Father ayato x daughter reader

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"Daddy! Daddy!" A little girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes shouted as she ran through the mansion. Right now she was trying to find a certain Oreo. "Humph!" She pouted as she say down at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh~ what's this~?" She looked up to see her uncle laito smirking down at her. "Uncle laito! Have you seen daddy?!" She asked. Laito chuckled and put a finger up to his lips. "Shh~ we don't want to wake him now do we~? Fufu~" laito chuckled.

The little girl perked up when she saw where her favorite uncle was going with this. "Hehe! Yeah!" She giggled. Laito smiled as he picked her up and put her on his shoulders and quietly walked to Ayato's room. Laito put her down as they both quietly peaked into the room.

Ayato was passed out on his bed. They look at each other and smirk. "Fufu~ this'll be fun~"

~time skip~

"GAH?!" Everyone in the mansion heard. Everyone was in the living room when an angry Ayato ran in. "who did this?!" He yelled pointing to his face. Everyone looked over at him and covered their mouths in order not to laugh.

Ayato's face was covered in Oreos that were glued onto his face and doodle marks. Laito and (y/n) were in the corner laughing as hard as they could. "Oh? So it was you two." They stopped laughing when they felt a deadly aura behind them.

"A-Ayato~ I see you've woken up~ how'd you sleep~?" Laito asked nervously. (Y/n) quietly started to sneak away. "Heh. Your gonna get in now laito." Ayato said cracking his knuckles. Laito gulped as he was cornered against the wall.

He looked around to find an excuse or a way out and just to his luck he saw (y/n) sneaking out. "It was (y/n)'s idea!" He yelled. The little girl froze as everyone turned to her. "(Y/n)." Ayato said sternly. "Y-yes daddy?" She asked scared to turn around.

"Did you do this?" He asked. "U-uncle laito helped me...and h-he gave me the idea." She said. It was quiet for a few minutes making the little girl sweat. "I think it's time for your punishment (y/n)." Ayato whispered into his daughters ear as he picked her up and put her over his shoulder and started to walk up to his daughters room.

When they got there he sat her in a chair and stood in front of her arms crossed as he glared down at the small girl. "(Y/n) what have I told you about pulling pranks with your uncles?" Ayato asked sternly.

"Not to..." She whispered looking down. "So why don't you listen to me?" He said a little louder. She didn't say anything as tears formed in the corner of her eyes. "B-because I want to get your attention...a-and your always busy..." She sniffled.

Ayato's eyes widen when he realized she was crying. "Oi don't cry." Ayato picked her up and sat her down on his lap as he pulled her close to his chest and stroked her hair. "It's ok...don't cry... Mommy wouldn't like that." He said.

She stopped crying and pulled away looking at her dad. "Daddy what was mommy like?" She asked. Ayato smiled sadly. "She was amazing...she always was a smart and beautiful women...she spoke what she thought and loved to pull pranks. heh. you remind me so much of her." Ayato said as he kisses his daughters forehead.

"Did you love her daddy?" He smiled at his little girl and nodded his head. "Or corse! Only the best for ore-sama!" He said proudly. "Your not ore-sama! Your an Oreo!" He flinched when his daughter started laughing. "I swear you uncles tell you way to much." He sighed.

Soon Ayato saw her yawned and rub her eye sleepily. "Tired (y/n)?" He asked. She nodded her head and smiled. Ayato chuckled and picked her up as he carried her to her bed and laid her down ticking her in.

"Hey daddy?" Ayato hummed as he looked at his daughter. "When I'm older I'm gonna marry you!" She said happily. Ayato was shocked but soon smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah you'll marry daddy. And won't I be the luckiest one alive?" He asked.

She smiled and shut her eyes soon falling asleep. Ayato chuckled and kissed his daughters forehead as he stood up and left the room.

"I love you (y/n)."

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