Big brother shuu x little sister reader Bullying big brother care.

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"Hey loser!" You flinch as you hear those kids calling you again. "why don't you just go and disappear?!" They shout laughing. You just try to ignore them and start walking back home. "hey we're talking to you!" They run up to you and push you on the ground. "hahaha!" They laugh as they start to kick you.

"P-please stop!" You yell crying. (oh yeah you're eight years old) when they were done hurting you they walked away laughing leaving you on the ground crying and bruised. "I-I should hurry and get back home." You said standing up and limping home.

You quietly open the door to the house and look around. "(y/n) you're late." You flinch and look up to see your brother Reiji staring down at you. "gomen onii-chan." you said looking down. "it's alright just go upstairs and get cleaned up before dinner." you nod and quickly run upstairs trying not to let him see you limp.

"Ouch." you whine as you clean up your bruises. "this hurts." you whine wrapping bandages around your legs and arms. "I hope they don't notice." you mumble exiting your room. "(y/n)-chan hello." You look and see Yui walking towards you smiling. "hello Yui-chan!" You say smiling and hugging her.

"Let's go eat ne?" She asks taking your hand. "hai!" You yell. the two of you walk downstairs and into the dinning room where all of your brothers were. "hello (y/n)!" They all say smiling at you. "hello onii-chan's!" You say smiling and taking a seat next to shuu who was listening to his music.

As your all eating Kanato secretly gives you some candy that you eat right away. "Kanato don't give (y/n) candy while she's eating dinner!" Subaru yells. "fufufu~ (y/n) you shouldn't be eating candy yet~" Laito says smirking. You blush and look down. "gomen." You apologize.

As you reach for your drink your sleeve comes up a little revealing your bandages. you quickly cover them back up but not before a certain lazy vampire saw them their eyes narrowed. "I'm going to bed now! Goodnight!" You said smiling and waving. "goodnight (y/n)." they all say.

You make your way up your room and put on your (f/c) night gown. as you get into bed you hear your door open to revel your favorite brother. "shuu?" You ask looking at him. he stays quiet as he makes his way over to your bed. "what are you-" you're cut off when shuu grabs your arm making you wince in pain.

"S-shuu t-that hurts!" You cry tears prickling the corners of your eyes. "how long has this been going on (y/n)?" He asks still holding your arm. you look down your (h/c) bangs covering your eyes. "(y/n)." He growls making you flinch. "a-a couple months." You cry tears falling down your cheeks.

Shuu looks at you sadly as he carefully pulls you into a hug making sure to be careful of your bruised body. "it's ok (y/n) you can cry." he whispers patting your head gently. you cry into his chest your tiny body shaking. "why didn't you tell any of us? We could have helped you." he says pulling away slightly to look down at you.

"I-I didn't *sob* want a-any of you *sob* to be w-worried." You sob. shuu's expression softens as he pulls you closer. "Baka...of course we'd worry. but we'd be worried even more if you didn't tell any of us." shuu whispers his voice wavering. "o-onii-chan a-are you crying?!" You ask looking up at him.

Shuu's cheeks were dripping with tears as he looked down at his tiny little sister who's cheeks were stained with tears and her usual happy filled eyes were dull and filled with fear. shuu grits his teeth as his tears fall down his face. how could his sweet little sister be treated so badly?

"Of course I'm crying! You're my little sister and I love you more than anything!" Shuu yells his grip tightening. "please...if something's bothering you...please tell me..." shuu cries into your shoulder. your big (e/c) orbs widen as they begin to fill with tears again.

"I-I'm sorry...onii-chan." You cry gripping shuu's shirt.

~time skip~

Shuu looks down at his eight year old sisters sleeping form. he strokes her (h/c) locks as he watches her snuggle up to his chest a small smile on her face. shuu chuckles as he carefully tucks her in and kisses her forehead goodnight exiting her room.

Shuu walks down stairs to see all five of his brothers sitting in the living room. "hey." shuu mumbles lazily. all his brothers look at him in question. "let's take turns taking and picking (y/n) up from school." he said making the brothers confused. "what do you mean?" Ayato asks his older brother.

"(Y/n)'s being bullied." He says making his brothers expressions turn dark. "I'll kill them." They all say.

For the next few weeks your brothers have been taking turns taking you and picking you up from school. you noticed that some of the kids that bullied you have disappeared. Today was shuu's day to come pick you up. you were waiting for shuu by the gate when an older boy came up to you and pushed you to the ground.

"Haha! Oops my bad!" The boy laughs pointing at you. you look down and feel tears form in your eyes. "Oi." you heard a dark voice say. suddenly you hear someone run away leaving you on the ground. "*sniff* *sniff*" you sniff trying to wipe away the tears in your eyes.

Suddenly someone picks you up and puts you on their shoulders. "let's go home (y/n)." You look down and see shuu. "onii-chan?" You ask. "hmm?" He hums. "thank you." you say kissing his head. shuu smiles and nods. "hey (y/n) who was that boy?" Shuu asks as you guys are almost home.

"Hmm. oh that's (b/n) he's a few years older then me." you said putting a finger on your chin eyes filled with innocence. "I see." shuu says as you reach the house. let's just say the next day (b/n) didn't show up for school.

I hope you liked it!

Next up

Laito x reader lemon

Shuu x reader x laito

Remember if you have requests let me know in the comments or message me! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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