Ruki x shy reader

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"Mouse-chan~!!" You turn around only to be glomped in a tight hug. "K-kou-kun!" You stutter. You were a shy and timid girl always stuttering and blushing. Kou was your best friend well your only friend really. Kou smiled as he pulled away slightly.

"Aw~ what's wrong mouse-chan?! Don't he shy!" He teased laughing. You pouted up at him. "K-kou-kun! D-don't be m-mean!" You yell. He just smiles and laughs as he let's you go. You sigh lightly and smile a small smile at him.

"D-did you n-need s-something?" You ask. Kou pouts at that. "Why do you always ask that?!" He whines. You smile sheepishly. "T-that's u-usually why p-people t-talk to me." You said quietly. Kou pouted at that his eyes narrowing.

"Not everyone is like that mouse-chan." He said. You looked down. "I-if y-you say s-so." You said. Kou didn't say anything as he just stared at you. Soon an idea came to him as he smiled brightly. "Come on!" He cheered grabbing your hand in his and running off somewhere.

"W-where are w-we g-going?!" You squeak. Kou smiles at you. "I'm going to introduce you to my brothers!" He cheered. You paled a little. "N-no!" You yelled. Kou ignored you as he brought you outside the school and towards a limo where three others stood.

You were trying to pull away from kou's grip but failing miserably. "Kou what took you so long?" A stern voice said. 'Please don't be Reiji. Please don't be Reiji.' You kept repeating in your head. "Sorry~ but I wanted you all to meet someone!" Kou cheered happily.

Suddenly your pushed out in front of kou. You stumble a little but are able to get your balance back. "Huh? Who's this?" You look up slightly only to freeze at who you saw. 'I WISH IT WAS REIJI! I WISH IT WAS REIJI!' You mentally screamed.

There standing in front of you was your longtime crush Ruki. You started to get nervous and fidgety. 'Why would kou do this?! He knows I that I-!' Coming to the realization on what was happening you slowly turn your head back only to see kou with an evil smirk followed by horns and a tail.

'You really are a sneaky devil.' You thought. "Did you hear me?" Your snapped out of your thoughts when you hear Ruki speak. "H-huh?!" You ask. He sighs as he closes his eyes. "I asked who you were. Or did you not hear me because your dumb?" He asked rudely.

Your heart clenched. "I-I'm sorry. M-my n-name is (Y/N)!" You stuttered out. Ruki glared at you slightly. "Will you stop stuttering? It's annoying." He said annoyed. You felt tears fill your eyes. "Hey! Hey! Let's not be mean here Ruki!" Kou chimed smiling.

"Mouse-chan always stutters! She can't help it!" He said laughing as he stood between you two. "Right mouse-chan?!" Kou asked turning back to face you. Kou's eyes widen at what he saw. "H-hey! Mouse-chan! W-why are you crying?!" He panicked.

"Huh?" You asked looking at him. You slowly lifted your hand up to touch your cheek and felt that it was wet with tears. "O-oh!" You said shocked. "I-I'm sorry!" You apologized as you quickly took off running. "W-wait!" Kou cried.

You ignored him and kept running. "B-Baka." You whispered to yourself as you tried to wipe away the rest of your tears. Suddenly you bumped into someone causing you to fall onto the ground. "What do you think your doing (Y/N)?" You froze at the familiar voice.

"R-reiji." You whispered. Reiji looked down at you and glared. "Where have you been? Don't you know it's rude to abandon your lover?" He asks coldly taking a step towards you. You backed away slightly. "W-we're not." You whispered looking down.

You heard reiji's footsteps stop. "What did you just say? It's rude to mumble." He said sternly. You started shaking in fear. "I-I said we're not d-dating a-anymore!" You squeaked out. It was silent for a moment.

"(Y/N)." Reiji growled as he stood in front of you. You nervously looked up only to pale. Reiji was glaring down at you. "I don't recall excepting your break up." He said voice laced with venom. You were scared. "Now your coming with me." He growled.

He roughly grabbed you by the arm causing you to wince in pain. "S-stop!" You yelled. He ignored you and continued to pull you away. "L-let me go!" You cried scared. Suddenly you were forcefully pulled away from Reiji and into a strong chest.

"Where do you think your taking my girlfriend." Another stern voice demanded. You blushed at the familiar voice. "R-Ruki!" You stutter surprised. Ruki looks down at you softly as he holds you close. "You mean my girlfriend." Reiji growled.

Ruki looked up at Reiji and glared at him. "She's my girlfriend last I recalled and I won't let you try and take her away from me. She deserves someone who's not....a bore." Ruki said smirking at the end. Reiji glared at him. "(y/N). Come here." Reiji growled holding his hand out for you.

You shook your head and hid behind Ruki. Ruki glanced back at you and narrowed his eyes turning his head back to Reiji. "There's your answer." He growled. Reiji scowled as he teleported away. You just stood there behind Ruki.

"Hey." He said looking back at you. You jumped a blush on your cheeks. "H-hai?!" You squeak. He stares at you blankly for a moment before smiling lightly. "I'm glad your ok." He whispered softly. You blushed as you looked down.

Ruki gently pulled you closer to him as he nuzzled his face into your neck. "Your's driving me crazy..." Ruki whispered panting slightly. "Let me drink your blood." He whispered. You were hesitant at first but your eyes softened. "I-if it's R-Ruki....t-then it's ok." You whispered.

Ruki smiled as he gently sunk his fangs into your neck being carful not to harm you. You flinched a tiny bit but soon smiled as you hugged him. Ruki gulped down your blood. "Mhm~" he moaned lightly enjoying your taste.

He pulled away and kissed where he had bitten you. "Your mine now..." He whispered leaving light kisses along your neck. Your were blushing heavily in embarrassment. "O-ok." You stuttered quietly. Ruki smiled as he pulled away slightly and looked deep into your eyes.

"I love how you stutter. I'm sorry for hurting you earlier. I'll never do it again I promise. I love you." He whispered honestly. You looked up at him eyes filling with tears as you smiled a small smile.

"I love you too Ruki."

And with that he kissed you lovingly as he held you close scared he would loose his dear human.


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