Older brother laito x little sister reader part 2 lemon

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~15 years later~

"(Y/n)-San! You're looking as pretty as ever!" One of the students from your class yelled happily. You smiled a shy smile at them. "T-thank you!" You stuttered. You kept walking down the hall your books held close to your chest. Suddenly your phone goes off causing you to stop.

"Huh? Who could that be?" You asked taking your phone out only to smile when you saw who it was. You quickly answered your phone. "Laito-Nii!" You cheered happily. "Fufufu~ hello my sweet little sister~ how's your day so far~?" Laito asked happily.

"It's great! Although...people keep commenting on how pretty or sexy I look....I don't like it...it's weird. I just want to be left alone." You said sighing. Laito was silent on the other end for a moment. "Is that so~? (Y/n) I think it's best you get home as soon as possible. I need to have....a very important talk with you."

Before you could say anything else he hung up leaving you confused. You shrugged and placed your phone in your pocket making your way back to the mansion. "I wonder what Laito-Nii wants to talk about." You muttered.

~time skip~

"I'm home!" You called entering the mansion. Right away Laito appeared his usual smirk on his face as he tilted his fedora up. "Fufufu~ welcome back~" he said opening his arms for a hug. You smiled and ran up to him giving him a giant hug.

He chuckled as he nuzzled his head into your neck inhaling your scent. "Laito-Nii that tickles!" You giggled. Laito hummed as he pulled away slightly and looked at you your eyes locking. You stood there silently a small blush on your cheeks.

"H-hey...don't stare at me like that." You whispered embarrassed. Laito chuckled as he held your sides tight teleporting the both of you into his room. "Laito-Nii?" You asked confused. Laito looked at you and smiled a small blush on his cheeks.

"Ah~ no matter how many times I look at you I can't help but be amazed at how beautiful you are~" he purred pushing you onto his bed. You let out a small squeak as Laito placed his hands on both sides of your head. You looked up at him surprised as he blushed.

"Kawaii~" he sang leaning down and leaving kisses up and down your neck. You whimpered slightly closing your eyes. "N-no..stop." You whispered softly. Laito hummed as he found your soft spot and started to gently suck on it soon sinking his fangs deep into your neck.

You gasped. Laito's hands slowly started to roam around your body sliding your shirt off as he released his fangs from your neck and started to trail kisses down to your chest. He easily removed your bra causing you to quickly try and cover up your chest.

Laito's eyes narrowed at this as he quickly pinned your arms up above your head. "Ah~ ah~ that's a naughty girl~" Laito whispered softly. You watched as he took his tie off and tied your wrists together. He looked down at your half naked form blushing as he smiled.

"Ah~ I'm getting exited~" he moaned as he leaned down to your chest and placed a kiss in between them before sinking his fangs back into your skin. You let out a few whimpers and moans as he held you close to him moving his lips to one of your breasts.

He messed with your chest for a while switching from one to another. You were moaning softly as a deep Crimson covered your usually pale cheeks. Laito would occasionally grind up against you causing you to moan louder.

Soon Laito moved away from your chest and slowly started to removed his clothes. His fedora had fallen off a while ago but he didn't pay any attention to that. "Heh~ you look so pure~" he moaned. You sat there panting a small amount of drool slipping down your chin.

Laito chuckled as he went and removed your skirt. "Fufufu~ you're so wet~ is Onii-San really that good?" He asked glancing up at you. You looked away in embarrassment causing Laito to frown slightly as he roughly grabbed your chin making you face him.

"I wonder....are your fangs still as sensitive as when you were little?" He whispered. Your eyes went wide when he placed his lips on yours. He moaned loudly into the kiss as he pushed you back onto the bed. He placed his hands on your sides as he slid his knee between your legs.

You gasped into the kiss as he rubbed his knee against your clothed womanhood. This gave Laito the opportunity to slip his tongue inside of your mouth exploring all around. He pulled away from the kiss panting slightly. "Ah~ I can't control myself anymore~" he moaned.

You watched as he went and removed his pants along with his boxers. You blushed heavily when you saw his member and quickly looked away. He chuckled as he spread your legs slightly. "I promise to make you feel really good~" he purred as he went and pushed inside you.

You gasped and moaned in pain small tears prickling the corners of your eyes. Laito moaned as he panted heavily his eyes filled with lust and hunger. "I...can't..." He panted heavily. Before you could even adjust to him he started to roughy thrust in and out of you.

You cried and moaned in pain and pleasure as you squeezed your eyes closed. "A-ah! No!" You cried in pain. Laito moaned as he leaned down and cupped your face. "(Y/n)...." He whispered capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. The room was filled with the sound of love as the two of you did your singly deed.

Laito went and slid his tongue against your fangs causing your eyes to shoot open as you arched your back and reached your climax. Laito groaned as he pulled away from the kiss his eyes wide as an insane and hungry smile appeared on his face.

"That's right....remember only Onii-Chan can make you feel this way...no one else...." He moaned. After a few more thrusts he pulled out and came all over your stomach. You laid there panting heavily your eyes half lidded.

Laito laid down next to you and pulled you close nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. You had passed out due to exhaustion. Laito chuckled slightly as he looked down at you an insane and dark look on his face.

"Fufufu~ I finally have you all to myself....onii-chan will take great care of you~ forever and ever....our entire eternity will be together. Haha...HAHAHA!!!"


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