was nervously playing with his fingers. His gaze was attached to Lilia in a shy, flustered kind of way.

He wanted her to stay. I could tell he did. But seeing her little outburst, it made him kind of worried and sad that she didn't seem to be happy here.

Although, she was mostly the one laughing her butt off the entire time and making jokes with Seokjin.

It's so obvious that he likes her, though. Just by the look in his eyes, I can see the hearts he has for her.

I want to do something.

I should do something.

"Hey, Lilia, can I talk to you?" I pointed towards the kitchen. "In there. Can I talk to you in there?"

She nods and I free myself from Taehyung.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Just wait and see." I held a finger to my lips.

I meet Lilia in the kitchen and almost immediately I slam my hand on the hard kitchen counter, causing her to flinch.

"Wha- Geez, Rose, are you ok?

"Ok? No! I am not ok!" I whisper yell, trying to keep my voice low, but dramatic at the same time.


"I'm...I'm developing feelings for...Jimin."

Her eyes grow 10x larger. "What!? What about Taehyung? You can't like Jimin. You are dating someone else, Rose."

"I know." I held a hand to my forehead. "It's all so difficult for me. You think I should tell him?"

"Who? Taehyung? Your boyfriend? I think you-"

"No, I'm talking about Jimin!"

Lilia freezes right in front of me. Her eyes rested towards the ground, but her mind was up and running.

I stood back and prayed for my plan to work.

"Um, I-I don't know." She shrugs. "I guess whatever is the best time and what you think is the best idea-"

"Come on! Lilia, I really want to, you know, HAVE him! He's just so darn cute! Can you see the cuteness?!" I pace back and fourth with my hands on my head. "I mean look at that face and don't get me started on his body. Ohooo."

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now