Little brother Shu x big sister reader

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You quietly sat in the library reading to yourself. 'I'm sure mother is out with Reiji in the garden.' You thought to yourself. 'I wonder if Shu is with them.' You thought before closing your eyes. 'I doubt it though. He's always running off somewhere.' You smiled at the thought.

Just then you heard the door to the library open. "Please young master Shu your sister is very busy with her studies!" You heard one of the servants cry out. You glanced up from your book and smiled seeing your younger brother Shu running towards you.

"Big sister!" He cheered happily. You placed the book down giving him your full attention as you smiled your usual soft smile. "Shu there you are!" You cheered sweetly. He just smiled stopping in front of you. You glanced behind him seeing the servant that had been chasing after him.

"Thank you for your concern I'll take it from here." You said calmly. They nod giving you a slight bow before leaving. Once he was gone you looked back down at Shu. "Are you skipping out on your studies again Shu?" You asked softly. He just frowned looking away.

"I don't like studying...why does mother always want me to be studying?" He mumbled. Your eyes softened at this as you gently stroked his hair. "You are the eldest son which means you are to be the next heir as king of the vampires." You calmly spoke.

"I'm sure mother sees the potential in you and just wants you to grow up into a great king." You said smiling softly. Shu seemed to think about your words for a second before nodding his head. "But what about you? You're the eldest (Y/n)!" He said looking up at you with those innocent blue eyes of his.

You just smiled at him as you closed your eyes. "Me? Well...when I am of the age I will be a proper woman and father will choose the man I am to wed. After that I will serve him and do as I am told." You said slowly opening your eyes only to show that they were filled with sadness.

"But that's not fair! What about what you want?!" He cried. You just looked at him for a moment before laughing slightly as you slowly stood up. You looked down at him holding out a hand. "Come I want to see if your violin lessons have helped you improve." You said.

He just looked at you for a moment before taking your hand. You both made your way out of the library towards the music room. Once there you went and took a seat giving your little brother your sweetest smile. "Let me hear you play Shu." You said softly.

Shu looked at you for a moment before smiling a bright smile. "Ok!" He cheered going and picking up the violin. You silently watched as he went and started to play it.

~play video~

He took in a deep breath closing his eyes as he went and carefully played you a song. You watched him your features soft and relaxed. 'He's always had a passion for music.' You thought to yourself. 'Mother and father want him to become the next vampire king... I do as well.' You thought.

You leaned forward as he continued to play a smile permanently on his face. ''re such a sweet boy I am so glad to be called your sister.' You thought remembering all the times the two of you had shared together from the day he was born up until now.

You remembered hearing from your mother what your future will be like and how you and Shu will grow up with completely different lives. You felt tears form in your eyes as he started to finish playing the violin. ' sweet little brother...' You thought taking in his smile.

'If only...I could be by your side when you become king.' A tear fell from your face as the song ended. Shu slowly opened his eyes still smiling before looking up at you. He looked at you surprised quickly putting the violin down before running over to you.

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