Reiji x reader lemon

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Geez. So many of these lemon's! But I don't mind! ^-^

'CRAP!' Was all you could think of when your teacher handed back your test. You sighed as you slammed your head on the table a sad aura around your head. "This is not good..." You whined. You heard a chuckle from in front of you and looked to see a smirking shuu.

"Don't. Say. It." You growled annoyed as you glared at him. He only smirked lazily as he mouthed the words.

'Reiji's gonna punish you.'

You groaned and slammed your head on the table again. 'I'm dead.'

~ time skip~

Right now you were sneaking through the mansion to get to your room while trying to avoid a certain manners freak vampire. "(Y/N)." A stern voice shake from behind you making you jump and squeak in surprise.

You slowly turned your head and saw reiji glaring down at you. You gulped and rubbed the back of your head. "Ah. Hey reiji! What's up?" You asked nervously. He glared down at you as he held a paper in front of your face.

Your eyes widens in shock when you saw it was your test score.


"Care to explain why you got a 46 on your math test?" He asks pushing up his glasses. You started to sweat. "Umm. How did you get that?" You asked. "Shuu." He said bluntly. Your eye twitched as you thought of many bad things and ways to kill that damn lazy vampire.

"Oh." Was all you could say. Reiji sighed as he pushed up his glasses and looked down at you. "It looks like I'll have to punish you." He said. You paled. "Uhhhhh....BYE!" You yelled and took off down the hall.

As you ran for your life it was of no use because reiji had teleported in front of you and had grabbed your arm as he dragged you off to his room. 'I'm gonna die!!!!!!' Was all you kept repeating in your mind as reiji dragged you to his room.

Once he entered the room with you he locked the door and sighed as he threw you onto his bed. You tried to get up but failed when reiji came over to you and handcuffed your wrist to the bed frame. Your eyes widen as you try to break free but sadly fail.

Reiji smirks as he looks at you. "Hmm. Now how should I punish you?" He hums to himself. You were about to say something but that was drowned when reiji had pressed his lips onto yours. Your eyes were wide in shock as a dark blush crept it's way onto your cheeks.

Reiji pulled away and made his way down to your neck where he licked and sucked on your flesh. He pulled away and he took off his glasses as he set them aside and  looked at you. You froze something inside you just made you feel strange and confused.

Reiji moved closer to you as he leaned down and sunk his fangs into your neck. You whined in pain as you felt reiji drink your blood. You swore you heard him moan but you weren't sure. When reiji pulled away he grabbed your shirt and ripped it open exposing your bare chest to him.

You try to cover up but couldn't because of the handcuffs on your wrist. Reiji looked at your chest for a minute before he started to kiss and lick your chest making you squeeze your eyes shut and little moans escape your lips a few times.

As reiji was sucking on one of your breasts you noticed that his pants were tight on the front. Being the mischievous girl you were you put one of your legs between his and rubbed your knee against his erection.

Reiji groaned as he pulled away and pushed your leg down. He glared at you. "I wouldn't be doing that if I were you (Y/N)." He warned. He lowered his one hand to your pant line and slowly and teasingly pulled down your pants and panties.

"Well I never would had thought you'd get this wet from such a little bit." Reiji commented as he tossed your clothes somewhere. "Your such a lewd girl. Maybe I should give you new punishment." Reiji whispered. He leaned down and started to lick and suck causing you to moan out in pure pleasure.

Reiji without warning stuck two fingers into you causing you to gasp and cover your mouth with your free hand. Reiji began to pump his fingers in and out at a slow pace but soon at a faster one. As he was doing this he was staring at you looking at your reactions.

Reiji loved it. It drove him crazy even tho he tried not to show it. Reiji always thought you were something to treasure and to keep. He loved you and he wants to make that shown so you can only be his.

Reiji pulled out his fingers causing you to whimper in disappointment. He chuckled lightly as he started to take off his clothes. You watched him your eyes glazed over with lust and need. Reiji saw this and his eyes reflected the same as yours.

Once he was done undressing he spread your legs and without waiting he slammed into you causing you to scream in both pain and pleasure. Reiji didn't wait for you to adjust as he kept thrusting into you at a hard and fast pace.

It hurt. You were in tears at how much it hurt. Reiji saw this and leaned down as he captured your lips in a heated and passionate kiss. His hands had gripped your waist as the kiss got deeper and more heated by the minute.

Your pain had turned into pleasure and you had a knot form in your stomach. Reiji had pulled away from the kiss a trail of saliva hanging from his mouth. He groaned as he felt you become tighter around him.

"(Y/N). Go ahead and cum...." He whispered in between his pants. You didn't even hear him as you came around his member. He moaned in pleasure and could help himself anymore.

He picked up his pace and slammed into you each time hitting that one spit that drive you crazy. Reiji could feel himself about to cum as he but his lip. You felt a warm liquid enter you followed by a low groan and growl.

Reiji pulled out and had started to get dressed again also helping you in the process. He un cuffed your wrist and covered you in his sheets. He watched as you slowly fell asleep as he stroked your hair.

His eyes were soft as a small smile graced his lips. He leaned down and kissed your head as he stood up and walked out.

"I love you."

*extended ending.*

"So? How was your punishment?" You eye twitched as you glared at shuu who was laying on the couch a smirk on his face. Your growled and threw your book at him hitting him right in the face.

"Shut up! You damn lazy pervert!" You yelled a ticked mark on your head. Shuu glared at you and stood up. You both glared at each other and the other brothers could see lighting going between you both.

Reiji sighed as he pushed up his glasses and started to walk out the room. "Brats." He mumbled. "Shut up!" You and shuu yelled as you glared at him. He only sighed and turned walking out of the room. No one saw it but reiji had a smile on his face.


Next up!

Big sister reader x little brother Ayato

Kou x reader lemon

Ruki x reader lemon

Little brother laito x big sister reader

Older brother Subaru x little sister reader

Shuu x reader lemon

Ruki x reader lemon

Ruki x reader

Big brother Ayato x little sister reader

Shu x reader x Yuma lemon

Shu x reader x ruki lemon 

Shu x reader

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