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"What happened?"

You sat across your newly appointed psychiatrist. She had a pleasant face and a strangely lanky appearance. She also had a notepad on her lap and beside her, sitting on top of the accentuated table, was a small pendulum. You didn't know what it was for nor did you care to ask.

"It's okay. You can tell me anything." She egged you on. "Tell me what happened yesterday."

Your eyes concentrated at the bright rays of the sun seeping through the office window then you turned back to her, pupils constantly constricting and dilating as they adjust to where you were fixing your gaze.

"I was at home. I just woke up that time and found out I was alone in the house. My parents took my brother out to watch a movie." You started nonchalantly and she hummed in response, keeping her eye contact with you, "I remember having a headache so I decided to go for a bath. That's where I got this." You held your forearm up. A cast was wrapped around it, "I didn't remember falling asleep at the tub but that was where my mom found me. My arm was bleeding from a long cut from my wrist."

"Do you remember how you got it?" She quizzed.

You squinted your eyes at your attempt to recall the prior events, " No. I can't."

"It's okay. Don't force yourself." She said in a calm manner, "Was there anything unusual that happened lately?"

"Actually, yes.. I saw someone who was not supposed to be there." You answered, your heartbeat gradually picking up pace, "My older brother."

"Did this happen more than once?"

You nodded.

"Your mother told me that you have this group of friends. Can you tell me about them?"

"My friends." You remembered their faces, each and everyone of them. They were etched in your mind. "They're...not real. All of them."

"It seems like you're extremely stressed." She told you, writing on her notepad, "Have you heard about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?"

You nodded, "Because of the trauma you experienced and the stress you're getting now, it's pushing back those memories that were suppressed by your subconscious mind, resurfacing them. You know, the mind has its own way of protecting itself from pain."

"Thank you for sharing your story with me." She gave you a warm smile, "You were very brave to tell me all of these but you have to understand that it wasn't your fault. You don't have to feel guilty for your brother's death. There was nothing you could do."

When the consultation was done, she offered you a piece of paper. You took the yellow paper and read what was written on it, "Zyprexa? I don't want to be on meds."

"Don't worry. It's only in small doses, just to help you get rid of the hallucinations. It'll keep them away." Your doctor explained, "It would be dangerous for you if they keep happening on a daily basis. You could harm yourself just like what happened yesterday."

You kept silent as your mother escorted you back to the car. She had that look on her face again. You love her but you didn't want to be with her right now. You didn't want to be anywhere near anybody at the moment. Routinely, you got in the car and propped your elbow by the window as your mother started the engine. She knew you didn't want to talk about it. You were glad she didn't speak a word.

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