Chapter 33

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Rose's POV

"So, Rose," Namjoon pushes his hands into his pockets.


"You and Taehyung? He, uh, called you 'sexy'. That must be because you and him already did it-" Namjoon gets knocked over by Lilia before he could finish his sentence.

"You don't say that!" Lilia crosses her arms. "You're smart, aren't you? Have some manners, boy! Their parents aren't deaf!"

"Awh, thank you, my guardian angel." I hug her.

"No problem."

"So, can you tell me about Jimin now?" I whisper.

"I just saved you from a pickle. This is how you repay me!?"

"Lilia! I've been waiting to hear about it forever! Why can't you just tell me how you felt?" I whined as I swung her arms around. "You can't keep things from me. Especially these type of things!"

"I felt nothing. Nothing at all."

I scoff. "Fine. I'll get it out of you soon enough."

I turn around and almost trip over my own foot. An arm catches me just in time before my face gets imprinted on the carpet. I get spun around and I land in the arms of Taehyung.

"Falling for me, Rose?" He smirks.

I smile at his dorkiness. "I guess I am."

Taehyung flashes his wide smile before giving me a soft kiss on the lips.

"My babies." Aunt Yumi and my mom chirp and jump us both for a hug.

"You two are so cute together. I can't believe I didn't catch on to this beforehand. I'm the worst at catching onto clues." Taehyung's mom says.

"I thought you were into Jimin, but now after this...who cares about Jimin?" My mom jokes.

Jimin gasps. "Hey, I can hear you!"

"Oh, don't be so mad. You have Lilia." I laugh.

Jimin wiggles his eyebrows. "Oh, yeah. I do have her."

Lilia groans loudly and stomps away from humanity.

I turn back to Taehyung and snaked and arm around his waist.

"Taehyung, why didn't you tell us right away?" Aunt Yumi asks her son. "You had many opportunities to."

His breathing paused and he looked towards his friends, who were sitting around the board game. Seokjin was the only one who noticed and nodded towards Taehyung.

My boyfriend turns back to us. "Um, I, uh, I thought you would think that, um, that-um....y-you know....."

"No, no, I don't know, son." His dad pops in, causing the adults to laugh.

He sighs. "I thought that if I told you about being in a relationship at the same time my grades are falling apart, you would think that because of my relationship, I'm failing. And I didn't want to tell Rose because I didn't want her to feel so worried about me." Taehyung speeds through his words. "I didn't want to lose Rose, so I kept it from her and you."

"And that didn't work out well." Jungkook yells.

"NOT HELPING, KOOKIE!" Taehyung yells right back.

Hoseok pushes Jungkook over.

"Awh....poor you." I hug Taehyung and rest my head on his chest.

"Oh, my baby, we wouldn't think that. After explaining it to us yesterday and today, we completely understand that it's not all because of you." Aunt Yumi hugs Taehyung from the other side.

"Yeah, it's that stupid Mr. Ilnune." Suga crosses his arms. "When I had him, he messes with my afternoon nap all the time. It's not funny."

"But speaking of your grades," Uncle Kim widens his eyes like a brilliant idea just popped into his head. "It might sound like you could use some help on that."

"What do you mean?" Tae questions.


"No teacher at my school is willing to tutor me. They are either busy shopping for pantsuits or taking care of their cats." He rolls his eyes.

"Look, Taehyung, you're not alone in this. If you need help, you have it right behind you. If you just tell us, we can help you." Aunt Yumi says.

"Hey, are you calling us the 'help'?" Namjoon yells.

We ignore him.

"I can help you, Tae." I offer.

"That could work. Rose is very smart for her age. She can be a big help." My mom adds.

"I can tutor you." I smile.

"Really?" Taehyung looks at me with hesitant eyes. "I-I might be a little frustrating."

"Yes, really! Let me help, Taehyung. I don't want you to stress so much about it."

"Alright! It's settled." He laughs out loud. "I can already see Mr. Ilnune's stupid face when he sees with my grade in his class rising."

Namjoon runs up to us and joins our circle. "Just so you know, ma, they won't be studying, instead they would be-"

Lilia tugs on his jeans and pulls him back down, cutting him off.

"A-Anyways, I'll help him. He won't be alone." I weakly chuckled.

His parents nod.

"Oh, I'm so happy!" Mom wiggles her arms around. "This is all working out so well. Why didn't you tell us earlier? This is amazing."

"Same, let's go make some cupcakes!" Aunt Yumi yells and drags my mom out of the house

"Wait, honey! You're leaving me alone with the kids!" My dad starts shaking his hands. "No, I'm not ready!"

"Dad, dad, just go and take a nap." I start lead my dad carefully up the stairs.

"Here, Rose. Let me." Suga helps my dad up the stairs. "So, dad, I know this perfect place to nap. It has the right warm temperature..."

I smile as I see my dad eagerly listening.


I turn around. "Yes?"

Taehyung surprises me with a really tight hug.

"You are the best girl ever. I don't ever want to lose you." His voice muffled from my hair.

"You won't lose me." I hug back.

"If I ever did, I won't smile like I do now. I won't feel the same happy feeling I have when I'm with you."

"You're really sweet. You know that?"

"Of course, I do."

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