Subaru x reader lemon

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You and laito were in the kitchen. Laito said that he wanted you to make him something to eat so you said you would. "Fufufu! So~ have you and Subaru done it yet (Y/N)-chan~?" Laito laughed. You blushed and cut your finger with the kitchen knife you were using.

"Ouch!" You cried and looked at your finger. "Hmm~ is (Y/N)-chan bleeding~?" Laito teased that perverted smirk on his face. You glared at him and were about to say something but he had grabbed your hand and brought your finger up to his lips.

"I'll take care of it~" he said and licked your finger causing you to blush. He smirked and started to suck on your finger. "L-laito! S-stop it!" You yelled. He only chuckled as he kept doing it. Suddenly you heard a loud BAM! And looked only to see your pissed off boyfriend Subaru.

"S-Subaru.." You whispered scared. Subaru glared at laito and quickly pushed him away punching him in the face in the process. Subaru growled as he turned to you making you flinch. "The hell was that?!" He yelled at you.

You were to scared to say anything as you just stared at him. He growled and picked you up over his shoulder and teleported away. Subaru had teleported into your room and had thrown you on your bed. He gave you no time to react as he hovered over you and started to leave kisses up and down your neck.

You blushed and moaned a little as he found your sweet spot and started sucking on it. "Tch! You smell like that damn hentai!" He yelled and pulled away. He grabbed your shirt and ripped it off along with your bra making your eyes widen.

"I'll show him who you belong to." Subaru growled as he started attacking your chest with love bites, licks, sucking, and pinching. You moaned and brought your hand up to your mouth to try and conceal them.

Subaru growled at this and pulled your hand away as he took off his belt and tied your hands together with it. "Tch." Was all he said before he pulled back and started taking off his clothes. You just watched as your eyes soon became clouded over with lust.

Subaru saw this and smirked as he threw his shirt and other useless clothing away somewhere he didn't care. "(Y/N). Tell me. Who's my little bad girl?" Subaru asked as he hovered above you his eyes also filled with lust.

You looked up at him and felt yourself getting wet down there. You rubbed your knees together and tried to keep it from showing but Subaru saw this and smirked as he slid his knee in between your legs and started rubbing it against your lower region.

You moaned and started panting. "Well? Who is she?" He asked as he leaned in closer your faces inches apart. You blushed heavily. "I-I am." You managed to get out. Subaru smirked as he leaned down and smashed his lips with yours.

During your heated make out Subaru managed to slip two of his fingers into you causing you to gasp and letting Subaru slip his tongue inside. You weren't able to keep up with all the pleasure you were feeling as Subaru's fingers kept pumping in and out of you and his tongue was exploring your cavern.

Soon Subaru pulled away from the kiss as he looked down at you. "Heh." He chuckled and took his fingers out. "(Y/N)." He whispered huskily as he looked into you (E/C) orbs. "I can't take this." He grit his teeth as he slammed into you causing you to gasp in both pain and pleasure as you moaned and screamed.

Those noises made Subaru crazy as he went faster and faster. "S-Subaru!" You moaned. He was panting and moaning. "D-damn...y-your really tight (Y/N)." He groaned. As he kept thrusting into you you felt an weird sensation in your stomach.

"S-Subaru! I-I think I'm!" He didn't let you finish as he bite into your neck drinking your blood. Soon you reached your climax and came all around his member. Subaru's thrusts started to become sloppy and faster as he pulled away.

"D-damn. I-I'm gonna cum." He said. After a few more thrusts Subaru came deep inside you. He grunted and pulled out falling down next to you. Your were panting like crazy as he did the same. Subaru sighed and pulled you in close to his chest.

"S-sorry." He stuttered. You giggled as his tsundere (I don't know if I spelled that right.) side came back. "Y-you know...that f-first time." You said blushing. Subaru stiffened and then groaned as he hid his face in the crook of your neck.

"I'm really sorry!" He cried. You only giggled and hugged him closer. He hugged you back and it became a peaceful silence that is until you had to go and say something.

"You didn't use a condom so if I get pregnant it's your fault."









Next up!

Subaru x reader x kou lemon

Ayato x reader lemon

Ayato x reader

Reiji x reader lemon

Big sister reader x little brother Ayato

Kou x reader lemon

Ruki x reader lemon

Little brother laito x big sister reader

Older brother Subaru x little sister reader

Shuu x reader lemon

Ruki x reader lemon

Ruki x reader

Big brother Ayato x little sister reader

Shu x reader x Yuma lemon

Shu x reader x ruki lemon 

Shu x reader

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