Shu x twin sister reader

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You sighed as you sat at your desk listening to the teacher....wait never mind you weren't listening at all to what they were saying. You had your earbuds in ignoring everything that was happening. 'This is so boring...I'm tired. Can't I just go home and sleep? This doesn't matter anyways.' You thought.

"MISS SAKAMAKI!" The teacher screamed smashing a ruler on your desk. You didn't even flinch as you slowly opened your blue eyes looking up at them. "So noisy...what do you want?" You asked lazily. You noticed a ticked mark appear on their forehead.

"Detention. Tonight. No excuses." They growled. You sighed smashing your head on the desk. 'Great...I just want my bed.' You mentally whined. 'I wonder if Reiji will get mad again... meh doesn't matter. I'm sure my stupid twin will have detention as well.' You thought closing your eyes and falling asleep.

~time skip~

"Hey (y/n) I heard you got detention again! Haha! Sucks to be you doesn't it?!" Your annoying friend (b/n) laughed as he held his stomach. It was currently lunch time and all you wanted was to be alone and sleep. "What sucks is you're so loud." You said sighing.

"Hey now no need to be so stingy! Besides I'm sure your oh so handsome and cool brother Shu! Will be there to join you." (B/n) mimicked the fan girls causing you to smirk slightly. "Anyways how does it feel?" He asked sitting across from you. "Ya know having a twin and all." He added.

"Haven't thought about it." You said lazily as you tried to sleep. "Really? Huh and here I thought you'd hate having a twin more attractive then you." He said closing his eyes. This caused you to open one of your eyes. "What?" You asked sitting up your orange hair swaying slightly.

"Oh? You didn't know? Everyone's been talking about how you must be a copycat." He said. "What do you mean?" You asked eyes narrowing slightly. "'s just people keep on saying how it's impossible for you to be Shu's twin cause well...I guess they think you're not attractive." He said shrugging.

You frowned at this. "...I see." You mumbled. "But hey! Let's not bother with them! I think you're-" before (b/n) could finish his sentence you stood up walking away. "....(y/n)..."

~time skip~

You sighed as the final bell rang signaling that school was over. You didn't bother moving as everyone else happily left. "...." you stared up at the ceiling your blue eyes showing no emotion.

People just think you're not attractive.

Your eyes narrowed as you went and slowly stood up making your way to the detention room. 'Is that so...' you thought. Once you reached the room you lazily opened the door. "Well. Well. Looks like I have the Sakamaki twins again." The detention teacher laughed.

You opened your eyes and glanced over to the back seeing your twin brother asleep. "Shu~ your sister is here~" The teacher sang. With that Shu slowly opened his eyes glancing over at you. Your eyes narrowed as you closed the door taking a seat in the front.

This caused the teacher to tilt their head confused. "You're not gonna sit in the back like usual?" They asked. "No.." you mumbled closing your eyes and turning up your music. Meanwhile Shu looked at you with narrowed eyes. The entire time neither of you said a word just listened to your music.

"Alright you two. Detention's over. You can head home!" The teacher cheered smiling. You slowly opened your eyes looking at them nodding. You stood up and made your way to the door. Opening it you left the school not bothering to wait for your brother.

"...." you said nothing as you walked down the street. Finally coming to a stop you sighed. "You's annoying having you following me." You spoke slowly taking out one of your earbuds. "...what's wrong?" Shu asked taking out one of his as well.

You turned back to him eyes dull. "Nothing..." you mumbled. Shu's eyes narrowed slightly. "You're a liar." He said. "How could you tell?" You asked already knowing what he was going to say. "We're twins. We can tell when something's wrong with one another." You sighed closing your eyes.

"Are we really twins?" You asked. "What?" Shy asked looking at you confused. "(B/n) told me what people have been saying." You said looking Shu in the eye. "I'm just a copycat. Someone like me can't be the twin of someone so attractive." You said.

Shu stood there silently his face not showing any emotion. "...(b/n) said that?" He asked. You nod. Shu sighed as he took his other earbud out. "Honestly..." he grumbled. Before you knew it you were wrapped up in Shu's arms. "We may be twins but you're the idiot..." he grumbled.

"Hey.." you growled. Shu smirked slightly as he stroked your hair. "You're my twin. Therefore we're both attractive. And if that's not the case then we're both ugly." He chuckled. "You're talking too much..." you mumbled although you couldn't help but smile.

" that so? Well before I shut up let me say this." He whispered pulling away slightly. You looked up at him with your usual lazy expression. "You're the prettiest girl I've met and I'm glad you're my twin sister." He said smiling slightly as he went and kissed your forehead.

"Come on. Let's go home so Reiji can scold us."

~extended ending~

You sat across from (b/n) drinking your (f/d). "Soooo. I have a question." (B/n) said. You hummed opening one of your eyes. "Because you and Shu are twins of you two were to have sex would it be like your doing yourself just the gender bent version?" He asked eyes sparkling.



"You're a moron."



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