Yuma x slave reader

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You sat in your small room terrified to even move. You were the slave to Yuma Mukami one of the more violent brothers. You knew what he was like and how he didn't mind eating his Prey's dead body. It terrified you when you witnessed him do it once before.

You never wanted to make him angry or to mess up. As you're thinking about all of this your door slams open causing you to flinch slightly. "Oi! Sow where are you?" Yuma called looking around. You bit your lower lip before shakily responding to his call.

"I-I'm right h-here." You whispered. He looked over at you and smirked. "Heh maybe I should call you a mouse. That sounds more fitting for you right?" He asked laughing. You just nod not wanting to really say anything. He noticed this and sighed.

"Geez. You're such a boring slave." He mumbled scratching the back of his head. "S-sorry..." You apologized. He just looked at you for a moment before going and bending down in front of you. "Oi." He called reaching his hand out towards you. You flinched quickly squeezing your eyes shut waiting for him to hurt you.

Only...it didn't happen. "Your hair is a mess..." He mumbled. "Huh?" You asked slowly opening your eyes. You watched as he carefully examined your hair seeing all of the knots in it. "You're really dirty to..." He mumbled examining your body.

This caused you to blush due to embarrassment. "Geez I can't have a messy slave. Ruki will think I'm being a terrible person." He mumbled. You didn't understand what he meant. From what you've heard and what you've seen you thought he was sadistic and cruel.

Yuma sighed slowly standing up. "Come on." He said taking your hand. "I'm cleaning you up." He mumbled. You didn't say anything as you looked at him in awe. He looked at you and smirked proudly. "From now on you're gonna be following me everywhere for it mouse?" He asked.

You just nod your head at him. "Y-yes master." You mumbled. He just smirked before taking you out of your room and towards the bathroom. Once there he went and looked around nodding to himself. "Hurry up and take a bath. You smell like shit." He said.

'Ouch that's a little harsh.' You thought. He didn't say anything else as he went and shut the door leaving you all alone. You let out a small sigh of relief before turning to the bath.

~time skip~

You sat in the bath watching the water with a peaceful look. 'Now that I think of it master never really needed me around. So I was left to rot away in my room.' You thought closing your eyes. 'I wonder...what changed his mind?' Just then the door slammed open causing you to jump.

"Oi you done yet?!" Yuma called bored. You let out a small squeak quickly hiding further under the water. Yuma blinked before smirking. "Heh. That was a funny noise." He laughed. You just blushed embarrassed. 'He sure likes to tease people...' You thought.

"Anyways come on. I have your new clothes picked out." He mumbled shoving a sugar cube in his mouth. You slowly nod your head watching as he left. You let out a sigh of relief looking up at the ceiling. "He's so strange..." You mumbled.

~mini time skip~

You stood there in your new outfit watching as Yuma looked at you from the couch. "Heh. Looks nice." He said smiling as if satisfied with what he picked. You wore a pair of blue jeans and a white T shirt. "Is this really appropriate for a slave?" You questioned.

Yuma seemed to frown at this for a moment but it quickly went away. "Tch. It's fine." He said standing up. "Come on let's go." He scoffed walking past you and towards the exit. This caused you to tilt your head in confusion. He looked back at you and frowned.

"Well? Are you coming or what mouse?" He asked. "A-ah! Yes master!" You called quickly running up to him. He didn't say anything as the two of you made your way out into the garden. This caused you to freeze right at the edge of it. "Hm? What's wrong?" He asked looking back at you.

You didn't say anything as you stared at the ground in horror. You remember one of Yuma's rules and that was to never step foot in the garden or else he'd kill you. "Oi." Yuma said standing right in front of you. You snapped out of your daze quickly looking up at him.

"You sick or something?" He asked raising a brow. "N-no...it's just...." You trailed off too afraid to continue. Yuma just sighed scratching the back of his neck. "Sit." He demanded. You quickly did as told looking up at him confused. He looked down at you for a moment before reaching into his pocket.

"Here." He said taking out a handful of sugar cubes. "You probably have low blood sugar." He mumbled. You held your hands out to him as he went and placed them all in your hands. "Come and help when you're feeling better." He said before walking off.

You silently sucked on the sugar cubes enjoying how sweet they were. 'Master was never like this...I wonder what happened to him that changed his mind?' You thought curiously. You watched as he quietly worked on his garden a small smile on his face.

'I wonder if I'll ever meet the person who changed him.' You thought pushing another one in your mouth. "Yuma~! Are you out here?!" A voice happily called. You looked over only to see Kou Mukami looking around for Yuma. "I'm right here stop yelling!" He called slowly standing up.

Kou smiled at this walking over to your master. You noticed a strange girl following close behind him. 'Huh? Who's she?' You thought watching the girl closely. You watched as the three talked. 'Ah...master is smiling.' You thought seeing the bright smile he gave to the girl.

'I see...it all makes sense now.' You thought holding your knees close to your chest. After a few minutes the two disappeared leaving Yuma and you all alone once more. "How are you feeling?" He asked looking over at you. "Better..." You whispered.

He nods at this going back to work. "...Am I really allowed to enter the garden master?" You asked softly. "Yeah sure." He mumbled. You nod at this slowly taking a step in. You soon made your way over to him kneeling down. "What would you like me to do?" You asked glancing over at him.

"Just carefully pull all of these weeds out." He said. You started to do as told. "...Master am I allowed to say what's on my mind?" You asked. "Mhm. Knock yourself out." He mumbled. "You've changed...I didn't understand why you changed until just a few minutes ago when I saw you talking to that girl." You said calmly.

Yuma glanced over at you. "You like that girl correct master?" You asked glancing over at him as well. The two of you didn't say a single word before he smirked letting out a small laugh. "Haha! She is cute I'll admit that. But if I'm being honest you're more my type." He said looking at you that smirk still on his face.

You felt everything around you disappear as a small blush appeared on your cheeks. "And from now on call me Yuma. The whole master thing makes me feel like a giant pervert just like that Laito Sakamaki." He sighed scratching the back of his neck.

"I-I couldn't possibly!" You protested. "Come on just give it a try." He said. You stayed silent for a moment before letting out a small sigh. "Y-Yuma..." You mumbled blushing slightly. Yuma smiled at this laughing. "See not that hard!" He cheered. You just nod your head a tiny smile appearing on your face.

"Now what's your name?" He asked causing you to blink for a moment. "Huh?" You asked. "Your name. Come on don't tell me you forgot it. Do you want me to just keep calling you mouse?" He asked tilting his head. "A-ah no please don't! My name is (Y/n)..." You whispered. He just smiled at this closing his eyes.

"A sweet name for a sweet girl! I like that!"

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