Subaru x suicidal reader

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It's kinda short and quick but hey it's past midnight here and I've been sleep deprived! So I'm giving ya something at least!

You watched as they walked past you. All those happy people without a care in the world. Laughing with giant smiles on their made you jealous. You silently walked down the hall face expressionless. You hated them. You hated all of them.

'How can they be so happy? Why can't I have that happiness?' You thought making your way into class and taking a seat at your desk way in the back by the window. "..." you glanced down at your wrist seeing the old and new scars. Your eyes narrowed as you quietly pulled down the sleeve.

You sighed watching as the other students entered the class taking their seats. 'It's all pointless.' You thought closing your eyes. 'What's the point in living...if happiness doesn't even exist in your world?'

~time skip~

You sat in the corner as everyone sat with their friends happily eating lunch. You placed your head on the table closing your eyes to drown out all the noise. As you did this you could feel a pair of eyes on you. You sighed as you looked around trying to find where the stare was coming from.

Soon your (e/c) eyes met with red ones. You stared at the albino student who sat with his brothers and that girl. ''s him...Subaru Sakamaki.' You thought tilting your head slightly. 'I've heard that he's got a short temper.' Just then he stood up making his way towards you.

You didn't bother to move you just sat there waiting for him to approach. Once he did his eyes narrowed. "You smell." He commented. "Well that's fucking rude." You sighed leaning back. "You smell like iron." He grumbled eyes narrowing. "Let me finish dammit." He added.

You looked at him with narrowed eyes. "What's it to you?" You asked. "I hate that smell." He said. You laughed. "Too bad buddy." You sneered. "If you don't like it you can leave." You said. He glared at you clenching his fists. "What?" He asked his red eyes piercing into your own.

You slowly stood up facing him. "You heard me." You growled. Just as the two of you were about to have a fight someone placed their hand on his shoulder. "Subaru. That's enough." You looked seeing his older brother Reiji. He glanced over at you with little interest.

"A girl like this isn't worth the strength." He sighed pushing up his glasses. You clicked your tongue as you shoved your hands in your pockets. "Whatever." You grumbled walking away. 'Tch. People like him...are the worst.' You thought walking out of the lunch room.

You slowly made your way down the quiet halls the only sound that reached your ears was the sound of your own footsteps.

A girl like this isn't worth the strength

Your eyes narrowed as you stopped staring at the floor. "..." you grit your teeth as you punched the wall. You felt the skin get torn as blood started to flow. "Dammit." You cured as you made your way to the roof.

~time skip~

You laid on the roof staring up into the night sky. Your eyes shone thanks to the moonlight but other then that they were dull. You stared at the moon silently before slowly sitting up. You reached into your pocket pulling out the small pocket knife.

You examined it closely before flipping it open. You watched as the moonlight reflected off from it. You gently hummed as you placed the cold metal to your skin piercing it to the point blood spilled.

You continued your actions a couple more times used to the pain. Once you finished you cleaned off the knife placing it back into your pocket. You sat there staring as the blood dropped down from your wrist. "...death at school huh?" You mumbled.

"That's a new one." You chuckled as you laid back staring up at the sky. "The sky is so pretty." You whispered. "It's the only thing I have left to admire in this sickening world." You added. Suddenly you remember what Subaru had said.

You smell like iron

'That guy...just who the hell does he think he is?' You thought eyes narrowing. 'We've never even talked could he just come up to me and say that? He doesn't know me... he should just mind his own business.' You thought.

You slowly began to feel yourself slipping away as your eyes became heavy. You sighed closing your eyes. "This is where it ends..." you whispered tired of living. Just as you gave up you felt a cold hand grip your cuts. Your eyes shot open as you looked over only to see Subaru standing there glaring at you.

"What the...let go of me." You whispered too tired to yell. He only glared at you as he held your wrist in his hand. You watched as the blood dripped down his arm. "I knew it." He mumbled. "Just get lost! You don't even know me!" You yelled although it was weak.

"What gives you the right to stop me?!" You yelled angrily. He only glared at you his white hair flowing with the night breeze as his red eyes seemed to glow. "We have something in common." He whispered. You watched as he held your arm brining his lips closer to your cuts.

"We both want to end our miserable lives." He whispered before licking the blood away. Your eyes went wide as a small blush appeared on your cheeks. "W-what the hell are you?!" You yelled embarrassed. He said nothing as he continued to lick your wrist until the wound had stopped bleeding.

You just laid there embarrassed unable to say anything. He slowly opened his eyes to look at you. "It's not your time... you still have to stay alive." He said a small blush on his cheeks. "W-why.." you asked a strange feeling forming in your chest. He looked at you silently.

"Because." He said leaning closer to your face. "What's the point in ending it...if you can't have the person you love doing it with you?" He asked. It was then that you noticed his fangs. Your eyes went wide slightly. "Vampire..." you whispered. He moved away a frown on his face.

"So. Until then. We'll both be staying alive." He said as he gave your wrist a squeeze. You flinched slightly closing your eye. "W-what do you want from me?" You asked just wanting your suffering to end. He looked at you your eyes started to shut due to the loss of blood.

"What do I want? Tch." He scowled clicking his tongue a deep blush on his cheeks.

"I want us to fall in then we can both have our wish."


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