Shuu x reader x yuma lemon

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You sighed. Right now you were stuck in the school library bored to death. You see you were the school's ghost as you liked to call yourself. No one ever noticed you and never payed attention o see if you were there. "Geez. I've read all of these books." You mumbled as you closed the book you had just finished.

It's true you've read all the books the school had. To be honest you weren't to big of a fan when it came to reading but because you had so much free time and no friends you decided to read. You groaned as you slammed your head on the table and closed your eyes.

"(Y/N)-san?" You heard a soft voice. You slowly lifted your head and looked to see who it was. "Yui-chan?" You asked quietly. Yui Komori the only person who seemed to notice you. She smiled slightly as she waved. "Hello." She said sweetly. You looked at her and smiled. "Can I help you with something?" You asked.

She shook her head. "No I just thought I'd come and tell you that school was over." She said softly. You hummed and looked over at the clock. She was right school was over. You sighed as you stood up putting all your stuff away. "Let's get going then." You said.

Yui nodded as you both exit the library and head to the front doors. " know you could stay the night if you wanted." Yui whispered as she looked down at her feet. You glanced over at her slightly shocked. "Huh? What's this all of a sudden?" You asked.

Yui shyly glanced over at you. "Well you see...I've always wanted to have a sleepover..." She mumbled. You just stared at her silently until sighing and closing your eyes. "Alright if that's what you want." You mumbled. Yui brightened up as she quickly took your hand and ran out of the school.

"H-hey! Slow down!" You yelled. Sadly she ignored you causing you to sigh in defeat. "Or don't." You mumbled. Suddenly you smashed into someone causing you to grunt. You looked up only to see a tall guy glaring down at you.

"Oi watch where you're going." He growled. "Oops. Sorry." You mumbled as you started to walk past him and over to Yui. "Oi!" The guy yelled suddenly grabbing you by the wrist causing you to flinch at the sudden contact. No one has ever touched you before accept Yui so it kinda freaked you out.

You slowly looked back at the guy. "Please let go." You grumbled. He scoffed as his grip tightened. "Just who do you think you are?" He asked annoyed. Before you could say anything another hand gripped you by your shoulder causing you to stiffen.

"Yuma...let her go." A deep and lazy voice mumbled. The one now known as Yuma scoffed as he glared down at you only to smirk. Suddenly you were pulled towards him into a tight embrace. "Or what shuu?" Yuma asked amused. You blushed slightly.

Shuu...he was your friend back in middle school. You glanced back and there he was looking at you both lazily although you could see a fire in his eyes. "Don't piss me off." Shuu grumbled eyes narrowing. Yuma chuckled as his grip on you tightened.

"(Y/N)-san! Let's go!" Yui yelled as she ran up to you and pulled you away from the two males. You mentally ranked her as you followed her to a limo with....all of shuu's brothers. Ah that's right you forgot about her living with them. "Hello (y/n)." Reiji said nodding. You nodded back as you entered the limo.

~time skip~

You sighed. You and Yui decided after a while that you would both get ready to sleep. But what you didn't know was that all the Mukami brothers were coming over for as they like to call it 'business' involving Yui. You watched from the top of the stairs bored as they all talked about something.

Yui would sometimes glance up at you to see if you were ok. "Hmm~ what do you keep glancing up at bitch-chan~?" Laito asked as he followed Yui's gaze over to you. He smirked as he tilted his fedora back. "It isn't nice to listen in on other peoples conversations~ fufufu~ don't you think (n/n)-chan~?" He said.

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