Shu x reader fluff

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You poked your head around the corner and looked into the living room seeing your sleepy boyfriend on the couch. You smiled at this a small blush on your cheeks as you quietly walked over to where he was. You bent down so you were face to face with him.

You smiled gently going and stroking his hair. 'He's just too cute for me.' You thought happily. "(Y/n)...." He whispered catching you off guard. You thought he has woken up but to your surprise he was talking in his sleep. You looked at him and smiled still blushing.

" cute." You mumbled. You watched him for another minute before letting out a small sigh. "Shu..." You whispered softly trying to wake him. "Come on Shu it's almost time for school. You don't want Reiji to yell at you again right?" You asked gently shaking him.

He didn't say anything as he slowly opened his gorgeous blue eyes looking over at you. He just sighed before slowly sitting up. "How annoying." He mumbled. "He's always so noisy." He said scratching the back of his head. He glanced over at you and smiled a small smile gently ruffling your hair.

"At least I woke up to your cute face." He mumbled. You just blushed at this before smiling a sweet smile. "Haha! Come on now!" You laughed standing up and taking his head. He just sighed before nodding his head and doing as told. The two of you made your way out to the limo where an annoyed Reiji stood.

"You're late." He scoffed. "Sorry Reiji! I tried my best!" You apologized. He just scoffed before getting into the limo. You followed Shu before sitting down next to him. As usual the ride was silent. Shu let out a small yawn before glancing down at you.

"Oi (Y/n)..." He called causing you to hum and glance up at him smiling a small smile. "Let me use your lap." He said. "No." Reiji growled causing you both to look over at him. "I will not tolerate such acts. If you want to do something like that do it somewhere private." He said pushing up his glasses.

Shu just glared at him before going and holding your hand. "Fine..." He mumbled. You just looked at him and smiled. 'Though he doesn't really show it Shu's just like a child.' You thought giggling to yourself. Shu looked down at you curious about what you were laughing about.

Once you got to the school you all got out Shu still holding your hand. Though his fangirls were jealous of you some of them thought your relationship was adorable always telling you how much they shipped it.

You both continued to make your way towards your class. "You know you don't always have to drop me off at my class." You said smiling up at him. He just hummed looking down at you. "I want to." Was all he said. You giggled at this nodding your head.

"If you say so." You whispered. He looked down at you for a moment before gently going and lifting your chin up. You both looked into each other's eyes neither of you saying a word. "Come on lovebirds! Hurry it up!" You heard Ayato shout.

You blushed at this shyly looking away from Shu who shot his brother a glare. He let out a small sigh before going and gently kissing you on the head. "See ya." He mumbled before leaving you alone. You just smiled at him. "See ya." You whispered.

Ayato who was in your class gagged before dragging you into the classroom. "I think I'm gonna die of diabetes." He mumbled. "I'm pretty sure that's Kanato." You said. He just laughed at this nodding his head. "You have a point!"

~Shu's POV~

I sat in the back of the classroom staring out the window as I listened to my music. I closed my eyes and pictured (Y/n)'s face seeing her bright smile and adorable cheeks. I smirked slightly at the thought. "Class I'll be right back. Please behave while I'm gone." The teacher spoke before leaving the room.

With that everyone stood up or turned to their friends happily talking. "Hey Shu I saw you with (Y/n) this morning!" One of the guys in my class cheered. I slowly opened my eyes and looked over at him not saying a word. He just smiled at me two of his friends standing next to him.

"I swear you two are the cutest couple in this school!" He laughed his friends agreeing with him. Soon others started to talk to me about (Y/n) and our relationship. I wasn't really into what they were saying until someone decided to say something.

"I'm sure you two would make adorable babies!" This caused me to blush slightly just thinking of little (Y/n)'s running around. I quietly stood up causing everyone to look at me confused. "Where are you going Shu?" Someone asked.

"Bathroom." I mumbled before leaving the class. I made my way down the hall and sighed as I walked into the old music room. I looked around nodding my head as I went and laid down. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

~Time skip (Y/n)'s POV~

You quietly walked down the hall humming to yourself before hearing someone call out to you. "Hm?" You said looking back only to see one of Shu's classmates running over to you. "Oh hello. You're one of Shu's classmates right? Can I help you?" You asked giving him a smile.

He blushed slightly smiling back before speaking. "Y-yeah! Have you seen Shu around? He's skipping class again." He stuttered. "No I'm afraid I haven't. I can help you look for him if you'd like!" You cheered. He just blushed even more before shaking his head.

"N-no it's fine! Please take care!" He called before running off. You just stood there for a moment before sighing as you shook your head. "That Shu." You whispered. You made your way down the school's halls stopping in front of the old music room.

'He's gotta be here.' You thought. You slowly opened the door looking inside. "I knew you'd be here." You said shutting the door walking over to your boyfriend who was laying down by one of the windows. He looked at you and smiled slightly. "Hey." He mumbled.

You just smiled at him shaking your head. "Silly Shu. You shouldn't be skipping class!" You laughed. He just stared at you for a moment before sitting up. "Sit." He said pointing next to him. You looked at him confused before doing as told.

Once you were seated he went and laid back down wrapping his arms around you and laying his head on your lap. "I've been wanting to do this all day." He mumbled. You just sat there a small blush on your cheeks as you let out a small giggle gently going and playing with his hair.

"You're so cute Shu." You whispered. He just hummed starting to fall asleep. "Our children will be cuter." He whispered causing your eyes to widen in shock. You looked down at him seeing his peaceful sleeping face with a small smile on it. You smiled at this as well gently going and kissing his forehead.

"Hehe...I love you Shu Sakamaki."

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