Kino x reader lemon

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At this time no more requests will be taken. I have reached the 100 chapter limit. I apologize to those who's requests will not be taken. Thank you all for requesting!

You sighed as you sat there bored watching as your boyfriend spied on his brothers and the human girl known as Eve. "Honestly don't you have anything better to ya" You asked glancing over at him. "Why do you care (y/n)?" Kino asked glancing back at you.

"Oh...I don't know...maybe it's because...I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND MORON!" You yelled sitting up and tossing the book you were reading at him. You watched as it hit him in the face causing ticked marks to appear on his face. "How dare you..." he growled glaring at you.

You glared right back not at all intimidated by him. Yes you were a vampire but of the weaker class. You still found it amusing how a vampire from such a high class took interest in you. "(Y/n)." You looked up seeing Kino right in front of you.

"Hmm?" You asked tilting your head a smug smirk on your face. "You've got some guts." He said roughly yanking you up so your faces were just inches apart. You watched as he smirked down at you his eyes filling with lust. "To think such a weak class vampire would stand up to me a higher up." He said.

"Do you have to bring class into this? You make it's just a huge turn off." You whispered into his ear. Kino smirked at this going and kissing down your neck causing you to smile letting out a few giggles. "Someone's excited~" you teased. He only hummed as he sunk his fangs into your neck.

This caused you to let out a small moan of delight. You went and pulled at his hair causing him to growl as he roughly squeezed your sides causing you to press yourself closer to him. Kino pulled away from your neck blood dripping from his chin.

You looked at him and smirked kissing him roughly. The two of you continued your actions until you were both stripped clean. Kino pushed you to the ground hovering over you with lustful eyes and a cocky smirk. "I'll make sure you stay my queen." He whispered close to your ear.

You hummed wrapping your arms around his neck. "Your queen?" You asked tilting your head. "You're not even king yet. Calling me your queen doesn't mean anything at all yet." You laughed. He frowned slightly before smirking a giant smirk.

"You're pushing it (y/n)." He sang. Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your lower region causing you to arch your back squeezing your eyes shut while Kino's eyes glowed. "Yeah...I like that pained expression of yours." He said as he went down to your chest and squeezed it.

You moaned as he started to thrust in and out at a fast pace not caring how rough he was. You loved it the pain you were feeling was amazing. "More...more. I want more." You begged clawing at his back. Kino hissed slightly groaning. "You're such a greedy girl." He laughed.

You couldn't respond as your body erupted with pure pleasure. Drool streamed down from your mouth. Your moans were all Kino could hear causing him to get more and more excited. "Such a dirty queen I have...heh...that just makes it even better." He whispered.

You felt a knot form in your stomach. "K-Kino...stop it...I...I'm at my limit." You panted. Kino ignored you as he continued to do as he pleased. With a loud moan you came Kino following soon after. You laid there panting heavily exhausted and body extremely sensitive.

Kino hummed sitting there smirking up at the sky. "Hey...(y/n)?" You hummed opening your eyes and looking over at him. "When I do become king of the vampires and take over the human world you will be my queen right?" He asked looking down at you.

You smiled at him slowly sitting up. "Of course Kino." You whispered softly. Kino smiled leaning over and kissing you gently. When the two of you pulled away Kino spoke again. "And if something were to happen to me... promise me you'll make sure our child will become the next ruler...and that you'll get my revenge." He said sternly.

You looked at him and smirked. "Of course..." you whispered wrapping your arms around his neck.

"My king."


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