Chapter 64

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Rose's POV

"I love you so much! More than humanly possible!" I yell as I hug Taehyung tighter.

He just chuckles and pulls the blanket over us. "More than humanly possible, huh?"

I nod.

"Well, that must mean you're not human..." Taehyung hums. "Does that're an animal?"

I look up at him. "What? No."

He pouts, like he wants me to play along.

I scoff. "I'm not an animal. I'm just your girlfriend."

Taehyung smiles and kisses me on the nose. "Yes, you are. And it will stay that way for quite some time."

I smile and return his kiss. "I'm sure it will. I will totally give you tons of gift to repay you for all of this."

"That's gonna be a lot. Can't wait." He whispers the last part. "You're my angel."

I giggle at his nickname. "I guess."

"HEY, I'M TRYING TO SLEEP! STOP BEING SO CUTE, SO I CAN REST WITHOUT FEELING BAD FOR MYSELF!" Seokjin complains really loudly as he just roasts himself.

"Dude, why did you hurt yourself like that?" Jimin laughs.

"Shut up, boy." He mumbles.

"Seokjin, you'll find somebody soon!" Jimin says and puts his arm around Lilia.

"Don't mock me, Jimin. I know where you live." Seokjin looks back at him and glares.

We continue to argue until Suga starts threatening us and we stop.


"Have we arrived?" Jin parks the car in a random parking building as we arrive in Busan.

Jimin sticks his head out the window. "Umm...definitely not in here. But we're near by, just get out of this place."

Everyone was asleep, except for Taehyung, me, Lilia, Jimin, and Jin. Even Hoseok was asleep.

Jin drives out of the building and is greeted by the shining sun.

"Shoot! I'm gonna go blind! Namjoon, get me my sun glasses." Seokjin pushes Namjoon over, but he doesn't wake up.

"We're almost there. Just drive by those trees." Jimin orders while pointing at a thick line of trees.

I stare outside the window, trying to process this place. It looked really familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger-

I shrieked and grabbed Lilia by her shoulders. "LILIA! THIS IS-"

"I know." She chuckles.

"You are killing me!" I scream and cling to her. "KILLING ME WOMAN!"

Taehyung hugs my waist from behind. "I'm just glad I'm here to see your reaction."

I turn around and hugged him back. "I can't believe I'm about to see this place again. It was so beautiful there."

"A-Are you sure it's here? There's no way-" Seokjin stutters as he struggles with finding a place to park.

"Don't be such a chicken, Jin!" Jimin mocks.

"It's here. I think I know where you can park." I climb over two seats, trying to not to hit anybody with my butt.

Seokjin drives around the trees and we find a clear area where we could park.

"Oh! It's just like how it was 4 years ago!" Lilia squeals and stares out the window.

"Are you sure we're allowed to park here? This doesn't look like it's an actual parking spot." Seokjin starts worrying.

I scoff. "It's fine. The most isolated, the better. This isn't a crime, stop sweating."

Seokjin sighs and parks the truck on the gravel.

"Not many people know about this park." Lilia says as she hops out the car.

Our truck was surrounded by trees and basically nature. It really didn't look like a parking space, but it definitely could be. Since it was the beginning of spring here, the flower buds haven't sprout yet. But the green is as vibrant as ever.

"What if a bear attacks our car?" Seokjin asks while looking around frantically. "This is our only way home!"

"There won't be any bears, Jin." I answer him while patting his back.

"This place looks very deserted." He says again.

"You'll feel better after we get to the best part of this secret forest." I assure.

He nods. "Hopefully."

"Ok, boys, let's get our feet moving!" I yell and pound on the windows.

Suga and Jungkook wake up with a jump.

"Hey! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Jungkook complains. "Oh! Are we here? Wow! This is cool!" He jumps out and looks around.

Suga slithers out of the car like a walking snake wanting to bury itself in the dirt.

Taehyung hops out and back hugs me. "This place is perfect for this weekend."

I blush. "What's your plan?"

"I was-"

Taehyung gets cut off by Hoseok and Namjoon screaming/yawning/stretching.

"OMG! Did you just give birth? Aish, so loud." Suga scolds while covering his ears.

Namjoon gets out and immediately stares at the sky.

Hoseok follows behind and screams at every moving thing he sees.

Jin locks the truck. "Ar-Are you sure we can leave the truck here? Our stuff could get stolen by...racoons...or-"

I grab his shirt and drag him through the trees.

Lilia gasps when we get past the trees and see the open, green field in front of us.

The oh-so famous hill rests at the far right with the really thick forest on the left. Just a perfect camping spot right in the middle.

Everyone stares in awe at the amazing work on Mother Nature.

Lilia and I giggle and run with our arms out, embracing the childhood memories.

Soon, the boys join us while yelling out their happiness and excitement all in one.

"Where should we set up everything?" Jin asks me while smiling.

"Wherever your feet decide to take you." I smile in response.


The day sped by, but none of us are complaining because the night only makes this beautiful place shine.

The fireflies are EVERYWHERE and seriously, I mean everywhere. Giants could mistake this place as glow in the dark dip n dots.

We set up camp at the bottom of the hill. Jin "followed his feet" and decided to stay here, but we all know he couldn't walk up that hill with his pink shoes on.

Everyone settled in their tents since it was almost 2am.

Jin, Namjoon, and Hoseok in one tent. Taehyung and I have our own tent. Jimin and Lilia have their own. Suga and Jungkook are together again too.

I can't believe we're actually here. I sneak away from Taehyung and make my way up the hill to see the night sky.

I stand there, looking up with my arms crossed and my eyes wide.

"It's crazy how you shine brighter than any star to me." A voice startles me from behind.

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now