Namjoon ~ Home

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My life is perfect. I have a wonderful family; a loving mom and a supportive father. I live in a house one block away from her. Every morning I would sprint from my room to the front door, my mom would shout at my carelessness and my father would always take my side, cheering me on towards her.

I meet her half way, in front of Mrs. Kang's house, the old lady next door with a bunch of pet cats. I see y/n standing there with one earphone plugged in her ear as she taps her finger to the music. She's heavenly.

"ROCK PAPER SCISSORS!" She held up rock while I had scissors. We played this game every morning. "I win! Woohoo!" She jumped up and down, smiling widely and in that moment I thought, nothing could be more beautiful.

We walked together to school. She would tell me stories and I tell her mine."Y/n, horror movies are typically like that." I gave out a sigh as we argued about cliché scenes from horror movies.

"They are. But wait, listen to this." She skipped ahead of me and jumped before stopping on her tracks, "I'm going to make the greatest horror movie of all time! No more cliché and no more idiotic victims. It'll be the blockbuster of the century and I'll be the greatest director ever!"

"You should beat me in the number one rank in the exams first." You laughed at her crazy imagination, "Study hard, kiddo."

She crossed her arms and pouted but then eventually forgot everything when she saw the hotdog stand, "You owe me a hotdog since you lost to me this morning."

I frowned, I was wishing she'd forget but whatever. If losing a bet is what it means to win her over then so be it.

"Look who's here again! My two favorite customers. A good morning to you fellas!" The mister who was selling hotdogs beamed at us, "So who lost the bet today?"

"He did!" She chimed and pointed at me.

"Oho! Three days in a row. You're a lucky girl, aren't ya?" His deep voice boomed, "And you, my friend," he curled a finger at my direction, telling me to come closer so he could whisper in my ears, "Got yourself a nice girl, eh."

A smile immediately crept up on my face. That time I was in love with her, my next door neighbor, y/n. Happily, I took out a couple of bills and paid for the hotdog. I was happy as long as she's happy.

But by the time we were on senior year, y/n got herself a boyfriend and that year I experienced my first heartbreak. First loves are always the most painful heartbreaks, my fatjer told me as he patted my back.

She began to drift away from me. I couldn't be around her anymore, couldn't talk to her like I used to because she belongs to someone else now. The worst part is that I know she felt something for me too, but I was too afraid to cross the line. And so our something became nothing at all.

They were still together after graduation. I met up with y/n in front of their house, said a few words of goodbye, probably the last words I'll ever say to her. We parted ways, when my family moved to Seoul and she went on to study at a University.

The year after graduation, I entered the field of music and was accepted as a trainee not long after. Time passed by like a whirlwind and before I even realize what was happening, we were informed that we will debut as a boyband group.

"Deul set! BANG!"


"Annyeonghaseyo, Bangtansonyeondan imnida!"

Our previous staff team was no longer together so we were put in the care of a new team. "They will take care of you from now on." Said PD-nim.

We greeted them nicely, one by one, from the stylists and make up artists to the coordinators. Among those new faces, there was one that caught my attention, that one face I could never forget because my heart still beats for her.

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