Laito x shy male reader

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You stood at your locker watching as girls surrounded Laito. "...." sighing you shut your locker fixing your bag over your shoulder as you walked past them. "Hmm? Oh~ (M/n)-Kun~" Laito called out happily causing you to stop. You let out a deep sigh as you turned to look at him a giant blush on your cheeks same as always.

"Yes Laito?" You asked tilting your head at him. He smiled as he walked over to you placing his hands on his hips. "Where are you off to~?" He asked tilting his head. "Class." You whispered. You glanced behind him seeing all of his fan girls glaring daggers at you.

"..." You looked back at Laito who continued to smile. "D-did you need something Laito?" You stuttered as you gripped your bag. Laito hummed. "No~ I just wanted to see your cute face again~" He cheered. This caused your usual red cheeks to go an even deeper red. "S-stop teasing me." You mumbled.

Laito hummed opening his eyes. "I'm not teasing you~" He sang his eyes narrowing. "I'm being serious (M/n)." His deep and stern voice caused chills to go up your spin. "W-whatever!" You yelled quickly running off to your class. Laito chuckled as he stood up straight tilting his fedora back.

"Fufufu~ cute~"

~time skip~

You sighed hearing the bell ring. "Oi (M/n)." You looked up seeing Ayato and Kanato standing in front of your desk. "Y-yes?" You stuttered. "Wanna come over and hangout?" He asked tilting his head. "O-oh...Umm...well..." You looked away trying to think of an excuse.

"Hmm? Are you ok (M/n)-Kun?" Kanato asked tilting his head. "I-I'm fine!" You squeaked. Both males looked at each other before looking back at you. "It's Laito isn't it." Ayato said. You stiffen showing them that they were correct. Sighing Ayato scratched his head.

"Seriously...why are you so nervous around him?" Ayato mumbled. Kanato just stared at you. "....Did something happen?" He asked tilting his head. "..." You didn't say anything as you stared down at your desk. "Hmm?" Ayato hummed looking at you. "(M/n)?" He asked.

"....Yeah...something happened." You whispered remembering what had happened two weeks ago.

"Fufufu~ you're so cute (M/n)-Kun~ it just makes me want you even more~"

You gripped your pants as you bite your lip. 'I still remember his touch...' you thought to yourself. Before either of them could say anything else a familiar laugh reached your ears. You all looked over seeing Laito leaned up against the door.

"Ah~ here you guys are~" He cheered pushing off the door. You watched as he walked towards you. "Reiji-Kun is wondering where you two are~" Laito said. You watched as he glanced over at you his eyes narrowing mischievously. You shivered looking away from him.

"...We were just seeing if (M/n) wanted to hangout." Ayato spoke. "Oh~? Is that right~? What did he say~?" You heard Laito ask. "He's busy." Was all Ayato said. Neither of them said anything else causing you to shyly glance up only to see a dark aura surrounding the two. Kanato glanced over at you as he whispered.

"Now's your chance." You nod as you quickly grab your bag and run out of the room. 'Thank you Ayato! Kanato!'

~With the triplets~

Laito stood there glaring at his brother. "You let him get away." He spoke not a single hint of cheerfulness in his voice. "So? I said he was busy didn't I?" Ayato asked scoffing. "..." Kanato didn't say anything as he watched his brothers carefully. "You're getting in the way." Laito growled eyes narrowing.

"What did you do to (M/n)-Kun?" Kanato asked finally deciding to speak. Laito looked at him and smirked tilting his head. "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything to him." He said. This caused Kanato's eyes to fill with rage. "YOU'RE LYING!!!" He yelled.

"Kanato calm down." Ayato said trying to hold back his brother. Laito watched amusement flashing through his eyes. "Heh. If you really must know what happened with us." He said tilting his fedora down. "We had an intimate moment."

~Back with (M/n)~

You stopped a few miles away from the school bending down to catch your breath. "Ha...ha..." You panted your cheeks flushed red. Standing up you looked back in the direction of the school. "..." You sighed closing your eyes as you looked back ahead.

"Fufufu~ found you~" Your eyes went wide as you quickly looked up seeing Laito in front of you tilting his fedora. "(M/n)-Kun~ why did you run away~?" He asked taking a step closer to you. You flinched backing away. "I-I don't want to be near you!" You yelled.

Laito stopped looking at you surprised before laughing. "Hahaha!" He laughed causing you to look at him confused. "Don't want to be near me~? But (M/n)-Kun~ wasn't it you who confessed their feelings first~" he asked eyes narrowing. Before you could react you were pushed up against the wall.

You let out a small squeak as Laito held your arms against your head his one leg in between yours. "Don't tell me you were lying." He whispered into your ear gently nipping at it. You closed your eyes a deep blush covering your cheeks. "S-shut up!" You yelled.

Laito chuckled. "(M/n)-Kun...I see your body still remembers the events from two weeks ago." He chuckled. Your eyes went wide as you felt his hand travel down into your pants. "H-hey! Stop it!" You yelled. He hummed his green eyes locking with your (e/c) ones.

"Fufufu~ You're hard~" He laughed. You were a blushing mess as you looked down embarrassed. "Y-you're terrible." You whispered. He hummed tilting his head down to see your face. "Do you hate me yet (M/n)-Kun? Do I make you disgusted?" He asked a small blush on his cheeks.

You looked at him tears in your eyes. "...I wish I could say yes..." You whispered causing Laito to get a confused look. You bite your lip as you looked him in the eye. "I won't lie to myself! No matter how much of a pervert you are! I know my feelings!" You yelled shocking Laito.

"I love you! You can take advantage of my can laugh at them... you can think of them as disgusting but I don't care!" You yelled tears streaming down your face. Laito looked at you shocked his grip on you disappearing. "..." you fell to your knees crying as you tried to wipe away your tears.

Laito stood there looking down at you with a blank expression. "Why..." He whispered. "Why do you chose you let yourself get torn apart by me?" He asked eyes narrowing. You sniffle slowly looking up at him. "Why?" You whispered. You smiled a bright smile up at him.

"Because I'm just a boy who fell in love with another boy." You laughed. Laito's eyes shadowed over. Without saying anything he falls to he knees in front of you. "...." He didn't say a word his shoulders shaking. You looked at him and smiled wiping away the rest of your tears.

You went and gently gave him a hug. "It's ok Laito..." You whispered. He didn't say anything as he slowly went and hugged you back. The two of you stayed like that for a while before you pulled away. You looked at him smiling. "It's ok if you don't love me. It's ok if you toy with my feelings." You said.

Laito looked at you his expression one of guilt and pain. "(M/n)-Kun...stop." He whispered. "It's all ok...because no matter what...I'll always love you!" You cheered. Laito bite his lip. "You're too pure (M/n)..." He whispered. You only smiled. "I guess so." You laughed.

Laito looked at you silently before speaking. "....I'll try my best." He whispered. "Huh?" You asked looking at him. "I'll help return your feelings...when I'm able to...I wonder if you'll still love me." He mumbled laughing to himself. You sat there quietly before smiling a small smile.

"Ok then." You said holding your pinky out to him. He looked at you confused. You giggled slightly. "Then pinky promise me!" You cheered happily. Laito looked at you for a moment before laughing as he interlocked his pinky with yours.

"Fufufu~ I promise you...(M/n)-Kun."


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