Carla x reader lemon

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You all remember how I posted about only doing a 100 chapters and won't take anymore requests once I reached what I hate and get mad about is when someone requests something and I politely tell them that I'm no longer taking requests.

Then they get all mad and tell me to do it because they've been wanting it. I'm sorry? I have a life? It's my book? I can do what I want? I have 50 other stories to finish? And so when I tell them not to be rude and stuff they say they aren't being rude....I think you are!

It may be just me but still if I say no then that means no. I'll be nice about it but once you start being rude then you can forget that! *sigh* anyways I hope you enjoy this!

You sat there staring blankly at the sky. "..." your (e/c) eyes shone bright. "Lady (y/n)'s getting late maybe you should come inside now." You heard a maid whisper. "I'll be fine. Just go on and get some sleep." You said softly. The maid looked at you with a small smile. "Shall I lock your door?" She asked.

You looked at her and smiled. "No." You whispered. She smiled even more nodding her head before leaving you be. You sighed softly looking back up at the sky. 'He'll be here soon...I just know it.' You thought closing your eyes as the night breeze blew by.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" You smiled as you felt his arms wrap around you. "What took you so long?" You asked looking up at your lover. His golden eyes shone bright in the night as he smiled down at you. "You're not covering your mouth." You said gently lifting your hand up and touching his lips.

He closed his eyes loving your warm touch. "Of course not...if I was I wouldn't be able to do this." He whispered gently pressing his lips to yours. You smiled closing your eyes and kissing him back. After a moment he pulled away from the kiss his eyes narrowing slightly.

"I saw Shin was with you again today." He spoke. You hummed nodding your head. "Yes. He was being very persistent again." You said casually. "I don't like it..." He whispered his grip on you tightening as he brought his lips to your ear. "He shouldn't keep trying to steal what's mine."

This caused you to shiver slightly at how deep and stern his voice was. "Carla..." You whispered glancing back at him. This caused his eyes to shine. "I told you what happens when you say my name." He said his hand trailing down to your neck as he tilted your head up.

Your eyes locked with his causing you to see the lust and possession held in them. You felt your body weaken. "Carla...take me." You whispered softly. Carla looked at you for a moment before smiling a small smile caressing your cheek. "Of love." He whispered.

You smiled as he lead you into your room placing you down on the bed. You smiled as he slowly kissed down your neck his hands trailing down your sides before squeezing them causing you to gasp slightly. Carla didn't say anything as he removed your nightgown leaving you in nothing but your underwear.

You looked at him with a small blush your eyes filled with love and passion. "Carla..." you whispered. Carla looked at you his expression blank but eyes filled with emotion. "It's not fair...leaving me like this while you're still's embarrassing you know." You spoke with a soft smile.

Carla hummed as he slowly removed his shirt. "Since when do you ever get embarrassed?" He asked a small smirk tugging at his lips. You hummed as you traced your fingers against his chest your eyes taking in every single detail. Carla stared at you silently before taking your hand in his.

You watched as he brought it up to his cheek closing his eyes and leaning into your touch. "To think...I found a woman who completes me...and that my brother seeks to take from me...just the thought...gets me even more excited." He whispered eyes narrowing.

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