Jungkook ~ Let Me Love U

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You kept your phone close to you all day as you wait for your boyfriend's reply. He hasn't sent you a single reply since this morning and you were starting to lose it. Of course, you know he's on practice and not on some date with another girl but you just can't help but get mad when he ignores you like this.

Jungkook has been your boyfriend for three years. He wasn't just a lover to you and you hope he feels the same about you. Jungkook's dream is to win the gold medal in the Olympic meet so for him, career comes first.

Before you met each other, he was already the star of the track team, the most valued member so they say. Two months after your third anniversary, Jungkook began to drift away from you. He stopped calling you, he won't even answer your messages, you have no idea where he is most of the time, what he's doing or who he is with. He's been completely off the grid for the past two weeks.

Your phone rang and you jumped right away, pressing it to your ear. "Oh, Jungkook. I'm surprised you still remember me."

"Y/n, don't be like that." He was a bit out of breath. He probably just finished running a lap when he found your missed calls and messages. "You know I'm busy with practice. The competition is just around the corner. I thought we've agreed on this matter."

"I know that.. but I need you too, Jungkook. Haven't you ever thought of that?" You said, "You always do this to me, to us. I know I should understand you better but this is just too much for me. I can't do this anymore."

"What are you trying to say?" Jungkook knew where this was going. He knows where you're getting at but he's too afraid to confirm the gut feeling he had.

"What I'm saying is, we need time away from each other." You said through the phone.

"Why? We're fine." Jungkook replied. "It's not like I completely ignore you."

"You don't but you're pushing me away every time. I feel like I'm just a presence to you. We need to think our relationship over.."

"What's there to think about? Come on y/n, don't be like this. I love you, you know that." Jungkook said, "I'm done with morning practice. I'll be there in 15 mins. Let's talk."


You hear a knock on your front door. In the back of your head, you knew it was your boyfriend so you turned off the TV and left the sofa.

You opened your door and came face to face with him. "Come in." You say but Jungkook stood frozen in your doorway, "Are you not coming in?"

Jungkook looked around your apartment. He suddenly felt like a stranger. It's been a while since he last visited. He realized that you were right. He hasn't been a good boyfriend to you. He hasn't been treating you right, depriving you of his time and taking you for granted.

"Do you want to change your clothes first?" You asked him, noticing that he was still in his practice clothes. "You'll get a cold if you stay in your wet clothes."

Jungkook followed you to your bedroom, putting his practice bag on the foot of your bed. He didn't know how to start fixing the cold atmosphere between the two of you. It wasn't like this before. Jungkook began to think when your relationship began to turn cold and dull. He felt sorry for leaving all the responsibilities of your relationship to you. He knew that you're already on the edge of breaking but still you look at him in the same loving eyes he fell in love with, "Y/n, I want to fix this.. I don't want to break up."

You walk towards him as you hand him a new towel, "You should take a shower first. We'll talk when you're done." You tried to smile at him but Jungkook can see through you, his sad eyes gazing at yours. "Don't look at me like that. I want us to be like before too.. I really want to, Jungkook, but-"

Jungkook shushed you, putting his index finger on your soft lips, he stared at you bottom lip before looking back at you, "I love you." Then he kissed your lips ever so slowly.

The both of you stood in your bathroom. He took his shirt off first before undressing you. You blushed as he start to unbutton your blouse. Seeing his naked torso rapidly raised your body temperature and your heart rate. You felt like you were developing a fever with the way he looked at you.

Jungkook held your hand as he let you settle on the bathtub, "Is the water okay?"

You nod at him and he sent you a smile before joining you in the tub. Your bathtub was the perfect size for the two of you. Jungkook pulled you closer to him, pressing his built chest against your smooth back. He brushed your hair with his fingers putting it up in a messy bun.

You smiled at his effort, "You're not very good at this but I appreciate it."

He wrapped his arms around you, "This is my way of saying I'm sorry. Will you forgive me, y/n?"

"Already forgiven." You said. Jungkook placed kisses on your shoulder, you tilted your head to give him more access to your tempting neck and he took advantage of it, moving up to nip on the skin of your neck. You sighed in his touch, almost melting in his kisses. "I missed you, Jungkook..."

Jungkook stopped leaving kisses on your neck, "I'm really sorry. I don't know how I could make it up to you."

You turned around and caressed the side of his face before pulling him in for an intimate kiss, "Make love to me."

He carried you back to the bed in his muscular arms, gently laying you down on the soft sheets, "I'll make things right again, y/n. I promise to love you the way you deserved to be loved." You reached your hand out to touch his face. Jungkook held your hand close to his cheek, "I'm never letting you go."

You pulled him to you, taking the lead but Jungkook took over control and in no time, he was dominating you. You submitted yourself to him and he gladly took all of you.

"Jungkook, wait." You broke away from his lips, which made him confused as he stared at you.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he hovered over your nakedness.

"I think your phone's ringing." You told him. He turned silent, listening to the distant ringing sound coming from his practice bag.

"I don't need to answer it." Jungkook replied, bringing his lips back on your body. You also ignored his phone and just focused on the wonderful feeling Jungkook's mouth was bringing you but after a few minutes you both couldn't ignore the distracting ringing of his phone.

Annoyed, Jungkook pushed himself off of you this time, "Who is this?"

You sat up and listened quietly to his phone conversation. You hear his coach's thundering voice from his phone. He was getting scolded for not showing up at practice because of you. Jungkook glanced at your worried face.

"I can't make it to practice right now, coach. I'm busy at the moment." Jungkook hanged up and threw his phone on top of his bag.

"You're really not going to practice?" You suddenly felt guilty for holding him back.

"Coach can curse at me all he wants tomorrow, because today, my time is only for my girlfriend." Jungkook flashed you a smile as he pulled you up to him. He looked over your bare body as he rest his hands on your waist, "Besides, who needs a gold medal when I already have my trophy right here."


Sorry the update took too long. I'm still working on a new update (VMin request).

Vote and comment your feels for this update!

Thankies~ <3

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