Chapter 24

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Rose's POV

"Ok, mom, I'll be there in about 30 minutes. Meet me outside." I hung up and quickly threw my phone down on the empty passenger seat so no cop can pull me over.

This is, like, my fifth time driving on my own ever since I got my license. It can be scary at times, but I'm glad I started young.

I liked driving. I find it calming. I do a lot of thinking here, but of course, I focus on driving safely.

If I crash this car, no matter what, I'll be dead whether it's the crash that killed me or my own parents.


I missed Taehyung already.

I used to be so awkward around him, but now...I'm not so awkward. That's a change, that's progress.

I should tell my parents about him soon.

They are supportive, so I'm not too afraid to tell them. They are somewhat like the fun parents, but really...embarrassing sometimes. Since they're mature and old, but also try to be fun, it doesn't mix well.

It was Halloween and I was JUST 13 years old. I was going to be a giant cookie for my Halloween dance.

It was halfway through the dance and my parents crashed the party. They actually walked in with the loudest entrance ever. My mom was an Oreo and my dad was a glass of milk. They started doing weird 60s dances or something old and it totally brought me to tears....tears of  joy, they were funny, but that was when I was young. That's why I'm so awkward. My parents always put me in the weirdest situations.

So caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice my phone ringing and vibrations.

I debate on whether I should pick it up or not, but Jimin's name appeared and I was quite excited to see that.

"Hey, Jimin-"

"YOU TAKE FOREVER TO ANSWER, GEEZ, ROSE!" Jimin immediately screamed as soon as I accepted the call.

"I'M DRIVING!" I screamed back.

I earn a laugh in response.

"Aren't you suppose to be with Lilia right now?" I put my phone on speaker and set it down.

"What made you think that?"

"Well, I just thought- what happened to you and Lilia yesterday?"

There was silence. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Nothing..." His voice seems down.

"Hmph. Are you lying?"

"No, it's not what you think."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want talk about it."

Wow, he sounds sad.

I sighed with a headshake. "I guess I'll have to scare you at night if you don't tell me."

Jimin chuckles. "Ok, go right ahead. You need a key?"

"Just tell me!"

"Ok, ok, fine. Just promise you won't tell any of the guys? It's really embarrassing, even for me manliness."

"Mhm, promise."

"Ok, well, after Taehyung and I snuck in to your house in the morning, he left me to go to you. So, being the idiot I am, I went to Lilia's room."

"Mhm..." I listen.

"I went inside her room and looked around. I heard her waking up and I completely panicked. My foot got caught in some clothes and I fell into the closet."

I open my mouth to laugh, but I quickly stop myself.

"Lilia woke up and looked super confused. It was adorable. But then, she found me in the closet because I was squirming around in there and I was too chicken to reveal myself. It was so embarrassing. I had h-her b-bra covering half my face and I was sitting on her dirty clothes basket. I didn't even realize it was a bra until she yanked it off my head and scolded me."

"Oh." I really try my hardest not to laugh. "That's such an amazing th-thing..."

"After she scolded me, she helped me up, then smacked me hard on the arm for being in her room. She wasn't really didn't seem like it. Her face was soft, like she had some sympathy for me. It was different. It was kind of heart tingling."

"That's so cute!" I squealed.

"We just hung out together in the kitchen. Then we decided to go to the park. We were walking and talking and having fun. All of a sudden, because I am the smartest person in the world! I leaned in and tried to kiss her, but she rejected and I thought fast and said that I was reaching for a flower."

That's it.

I burst out into a laughing fit.

I laughed until I could barely breath and I can hear Jimin just breathing over the phone.

"Oh my goodness, Jimin! You're so smooth!" I teased.

"I am always smooth, even when girls reject me." He tried to speak with confidence, but his embarrassment was heard in his tone.

I just laughed even more. "I can't believe it. Lilia really didn't kiss you. I can't-"

"She didn't! Believe it, Rose. I don't know if anything is going to happen between us now. She didn't accept a kiss. That's an obvious sign that she's not interested in me."

"Don't say that, Jimin. Just keep trying. You're getting somewhere. Lilia isn't hurting you least."

"Ugh. Fine, but only because you're right."

"I'm always right."

"JIMIN!" A different voice shouted from Jimin's end.

"Who was-"

"That was Jungkook. I gotta go. See ya, Rose!"

"Bye, Jimin!"

I hang up.

Right then, I arrive at the airport parking lot. I park somewhere close to the front and exited the car.

"ROSE! OVER HERE!" I see my mother and father waving her arms.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed.

They both throw their arms around me as soon as I reach them.

I hug them both tightly. "Ahh, I missed you!"

"We missed you too, sweetheart." My dad chuckled and ruffled my hair.

"Is this your daughter?"

I turn my head to the unfamiliar voice.

"Oh yes, she is!" My mom answers with a giggle.

"Well, she is just adorable." The man stranger smiles at me.

I tilt my head. "M-Mom?"

"Oh, sweetie, these are the people we met at the retreat. Besties, right?" My mom side hugs the lady standing besides the man.

My cheeks reddened in secondhand embarrassment.


"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is-"

"Call her Aunt Yumi." My mom beams and hugs Aunt Yumi again.

"And him, Uncle Kim." My dad fist bumps Uncle Kim.....?

"Those names are ridiculous!" Uncle Kim and Aunt Yumi laugh.


Is what I am.


I turned around, hoping to get away from the confusion.

"Wha- Jimin?" I gap.

Jimin and Jungkook were walking towards us with their jaws opened too.

"Oh hey, Jimin and Jungkookie." Aunt Yumi waves to them.

"You know them?" My mom raises her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah...I do."

Met In Detention || KIM TAEHYUNG Where stories live. Discover now