Kou x neko reader

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"Will you stop it already?" You asked annoyed as you read one of your books

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"Will you stop it already?" You asked annoyed as you read one of your books. Your boyfriend Kou sat next to you happily playing with your ears as he hummed to himself. "Awe but you know I love to play with them!" He laughed as he continued to mess with your ears. You just growled as you shut your book.

"Why don't you go play with Yui or one of your fans?" You hissed glaring back at him. He looked at you confused for a moment before smiling as he started to laugh. "Hahaha! You sound like you're jealous!" He laughed happily. You just sighed hitting your face into the bed.

You wouldn't say you were jealous. You were just....annoyed and confused. You knew he loved cats more than anything but you also knew how much he liked Yui's blood and being surrounded by fangirls. 'Is he really with me for me... or is he with me for being a Neko?' You thought sadly.

Just then you felt him hug you from behind as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. "I'd rather be here with you my little Neko-chan~" He sang. You blushed at this as you glanced to the left. "Honestly you don't know what personal space is do you?" You muttered.

He just laughed as he went and kissed your neck causing you to smile. "Not when it comes to you. After all someone would try to steal you from me." He mumbled pouting. You just smiled even more as you went and turned around from under him.

The two of you stared at each other as you went and wrapped your arms around his neck your tail swishing back and forth. "You're so silly Kou. Who could possibly want to steal me?" You asked softly. His eyes narrowed slightly as he examined you beneath him.

"Who wouldn't want to? You're so cute." He whispered leaning slightly closer to your face. "After all I'd steal you from someone in a heartbeat." He said causing you to blush once more as your heart skipped a beat. He smiled at this as he went and gently kissed your forehead.

"(Y/n)..." He whispered looking down at you with loving eyes. Just as he was about to kiss you his phone went off causing him to growl in annoyance. "Who the hell?" He hissed before getting up and grabbing his phone. You sat on the bed your ears pulled back.

You watched as he talked to what you assumed was his manager. He let out an annoyed sigh as he hung up the phone before looking over at you with an apologetic smile. "Work?" You asked. He just nods as he scratches the back of his head.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that. I'll be back later ok?" He asked smiling at you. You didn't really say anything as you looked away from him nodding your head. He noticed this and frowned slightly before going over to you and kissing your head. "I love you Neko-chan." He said smiling.

"...Yeah...." Was all you said before going and picking up your book to read it again. Kou watched you upset before slowly going and leaving the room. Once he was gone you sighed closing your eyes. "You're always gone..." You mumbled sadly.

~Meanwhile Kou's POV~

I stormed down the halls of the company an annoyed look on my face. "Ah Kou there you are!" I heard my manager call as he stood next to a photographer and a girl. "This better be good. I'm in a bad mood." I spoke boldly. He flinched slightly already knowing why.

"D-did I interrupt something with your girlfriend?" He stuttered. I just shot him a glare causing him to stiffen before quickly introducing me to the photographer and girl. "T-this lovely lady is the model you'll be working with today!" He said as the girl smiled. "H-her name is Lolly!"

I looked at the girl and sighed before smiling. "Nice to meet you I'm Kou Mukami!" I said holding a hand out for her. She took it gently shaking hands. "It's a pleasure." She said. After that we began the photoshoot.

~time skip~

"Good work everyone!" The photographer cheered. Everyone went and sighed as we all started to pack up. I quickly went and pulled out my phone calling (Y/n). "Mm...Hello?" I heard her sleepy voice answer causing me to smile. "Neko-chan! The photoshoot is done so I'll be right there ok?! I miss you!" I cheered happily.

"It's one in the morning Kou. I'm sleepy." She responded letting out a yawn. "Haha! I know I'm sorry! See you when I get home!" I called. After that I hung up and made my way out of the building. "Ah! Wait for me Kou!" I heard a voice call causing me to get irritated.

I stopped looking back only to see the girl I had been modeling with. She reached me and smiled latching herself onto my arm. "Lets go eat together!" She cheered happily. "Sorry but I'm actually heading home to see my girlfriend." I said giving a fake smile.

"Girlfriend?" She asked frowning slightly. "What's so special about her?" She asked leaning closer to me. "Is she a model? An actress? Singer? Dancer?" She started to ask me all these questions causing me to get even more annoyed.

"What's your type? Could I be your new girlfriend?" She asked. This caused me to sigh as I went and removed my arm from her grasp. "She's just an average girl who goes to my school. She's cute and cuddly. No one can take her place no matter what." I said seriously before turning to leave.

"Oh. And as for my type." I said glancing back at her with a smirk. "A girl who's like a cat."

~Your POV~

You laid in bed happily snuggled up in the sheets. You soon felt a gentle hand move a strand of hair from your face as they whispered into your ear. "I'm back Neko-chan~" You slowly opened your eyes and looked back at him. "Welcome back Kou." You whispered tired.

He just smiled at you as he went and gently kissed your lips. "Ah~ I've been waiting to kiss you all day!" He said with a sigh of relief. You just smiled at him as he went and carefully scratched your ears causing you to purr. He hummed a small tune as he watched you with soft eyes.

"Neko-chan I love you." He whispered softly. You looked at him a small frown on your face as you spoke the thoughts that have been clouding your mind all day. "Is it because...I'm just a neko?" You asked softly. He looked down at you surprised before smiling.

"No. That's just a lucky bonus!" He said before quickly going and hugging you close as he laughed. "I love you for who you are (Y/n)!" He cheered cuddling close to you. You just laid there a small blush on your cheeks before smiling happily as you cuddled him back.

"Hehe...you're such a child Kou."

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