Ayato x reader lemon

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"Oi." You heard someone whisper into your ear. "Mmh." You whined as you furrowed your brows and turn to your side. "Tch." Suddenly you felt someone pin your wrists above your head making your eyes shoot open.

"A-Ayato-kun?!" You asked shocked. Ayato was staring down at you expressionless as he hovered above you. "Finally. It's about time." He mumbled. You were confused as to what was going on at the moment.

"A-ano...what are you doing?" You asked trying to free yourself. Ayato looked down at you and smirked a mischievous smirk. "I want your blood. I'm thirsty." He whispered. Your eyes widen and you tried to get away.

"No! Why don't you go drink Yui's blood?!" You cried. Ayato growled in annoyance. "Cause she's busy with that damn reiji." He said. Soon you gave up and were exhausted from all the effort you did. Ayato smirked in victory as he leaned down close to your neck.

Just as he was about to bite you he stopped his eyes narrowing. "Who did this?" He asked as he glared at the two fang marks in your neck. You stayed quiet scared to tell him what happened. "Answer me! Who bite you?!" He yelled angry.

You squeezed your eyes shut as you whimpered out an answer. "L-laito-kun." You squeaked. Ayato didn't say anything making you slowly open your eyes only to see a pissed off Ayato. "That damn hentai." He growled. Suddenly Ayato reached a hand up to your shirt and ripped it off along with your bra.

Your eyes widen in shock and horror. Ayato smirks and groped your breasts as he started messing with them. "Heh. They really are something." He chuckled. He started to lick and pinch your chest causing small moans to escape your lips.

Ayato smirked and and licked the space between your breasts as he slowly sank his fangs into your skin causing you to flinch a little in pain. "Mmh." Ayato moaned as he drank your blood. He pulled away blood dripping down his chin but he ignored it and removed your pants and panties.

He smirked when he saw how wet you were and chuckled. "Haha! Are you that excited? Your such a dirty girl..." Ayato leaned close to your face his lips inches from yours. "...(Y/N)." Ayato whispered and pressed his lips onto yours.

Your eyes widen in shock. You thought Ayato had loved Yui...and not you. When Ayato pulled away from the kiss and slowly made his way down to your lower area. He spread your leg and kissed your thighs. "Heh. Your skin is so soft." He chuckles as he licks and sucks on your thigh causing you to moan.

"I love this." He whispers before singing his fangs into your thigh. "A-ah!" You yell in pain and pleasure. Ayato moans as he spreads your legs even more. "Tch." Ayato pulls away and moves up to your lower region.

"Moan for me more." He said. Soon your body shuddered in pleasure when Ayato started to lick you down there. As he kept doing that you felt a knot form in your stomach. "A-Ayato s-stop! I-I'm gonna-" before you could finish you came all over Ayato's face.

He pulled away and licked up the juices that were left on his face and smirked. "You taste better then anything I've ever had." He said as he licked his thumb. You were panting like crazy as you stared up at him. He smirked and leaned close to your ear.

"I can't wait. I'm gonna put it in." He whispered huskily. Your eyes widen and before you could even say anything Ayato had already taken off his clothes and had slammed into you making you scream in pain. Ayato looked at you curiously.

"Oi. Are you a Virgin?" He asked. Your eyes widen and you blush furiously. Ayato chuckles before leaning down and kissing you. "Heh. It's alright." He said. After a while he started to thrust into you slowly. Your pain was soon replaced by pleasure and you started to moan.

Ayato saw this and started going faster. The room was filled with moans. "Ha...ha...damn I never...w-would have thought you'd b-be so...tight." Ayato said panting. You couldn't react or even think straight. This is the first time you've ever felt this much pleasure.

Soon you came again and your juices covered Ayato's member. Ayato smirked as a light blush made it's way onto his cheeks. "Heh. I'm gonna cum inside you...(Y/N)." He said. Your eyes widen and you shake your head rapidly.

"Tch. Why not?" He asked annoyed. "B-because t-then I'll probably get pregnant." You said. He smirked and slammed into you even harder and deeper as he felt himself about to cum.

"Good. Have ore-sama's baby."

Before you could say anything else Ayato cam inside you with a low growl. When he was done he pulled out and landed next to you as he pulled you close and smirked. "Your all mine. Now no one can take you away from me." He said as he kissed you.

The kiss was filled with passion and love. When he pulled away he looked down at you with soft caring eyes.

"I love you...my (Y/N)."


Next up!

Ayato x reader

Reiji x reader lemon

Big sister reader x little brother Ayato

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Ruki x reader lemon

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Shuu x reader lemon

Ruki x reader lemon

Ruki x reader

Big brother Ayato x little sister reader

Shu x reader x Yuma lemon

Shu x reader x ruki lemon 

Shu x reader

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