Older brother laito x little sister reader

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Warning this one is kinda like my older brother Kanato x little sister reader one but well...a tiny bit more than that one. So please if you don't like brother x sister love don't read this.

"(Y/n)-san!" A small happy voice called out to you. You hummed as you glanced back over your shoulder. "Oh! (B/n)-Kun!" You cheered with a bright smile. (B/n) stopped in front of you bending over as he tried to catch his breath. "You...forgot...this..." He panted as he held up your notebook.

You blushed and quickly took the notebook from him. "Thank you so much (b/n)-Kun! I have something very important in here!" You cheered happily. (B/n) blushed at you but smiled as he scratched the back of his head. "Y-you're welcome...umm...I was wondering...I-if you'd like to walk home?" He asked shyly.

You looked at him and smiled a sad smile. "I'm sorry (b/n)-Kun but onii-San doesn't like me hanging out with boys..." You mumbled sadly. (B/n) frowned at that but nodded and gave you a big smile. "That's ok (y/n)-San! I'll see you tomorrow!" He cheered waving you goodbye as he ran off.

You waved him goodbye. Once he was gone you sighed and sadly looked at the ground. "Hmm~? What's wrong my little bat~?" A familiar voice hummed. You looked up and saw your older brother Laito looking down at you with a curious look. "Laito-nii? You're early!" You cheered smiling.

Laito smiled down at you as he pat your head. "Hai~ I was able to get out earlier~ lucky me huh~?" He asked winking. You giggled as you hugged his leg. "Hehe! Yay! Laito-nii came early!" You cheered. Laito smiled a bright smile down at you as he held his hand out. "Come on! I'll take you for ice cream on the way home! We won't tell Reiji though!" He said winking again.

You giggled as you took his hand and nodded your head. Laito smiled as you both started walking home. "Hey Laito-nii why aren't I allowed to play with boys?" You asked as you kicked a pebble. Laito glanced down at you with a somewhat angry expression. "Hmm~? What's this all about~?" He asked.

"Well...(b/n)-Kun offered to walk me home today...but I had to refuse because of what you told me." You muttered sadly. Laito's expression darkened as he gripped your small hand a little harder. "Do you remember what I told you my little bat~? Word for word~?" He asked knowing fully well you did.

You nodded your head and sighed as you closed your eyes and started to speak. "Boys are no good jerks who will only end up breaking your heart in the end. If a boy ever tells you that he likes or loves you it's a lie. In order to keep you safe my sweet little bat I promise to be that one boy who never ever! Breaks your heart or hurts you because I love you!" You said trying to mock your older brother.

Laito smiled down at you with a blush. "That's right my sweet little bat! I'm so proud of you~!" He cheered excited. You smiled up at him and giggled. Once you two reached the ice cream shop you both got what you wanted and sat down on a bench to eat it.

Laito was watching as a bunch of girls walked by and smirked. "Stay here for a moment won't you sweet little bat~?" He asked. You nodded your head as you continued to eat your ice cream. Laito's eyes went wide slightly as a small blush covered his cheeks.

"Hang on there~" he said gently taking your chin and tilting your head up to face him. He smirked as he leaned closer. "You've got some ice cream here~" he laughed as he licked some of the ice cream you had on the corner of your lip. You blushed slightly while Laito pulled away mad chuckled as he stood up and went over to the girls who were also getting ice cream.

You watched as he started flirting with them and sighed. "Laito-nii is strange..." You mumbled to yourself. As you're thinking this a shadow casts over you. You look up and blink a few times when you see an older looking male staring down at you.

"Hey there little one! What are you doing over here alone?" He asked smiling a creepy smile. For some reason you had a very bad feeling about this. "Umm....I'm waiting for my older brother...mister." You said nervously.

The man smirked even more. "Oh? Is that right?" He asked bending down to your level. "Hmm?" He asked noticing your fangs. "Oh~ how interesting~" he hummed as he gently and slowly cupped your cheek in his hand. You flinched and tried to move his hand away but to no avail.

You see your fangs were very sensitive to you and you didn't like it when people touched them. No one knew though not even your brothers. "Umm...mister please move your hand..." You whispered. He ignored you as he opened your mouth with his one hand and started to touch your fangs with his fingers.

You flinched as you shut one of your eyes. The man took notice in this and smirked a blush appearing on his face. "Oh? Are your teeth sensitive?" He asked chuckling as he started to mess with your fangs more. A blush appeared on your cheeks as you started to whine. "So cute...I wonder...what other faces can you-"

You weren't able to hear the rest of his sentence as you felt a warm liquid splatter onto your face. You looked at the man with wide eyes as you saw a hand through his throat. The man was making weird gurgling noises as his body twitched.

"Stay away from my sweet little bat. You damn worthless piece of shit. Burn in hell." You slowly looked up only to see Laito With a dark and murderous expression. He ripped his hand out of the guys throat watching as the mans body fell limp into the ground.

You sat there covered in blood. "Laito-nii..." You whispered quietly. Laito looked at you and frowned as tears brimmed his eyes. "I'm so sorry my sweet little bat! Come on let's go home so I can clean you up!" Laito cried as he gently picked you up and teleported to the mansion.

"Bitch-chan~!" Laito called with his usual tone. Yui who was in the kitchen with Ayato poked her head out and blinked at Laito. "Yes Laito?" She asked. Ayato also poked his head out and scowled. "What happened to (y/n)?" He asked annoyed. Yui quickly ran over to you and took you from Laito as she ran upstairs to clean you up.

"Let's just say some perverted human tried to touch what's mine." Laito growled. Ayato sighed as he walked up to his brother and pat his shoulder. "You're so lucky Laito. You were the first to claim our sweet little sister as yours....I'm jealous that I won't get to marry her when she's older." Ayato said sighing.

Laito glanced over at his brother. "Isn't it wonderful~? Being a vampire comes in handy~ we don't age and die~" Laito said chuckling. Ayato smirked. "Lucky you. I bet our little (y/n) will turn into a beautiful woman." Before they could continue their conversation Yui came downstairs smiling.

"(Y/n)-chan is all cleaned up and in bed. You can go and say goodnight to her now!" She cheered. Laito nodded his head as he teleported to your room. "Hello my sweet little bat~" he sang. You looked up at him from your bed and smiled. "Hello Laito-nii!" You cheered happily.

Laito smiled as he went and sat down on the edge of your bed. You smiled as he stroked your hair and sang you a sweet lullaby. Once he was done his eyes landed on your fangs. "....my sweet little bat...are your fangs...sensitive?" He asked quietly. You blushed and looked away.

"Y-yeah...they are..." You whispered shyly. Laito hummed as he slowly lifted his fingers up to your lips. "...can I...touch them?" He asked dreamily. You looked at him confused as you tilted your head. "H-huh? Of course Laito-nii." You whispered shyly.

Laito slowly started to stroke your fangs. The whole time you were blushing heavily as you let out whines. After a while Laito stopped his eyes shadowed. "Goodnight my sweet little bat~" he whispered kissing your head as he left your room.

Laito let out a shaky sigh as he slowly made his way down to a secret room of his. Once there he smiled a sadistic smile with a Blush on his cheeks. "ah~ my sweet little bat~ let's spend eternity together~" he moaned as he looked at the room filled with pictures of you and stuff that you've used over the years.

Laito chuckled a dark insane smile.

"HAHAHA! My sweet little bat! HAHAHA! We'll be together forever!"


Next up!

Ayato x reader lemon

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