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I was faced in front of his presence, the King of the underworld, the one who defiled all and was thrown to the world below where he ruled over demons. He has taken over Taehyung's body. I clutched on the silver charm in my hand, hoping it could help me now as his fiery red eyes stared me down. This is worse than my nightmares because he is evil itself.

He sent me a devilish smile, his teeth were sharp and jagged, "You say you want to save this fallen angel, little girl?"

"Yes." I gulped my fear down and held my head up to where he sat in his throne of dead, rotting bodies. "I'm ready to make a bargain for Taehyung."

"A bargain?" His laughter boomed through the place, "How brave of you? But the true question is.." He stood up, disappearing in a cloud of smoke and in an instant, he was before me. He towered over me with, eyes glowing as red as blood. "Are you sure you're ready to play with the devil?"

I thought about it. What could happen to me if I failed? I might be trapped here and burn for eternity. I am so scared but I need to save Taehyung. Because if not me, who?

I nodded my head before him, "I am."

He grinned, a foul smell coming from his mouth. He was rotting. I just noticed that his skin had black spots and parts of his arms had scales covering them. He disappeared again in a cloud of black smoke, returning to his throne.

"Are you aware of the seven deadly sins?" The devil asked in a voice that seemed to be only in my mind, "Sins that are manifested in human form. I let my creations walk the earth to play with human lives." He continued and I listened patiently, fearing what he had in mind, "Human are such weak beings." He laughed, obviously amused by it, "They are so easy to lure out. They fall to temptations so easily."

"This is where we make our bargain." He sat straight and leaned over his seat. A blue fire started inches away from me and a metal box appeared when the fire slowly died down, "Take the box."

I was hesitant to touch it since there were still blue fire around it but when my fingers came into contact with it, the fire doesn't seem to burn my skin. "You will use that box to collect the seven deadly sins in this world. If you can do that, I will give this boy back to you. I give my word to you."

I looked back up at him, "How much time do I have?"

He smiled down at me and with a flick of a finger, the same blue fire carved a fully blossomed rose on my arm, "When the last petal falls off, you must return to me."


author's note;

This is another book idea but i have to put it on my pending list cause I'm just so busy right now
I honestly can't write properly with all these things in my mind
So I'm just going to make the book cover and maybe the intro
I don't know when I'll write the rest of the story so please be patient

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