Little brother subaru x big sister reader

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(The picture above is what you look like in this one.)

*Third person POV*

Subaru was storming down the hall anger visible on his face. "tch! Stupid Ayato!" He yelled. Soon he punched a wall leaving a giant dent in it. "Geez. What did that wall ever do to you?" Subaru growled as he turned to look and see his older sister.

"What do you want (Y/N)?" He growled. (Y/n) smirked as she pushed off the wall and walked over to her albino brother. "What? I can't see my favorite little brother?" She asked. Subaru growled a light blush on his cheeks. (Y/N) was the third eldest sakamaki her mother was named Scarlet.

"Get away from me." He growled. She looked at him and sighed. "Why is it that every time I try to talk to you you just get mad at me and stay away?" She asked a little sad. Subaru just clicked his tongue and stormed off. (Y/N) sighed as she watched her little brother walk away eyes filled with sadness.

~time skip to (Y/N)'s room~

(Y/N) was in her room laying on her bed as she stared up at the ceiling. "Why does he hate me so much?" She mumbled to herself closing her eyes. Soon she hears a knock on her door. "Whoever it is piss off." She growled not in the mood.

"Geez. What got in your blood today?" She sighed as she sat up and saw her younger brother Ayato leaning against the wall. "What's wrong sis?" He asked worry in his eyes. (Y/N) was loved deeply by all her brothers all but one.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

You looked at Ayato and sighed sitting on the edge of your bed as you held your head in your hands your short black hair a mess and your one visible red eye filled with sadness. " I a bad sister?" You asked not looking up. "Huh?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Ayato cried.

You chuckled and slowly sat up straight looking at your brother who was angry and confused. "I don't get matter how hard I try...Subaru doesn't seem to want to let me's almost like he despises me." You mumbled. Ayato was shocked not because of what you said but because of how hurt you looked.

"Oi..." He teleported next to you and rubbed your back. "What's up? You're never like this. You're always cocky and smart so what's up with this gloomy side?" He asked. You sighed and looked at him. "Heh. I guess your right." You said smiling slightly.

He smirked and pushed you up off the bed. "Well then! Go and talk to that damn albino! Ore-sama's orders!" He said. You smirked and walked to your door. "Whatever you say Oreo-sama." You said smirking and walking out.

"IT'S ORE-SAMA!!!!!" He yelled. You chuckled and walked to the one place you knew your favorite little brother would be. 'Subaru...'

~Subaru's POV~

I was sitting in the garden looking up at the moon. "Tch." I grit my teeth and ruffled my hair furiously. "Damn!" I yelled. It was like this all the time...and all because I couldn't show her how much I love her...



I was in the garden by myself. "hey Subaru! Why are you alone again?!" I looked over to see my big sister (Y/N) smirking down at me her arms crossed. I looked up at her surprised. "Hmm? What's wrong?" She asked.

I didn't say anything and just looked back ahead of me. she sat down beside me and leaned back. it was silent between us. "Hey...(Y/N)?" I asked breaking the silence. "Hmm?" She hummed her eyes closed and a peaceful smile on her face.

"Do you...miss your mom?" I asked nervously. She opened her eyes sadly her right eye was always covered by her short black hair. she looked at me for a second and sighed. "Yeah...I do..." She whispered. I looked at her and nodded.

"Hey why are you crying?" She asked sitting up quickly and cupping my cheeks. I was shocked I didn't know I was crying. "Hey come on don't cry Subaru!" (Y/N) cheered smiling brightly. She kissed away my tears making me blush.

She smiled and kissed my nose. "It's alright! I'll be with you forever ok! So you don't have to cry!" She said laughing. I looked at her wide eyed as a blush slowly formed on my cheeks. "Yeah..." I whispered. She stood up and dusted herself off.

"Well then." She turned to me and held a hand out for me a big smile on her face. "Let's go Subaru!" She said. For a second it felt like everything around us went white as wind blew around our us. "Yeah." I said and took her hand.

~end flashback~

I sighed and looked back up at the sky. "I thought you'd be here!" A familiar voice yelled. My eyes widened as I was tackled down to the ground. "Ugh!" I groaned. Soon I looked to see who it was only to blush heavily. "(Y-Y/N)?!" I yelled shocked.

She sat up and looked at him a frown on her face. "Subaru...your crying again." She said eyes filled with sadness and worry. My eyes widen in shock. Before I could react (Y/N) had cupped my cheeks and kissed the tears away.

"I thought I told you not to cry..." She whispered. My eyes widen when I see tears streaming from her eye. "I-I told you not to cry...I-I told you *sob* that I'd b-be with you...forever." She cried trying to get rid of her tears.

"I-I know...*sob* I'm not a good sister." My eyes widen at that. Suddenly I came to realization. 'I've been pushing her away...the one person...I care so much about.' As she cries she starts laughing and smiling. "Haha! Look at me! I'm supposed to be the awesome big sister but right now I'm-" I cut her off.

"Don't say it!" I yelled. She looked at me shocked. I pulled her into a tight embrace. "Don't say it! Please! Your not a bad sister! It's me who's bad!" I cried holding her tightly. "I've been pushing you away because I was scared! I was scared that I'd loose you!" I nuzzled into her neck and took in her scent.

"I love much...sister..." I whispered and sunk my fangs into her neck. She stiffened in shock but soon relaxed. I drank her blood and blushed as I heard her chuckle. "Heh. Subaru. My sweet little Subaru." She whispered as she stroked my hair.

I pulled away and looked at her blood trickling down my chin. She smiled softly and wiped it away. "Hey...I've always wanted to know...why do you hide your eye?" She smiles and lifts her hand up to her hair.

"When I was little. A boy I cared for so much was born without an eye." She said. My heart hurt when I heard her say that. 'Someone...she cared about so much?' I thought. She lifts her hair up and shows me the patch covering her eye. "because I cared for him so much I gave him my eye."she said.

I clenched my fists and grit my teeth. "So...who was he?" I asked as calmly as I could. She smiled and kissed my nose. "My favorite little brother." She whispered. My eyes widen in shock. She looked at me eyes filled with warmth and love.

"I love you Subaru."


Next up is!

Subaru x reader lemon

Ayato x reader lemon

Subaru x reader x kou lemon

Kanato x reader

Ayato x reader

Reiji x reader lemon

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