Taehyung ~ Know I Love You

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He's been ignoring you for the past two weeks. Taehyung was giving you the silent treatment over a trivial matter. It's childish, the way he's reacting now just because he caught you hanging around and frequently having a friendly conversation with your ex boyfriend. He was being a jerk. You told him your ex was working in the same department and it couldn't be helped bumping into him.

Honestly, you're going crazy trying to think of a way to solve this problem but it wouldn't work either way if Taehyung wouldn't talk to you. You explained it to him, over and over you made him understand but he cared too much of his pride to openly admit that he over exaggerated.

Stress was building up at work and you come home to become more stressed when you saw Taehyung just sitting there, ignoring you like you don't even exist.

You dropped your bag on the kitchen counter before getting yourself a glass of water. Your eyes fixed on your boyfriend to see if he'd even glance at you. He remained occupied by his stupid game.

"Stop being immature, Taehyung. Let's talk." You confronted him, standing between him and his game.

He didn't even blink an eye. Taehyung just sat there, completely ignoring you. He threw his hands down to his lap, "Could you please move? I'm playing my game."

"I don't know what to do anymore, Tae! Why won't you help me?" You screamed at him. Your body shook uncontrollably from both the anger and stress that's been building up in you. "What do you want me to do?"

He dropped the game controller but didn't look at you. Then your tears followed, you sat on the same couch he was sitting on but a distance was kept between the two of you. Your hands went up to cover your face as your shoulders shook from crying.

"I don't even know what I did wrong for you to ignore me like this.." You sobbed really hard. Lately, you've been too emotional. You just felt so tired of everything. "I can't do this anymore. I need to leave."

Taehyung finally looked at you and saw your tears drying up on your eyes. He looked down at his hands, "If that's what you want.. I think it's for the better too." He stood up, grabbing his jacket and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Your voice quivered.

He stopped halfway but didn't look back at you, "Out for some air. It's suffocating in here."

How can he be like this?

Taehyung used to be so sweet and thoughtful. What went wrong? Was he getting tired of you? You stood up after being frozen for awhile. Heading to the bedroom, you passed by the mirror and saw you tear stricken face. You were pitiful.

You threw yourself on your bed and cried until you have poured everything hurt emotions you had in your chest. Awoken by a loud crash from the living room, you shot up from the bed and headed carefully to the living room.

"Taehyung?" You spot your boyfriend slumped on the floor beside the turned over coffee table. "What are you doing?"


"What were you thinking coming home this drunk?" You snapped at him, tired of all the shit he was giving you. "You've taken this too far."

"Y/N shut up!" He yelled at you as he struggled to get himself up on his feet. "So annoying."

"W-what did you say?" You looked at him in disbelief.

"I said you're too loud." Taehyung fell back on the sofa, covering his ears. "Please just be quiet. My head hurts so bad."

"Taehyung, do you think I'd be yelling at you right now for no reason?" You clenched your fists as you fought the urge to cry again, "You come home a mess and you raise your voice at me like that? Where have you been anyway?"

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