Chapter 50

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Taehyung's POV



I quickly turn off my alarm clock with a huff. I yawn and stretch my arms towards the ceiling.

Rose wasn't cuddled up to me and I felt really empty like that....but she looked very comfortable where she was.

Her forehead was peeking from under the blankets. I could see her long eyelashes and fluffy hair and those little things make me smile so easily.  She was cuddled up in a ball all by herself. She looked so cute.

I literally stared at her for good 3 minutes. Good way to start off my morning, right?

I get up from the bed as slowly as humanly possible. I tip toe to my bathroom and called Jimin.

He picks up after 3 rings.

"He-Hello?" His voice was hoarse.

"Jimin? Are you awake?" I whisper.

"No, I'm calling you from in my slumber. Right now, I'm swimming across the Han River with Taeyang and TOP." Jimin sarcastic side makes an appearance. "Of course I am awake, you wet food on a dish."

I roll my eyes. "Well, yo-you're a- never mind...anyways, what do you think I should do with Rose today?"

"Didn't you have a plan for the whole week?"

"Yes, but I don't want to do any more things during school time. I don't want Rose to get detention because of me."

"Hm....I have an idea."

"What? What is it? Tell me, I need all the help I could get."

"Call Seokjin. I bet he knows more than I do."

"Come in, Jimin! I don't have much time."

"Seokjin will help you more than I will."

"But, the last time I called him while he was in his 'beauty sleep', I ended up eating ramen that was undercooked while the others had Jajangmyeon." I shivered from the past thought. "It was disgusting."

"Good luck, man." Jimin groans and hangs up.

I sighed and stared at my contact list.

"Namjoon isn't a bad idea...."

I press on his name.

He picks up after 4 rings.

"Namjoonie? Did I interrupt your sleep?" I ask.

"No, you didn't. I was having a quick morning jog. What's up?"

"Well, I need some advice for me and Rose."

"Are you guys breaking up?" Namjoon asks.

"What? No, of course not!"

"Still, Tae, breaking up is not a bad thing. If you break up, that's a sign that life is giving to you. It's harsh, but it's a good way of knowing you and that person don't belong together. Life gives signs and messages like that very often in a person's lifetime. Sometimes bad and sometimes easy and nice, but the important thing is how we learn from it." He rambles on, pausing for effect.

"That's cool, bro, but-"

"It's also important how we decide our-"

"Um, h-hyung? I need to go, Rose is waking up."

He gasps. "Rose and you slept together! OMG! That's another sign from life-"

"Bye, Namjoonie, see you at school." I whisper and hang up.

I decide to dial Jungkook. He was the next one on the list.

"Jungkookie? Jungkookie? Hello? Are you awake? You pressed the ANSWER button." I sing into the phone. "Helloooooo."

"Y-Yeah! I'm here, dude. What's happening? I was eating cereal while watching G-Dragon." Jungkook answers.

His voice sounding distant from the phone. I could even hear singing from his side.

"Ok, can I ask for advice?"


I laugh quietly. "Ok, so, me and Rose-"

"Oh, what?! You and Rose! What happened? Did you two kiss? Oh, what kind of kiss was it? Was it the one in dramas or the ones real life adults do?" Jungkook shouts.

"Whoa, whoa...wait, Jungkookie, I-"

"My parents always go somewhere else to do romantic stuff. They come back looking very happy and their hairs are messy. Is your hair messy? What did you do?" Jungkook asks.

I widen my eyes. "What? Dude, I just woke up, of course my hair is messy. Anyways, I need to ask you something."

"Wait! Before you do, let me ask you something. I woke up with this thing sticking up and I can't go to the bathroom. My parents aren't home and I don't know what to do!"

I choke on every liquid in my body. "Jungkook! Don't ask me! Go call Namjoon or Yoongi, they can help you, not me. I gotta go. Good luck...with that."

I quickly hang up and leaned against the wall.

Well, that didn't end up well....maybe I should call Yoongi. He's smart.

I take another chance and dial his number. Then realization hits and I quickly hang up.

Last time I called the pale man while he was sleeping, he locked me in a room with headless dolls...don't ask, it was Halloween. Long story short, I cried and Seokjin made him glue all the heads together and put makeup on them.


Rose is gonna wake up soon...

Hey, I should call Hoseok. For a crazy boy, he's actually pretty romantic.

I dial his number and he answers immediately.

"TaeTae! I heard about you and Rose! How was it? Was it fun? Did you have a great time? Are you two serious? Was she happy? Are you happy? Should I come over and make breakfast for you? Maybe some oatmeal or yogurt. Oh! Pancakes are good! I'll put little fruits on them like my mother used to do. I'll pour some milk for you guys too! Do you like orange juice or apple juice? OH FORGET THAT I'LL POUR BOTH!"

I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't speak.

"I can run over and be there in about 5 minutes. I might actually take awhile because of the rain. That's fine. My dad can drive me. Wait, no, he's asleep. Can't interrupt that, right? Ok, what if I make waffles, they are actually healthier you know. The healthier the better! A good breakfast will make your day so much better. STUDY SHOWS!"

"A-Ah, so-sorry, hyung, Rose just woke up. I gotta talk to her. See you, bro!" I cough out and ended the call before he explodes in utter happiness.

"Ok, fine, fine, I'll just call Jinnie..." I breathed out.

It's 6:45 am. I can't waste time anymore.

I could just hide in Jungkook's closet if he does hunt me down anyway.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now