Triplets x mom reader

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You silently sat by the window staring down at your husband Karlheinz children as they happily ran around. It brought a smile to your face. "Hehe. They're all so cute." You laughed quietly. Just then you heard a voice calling for you. "Lady (y/n)! Lady (y/n)!"

You turn your head only to see your maid quickly running towards you. You slowly stand up as you look at her. "What is it?" You asked softly. She quickly tries to catch her breath. "It's lady Cordelia! She's at it again!" She cried. Your eyes narrowed slightly.


~time skip~

You quickly ran down to the pond trying not to trip over your dress. Once you reached the pond you watched as Cordelia tossed her son Ayato in. Your eyes went wide. You knew the poor boy couldn't swim. "CORDELIA!" You screamed. Cordelia quickly looked back at you her expression angry.

You ran to the pond and pushed her aside. You quickly looked into the pond watching Ayato slowly sink to the bottom. You grit your teeth together as you went and ripped your dress off leaving you in your corset and undergarments. You quickly jumped into the pond swimming towards the sinking boy.

Once you grabbed hold of him you quickly swam to the surface gasping for air along with Ayato. You swam over to the edge and got out from the pond. "Ayato are you ok sweetheart?" You asked softly as you gently held his face. Ayato nods quietly. You smile a small smile. "Thank god." You whispered.

"(Y/N)!" You heard Cordelia yell. You look over at her as she storms over to you. "What do you think you're doing?! Mind your own business when it comes to my sons!" She yelled. "They may be your sons Cordelia but I will not ignore all the pain and abuse you put them through just for your own sake." You said standing up.

"You bitch! Just because you can't have children after that accident doesn't mean you can go and take control over all of ours!" She yelled going to smack you. Just as her hand was about to hit your face someone had grabbed it. You looked over only to see Ritcher.

"R-Ritcher?" Cordelia stuttered. "My dear don't waste your time with this woman." Ritcher said carefully. Cordelia growls slightly before sighing. You watch as the two of them walk away leaving you and Ayato alone. You sighed closing your eyes. "Honestly... that woman..." you whispered.

You felt a tug on your hand. You look down and smile seeing Ayato look up at you sadly. "Are you ok?" He asked. "I'm fine." You said as you went and picked him up. "Come now. Let's take you back and get you cleaned up." You said. He nods as you carry him back to the mansion. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!"

You look ahead and smile seeing Laito and Kanato running towards you. "Laito. Kanato. Are you two ok?" You asked tilting your head. They both nod smiling at you. "Huh? Ayato?" Laito asked tilting his head. "Are you ok?" Both boys asked. Ayato scoffed. "Of course I am! Ore-sama is always ok!"

You giggled shaking your head. "Come now. Lets run you a bath and clean you up." You said. You glanced down at the two boys and smiled. " about I make some of my famous cookies and and chocolate milk?" You asked tilting your head with a bright smile.

You watched as the triplets eyes went bright as giant smiles appeared on their faces. "Yeah!" They cheered. You smiled as you went and ran a warm bath for Ayato having your maid take over as you handed her his clothes. You went down into the kitchen being followed by Kanato and Laito.

You enter the kitchen and start to take out everything you need. Kanato and Laito watch from the table with curious eyes. You glance back at them and smile. "Do you want to help?" You ask. Both boys nod as they quickly run over to you. You smile as you carefully start to give instructions on what to do.

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