Chapter 7

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Rose's POV

I stayed hidden in the kitchen with Lilia and Jimin while Taehyung sat on the couch in the living room.

"No, I am not going out there. I want my soup." I grumble while crossing my arms. "He is not going to just waltz in here and take away my food like this! I'm emotionally eating right now. This is important."

Jimin wraps his arms around me and holds my head to his chest. "Rose, I can tell you right now that everything will be ok and you- HEY! YOUR MICROWAVE LOOKS FINE!"

"Shut up, Jimin!" Lilia shushes him.

"I-I just fixed it." I coughed, still pressed against his shoulder.

"Anyways, I don't know how it must feel, but know that I will always be by your side forever." He coos like a mother comforting her child.


Lilia pushes him off and holds me back with her arms around me. "You've known her for 2 days. I've known her way longer, boy!"

"Quality over quantity, girl!" He snaps his fingers.

"Look, I just want my food right now." I tap my foot on the kitchen tiles. "I've been waiting for it to heat up."

"I have an idea. Let's go get dinner." Lilia grabs her keys and coat. "Let's get something to eat."

"W-What? What about my soup?"

"That's just a snack. Come on, Jimin. You're coming with me." She points to Jimin, motioning him to go with her.

"What? No, I'm staying with-AHyOo, ok fine I'll go." Jimin holds his arm in pain after Lilia pinches him.

"Um, hello! There's other people here too!" I whine. "You can just leave the party behind. Let me come too."

Lilia pulls me close. "You stay and keep Taehyung company while we're gone. Get that apology."

"Lilia, you are suppose to be my supportive best friend."

"I wish you the best!" Lilia waves her arm. "And don't kill him."

She tugs on Jimin's arm, rushing him before he could get his shoes on all the way.

"You two are mean people!" I quickly yell at them before the door closes.

What am I supposed to do here or with him? I just went on about how I didn't want to see this boy and BAM, we're stuck in a house together.


"Where are they going?" Taehyung asks.

I bite the inside of my lip. "They're going to get dinner. I don't know what, but it's some food."

"Oh, ok. Well, this will be much easier for me then." He stands up and starts walking towards me.

I lean against the wall with my arms still crossed. "Whatever you say. Just make it quick."

His gaze fell on me and I could see regret in his eyes. He stood a few feet away from me and was awkwardly moving his hands.

"L-Look, Rose, I know you don't want to talk to me right now, but I-I want you to know that I didn't mean what I said." He said, almost like it was forced.

I just sighed, wanting him to continue.

He walks closer to me, keeping our eye contact. "I'm going through a tough time with my parents right now. Not to mention school and my grades. I was just frustrated, Rose. I also thought you were trying to take away the only people that actually care about me. I was just a mess back there."

I press my lips together, feeing the sympathy in my heart. "I'm sorry to hear."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say those really rude things. That was really out of line." He steps closer and I stay against the wall. "Can we......start over, I guess? I'm actually a good person. I promise."

I turn away. "W-Well..."

Taehyung lets out a defeated sigh. "I understand."

"We could start over." I state with a nod. "And...I want to apologize."

"For what?"

"I wasn't trying to steal your friends and show off my grades. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." I picked at my sleeve.

"I know you weren't. I was the one being the jerk."

We both awkwardly stand there. No more words getting exchanged.

Dang, this is weird.

"I-I'm sorry, uh, about the parents thing." I scratch my head. "I really am."

"It's ok, really. I'm just glad I don't have another problem with you now. Since my friends like you, I'll be seeing you a lot...I'm guessing."

I nodded, not really knowing if I was really that close with his friends. I did only meet them just this week, but I guess I could say we're going to be good friends soon.

Taehyung went back to sit down on the couch. I sat down too and just kept my gaze on him, stuck in thought.

"Wh-Why are you staring at me?" Taehyung glances towards me. He tried to let out a soft chuckle, but it turned into an awkward laugh.

"I'm just...sorry."

I can't help myself. I get so sensitive when people mention problems with their parents or family.

It gets me all sad because I love my parents and I know they love me and it's, honestly, a good feeling.

"Don't better sorry, Rose. It's fine." He sends me a small grin. "It's not completely....devastating."

"I-I know it's not my place, but if you'd like to talk about it," I place my hand on his knee. "I'm a good listener."

Taehyung looks at me, then at the ground. "It's just.....It's just something that's been stuck with me for a while."

I brought my legs up onto the couch and crossed them, so I could see Taehyung better than just a side view of him.

"Uh, well. It all started in middle school. So, about 4 or 5 years ago. My parents both got promoted at their job. They were super happy about it. Because of that, they were rarely home and the only time I got to actually see them was very early in the morning. Only on the weekends, though........"

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now