Subaru x reader

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Here's your part two of the Ayato x Angst reader!

It's been two months since Ayato had broken up with you. You haven't really tried to go to school but thanks to a certain Albino you were forced. You noticed that over the past two months Subaru had been taking care of you much to your displeasure.

You knew this wasn't his style but no matter what you said he wouldn't budge. You sighed as you laid on your bed blankly staring up at the ceiling. 'Tonight's a school night...I wonder if he'll make me go again.' You thought to yourself as you closed your eyes.

' look so happy with that girl.' You thought remembering all the times you went by him and his new girlfriend at school. It crushed you inside..."Oi! (Y/N)!" A voice yelled causing your eyes to shoot open. You looked up seeing an annoyed Subaru glaring down at you.

"Seriously you kept the door unlocked. What if someone came in and robbed you?" He grumbled walking over to your closet. You slowly sat up watching him with a blank expression. 'Subaru... why do you try so hard?' You thought resting your chin on your knee.

Subaru pulled out your uniform and placed it on your bed. "Get dressed." He mumbled walking out of your room. "..." without saying anything you got up tossing on your uniform without a care in the world. Not bothering to brush your hair you put it up in a messy bun.

"I'm ready." You mumbled opening the door. Subaru looked over at you nodding his head as the two of you left your house. The walk was silent neither of you wanting to speak. "..." you glanced up at him before looking back at the ground. "Subaru." You mumbled causing him to hum.

"What is it?" He asked. "Why do you keep doing this for me?" You asked your eyes reflecting the pain you felt. "...I have my reasons." He mumbled looking ahead. "Hm." Again it was silent. You look up seeing the school gate along with the familiar limo belonging to the Sakamaki's.

You gripped your bag as the two of you walked past the screaming fangirls. Subaru ended up getting separated from you as his fangirls swarmed over him. You continued to walk in silence ignoring everything around you. 'It's dark...' you thought. 'I feel so cold.' Your eyes narrowed.

'I was could Ayato Sakamaki love someone like me?' You bite your lip as you enter the school. Not bothering to stop at your locker you went and took a seat way in the back. Watching everyone enter the room followed by the teacher. "Alright class today we'll-" You zoned out as you closed your eyes.

'How annoying.'

~time skip~

It was lunch time but you didn't feel like eating. Sighing you walked down the hallways passing everyone who laughed with their friends. "Hahaha! Ayato! Stop it!" A familiar voice laughed. You opened your eyes to see Ayato and his girlfriend. They were laughing together as Ayato whispered into her ear.

Soon he noticed you causing you to turn your head as you continued to walk up to the roof. Once there you tossed your bag onto the ground. "Geez." You mumbled leaning against the fence. "Why can't I get over this?" You sighed sinking down onto your butt.

You listened as the cool night breeze flew past you causing a content sigh to escape your lips. "I wonder if Subaru will try to find me." You hummed to yourself. Just then you felt a hand roughly grab your head. "What the hell are you doing up here? Shouldn't you be eating lunch with everyone else?"

A dark voice spoke causing you to sweat. Slowly you looked up seeing a pissed of Subaru. "O-oh...hi?" You stuttered giving him a nervous smile. He growled bending down only to head butt you causing a small whimper to escape your lips.

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