Chapter 22

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Rose's POV

It's Monday morning and another school week has begun.

Why can't the weekend be 5 days too?

I rise out of bed like a zombie coming out of a grave and headed for the bathroom.

I do my normal morning routine to prepare for the day.

Brush teeth, wash face, comb hair, skincare, then do whatever makeup I'm feeling that morning.

I put on ↓

I grab a Nature Valley Bar and head out the door with my backpack and phone

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I grab a Nature Valley Bar and head out the door with my backpack and phone.

Taehyung was back at his house. He left last night after spending the entire Sunday with me and having another amazing day together.

Lilia and Jimin won't answer their phones. We tried calling them, but they both wouldn't pick up.

I wasn't worried, though. If anything does happen to Lilia, she can handle it. And if anything happened to Jimin, Lilia could save him.

I arrived at school at my usual time and went straight to my locker to unpack and grab the things I needed for the first class.

I didn't see Taehyung anywhere yet, but I didn't bother to text him. I also don't see Jin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Hoseok, or Jimin anywhere. Lilia was also no where in sight. We usually walk together to school, but I didn't have time to wait for her.

I was about to leave my locker, until a hand slams it shut. Thankfully, missing my fingers.

"Hey." A husky voice follows.

I look and see Yoongi smiling at me.

"Hi, Yoongi!" I smile back at him. "Have you seen the others?"

"Please call me Suga."

"Hmm?" I tilt my head. "Why?"

Suga smiles and leans against the lockers.

"Because I'm Suga sweet." Suga flashes his gummy smile.

I can't help but laugh.

"Cutie!" I pinch his cheeks.

He rolls his eyes. "Cutie?"


"First of all, Rose-"

The first bell rings, cutting him off.

"See you later, Sug-"

"WAHHH!" Someone jumps me from behind.

I shriek and fall forward, but I catch myself just in time with my foot.

I turn around and see Jungkook beaming. I looked back and saw that Suga has left.

Oh, well.

"What was that for?" I turned back to Jungkook and straightened my sweater. "You scared me."

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