Chapter 26

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Taehyung's POV

I open the door and is instantly greeted by a bear hug from my dear, cute, and beautiful girlfriend.

"Taehyung! I missed you." Rose kisses me on the lips before I could react much.

I kissed her back. "I missed you too, babe."

Jimin gives me a small smile and a wink as he and Jungkook walked past.

I give them both a thankful smile and head nod.

I tried to turn around and welcome her into the house, but she doesn't let go of me. Instead, she wraps her legs and arms around my figure.

I chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. "You're the cutest."

I turn around and closed the door behind me, keeping a hand tightly wrapped around Rose's back so she wouldn't fall.

I walk to the living room and sat down on the couch.

"So, Rose, how are you?" I asked, smiling at her.

She smiles too and leans back to face me. "I'm alright. How about you?"

"I'm fine."



Movies were watched, board games were played, food was eaten, and time has passed. Soon, it was late at night.

Jimin pulls me away from Rose and guides me to the kitchen.

"Your parents are on their way home." He whispers and shows me his phone.

I sighed. "Ok."

That means Rose has to go.

"Rose!" I called and entered the living room again.

"Yes!" She replies.

"It's getting late." I close my eyes and ball up my fists. "That means that you have...have to..."

I want Rose to stay with me tonight. I want to spend a night with her so badly. I wanted to spend another night in the same bed as her. I sleep really well when she's besides me.

"You-You should, um, I think it's best if you...but if you can't, wait, no. Rose, you should-"

"Rose, I'll drive you home." Jimin interrupts with a hand on my chest to stop me. "Get your coat, girl."

Rose tilts her head. "Is if alright if I stay with Taehyung tonight?"

I notice her feeling some disappointment and I could feel my heart aching. I just want to grab her and bring her into my room.

I hold myself back.

Jimin walks up to me and leans in to my ear. "Why can't Rose stay for one night? Do you see her face?"

I frowned. "I don't want my parents to know about her until I bring my grades up. It's better if I wait, so they don't get the wrong idea."

Jimin shrugs. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Ok." Jimin pats my back. "Don't screw this up then, bro."

I weakly chuckled. "Thanks for the pep talk."

"Come on, Rose. You'll see him tomorrow at school. I have to take you back, so Taehyung ca-can get ready for his parents. Yeah, so he can do that." Jimin puts his hand on her back.

He needs help with the lying thing.

"I can help, though." Rose turns to me again and pouts. "I want to help. If you need help, I can help."

"It's alright, Rose. Go home and rest. It's a school night, you have to wake up early tomorrow." I kiss the top of her head.

Rose frowns, but nods.

Before she was about to leave the house, she runs up to me and gives me a big kiss on the mouth.

"Good night." She says and exits the house with Jimin holding the door down for her.

My heart grows at this.

"I love her, oh my gosh." I giggled.

Jungkook looks at me. "Huh?"

I shake my head, but my smile never leaves my face.

"It's nothing, Kookie." I ruffle his hair.

"Hey! You said you'll stop calling me that!" Jungkook yells. "I am grown and mature. Call me Mr. Jeon."

"That's stupid."

Rose's POV

"Thank you, Jimin." I wrap my arms around him. "Good night. Drive safely."

"Good night, Rose." Jimin pecks my head and gets back in his car.

I watch him as he drives away and as soon as I turn around, my mom was standing there with her hands around her cheeks. I shrieked when I saw her, thinking she was a ghost for a half a second.

"Baby," My mom gaps. "He likes you!"

"No, he doesn't, mom." I sighed with a hand on my forehead. "We're just good friends. I'm sure that's all."

My mom winks and walks back inside the house. I follow her in with my cheeks still burning.

"How was your flight?" I ask my parents.

"Good." My dad answers with his mouth full of rice. "Really good. I liked it."

"You slept the whole flight." My mom smacks my dad's shoulder. "He even got complaints from some passengers about his snoring. I was so embarrassed."

I laugh. "Awh, dad."

"Speaking of sleep, I'm going to bed now." My dad kisses mom's forehead and mine. "Goodnight, beauties!"

"G'night, dad, love you!" I kiss his cheek.

"Come on, love. You're coming with me." My dad picks up my mom and carries her bridal style up the stairs.

"Honey! Haha, you're so crazy!" My mom laughs.

Such goals.

"Good night, hun! Don't forget you have school tomorrow!" My mom screams from upstairs. "LOOOVVEEE YOOOUUUU..."

I gasp. "Crap!"

Taehyung's POV

"Hey, mom, hey, dad." I greet my parents as they walk through the door with all their bags.

I run over to help them.

"Taehyung!" My mom runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug. "Hey, my boy."

My dad joins in. "We missed you."

"I missed you guys too." I groan from the tight hug.

"You stayed out of trouble, right?" My mom pulls away and looks at me straight in the eyes. "While we were away, you were out of trouble with school?"

I rub the back of my neck. "Define 'out of trouble'."

My mom frowns and my dad sighs.

"Son, what did I tell you?" Dad shakes his head.

I blew out the sudden steam that built up inside me. "Dad, you don't understand. I'm getting detention for the dumbest reasons! You've got to understand that it's from the same stupid teacher that gave me an F for forgetting to put the date on the paper."

My mom gives me another tight hug. "Awh, my baby. I understand, but you need to know that we just want you to be successful when you grow older."

"I am not a baby anymore, mom. I promise you that I will raise my grades. I promise. Don't worry about me. I've got this under control." I pressed my lips together. "J-Just trust me, ok?"

My dad pats my back. "We trust you, Taehyung."

"Yes, I can. For you guys." I smile.

"For yourself." My parents return my smile.

For Rose....

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now