Ayato x reader x laito

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"Kanato-kun your brothers are staring again." You said sighing as you closed your eyes and rested your head on Kanato's shoulder. Kanato hummed as he glanced up from teddy and looked over to his two brothers. "Ne their getting pretty annoying huh teddy?" Kanato asked tilting his head.

You sighed. Kanato and you are both childhood friends who are always hanging around each other making people think you are both a couple. "Geez. Those two have been staring all night just what is it they want?" You asked eyed narrowing. Kanato hummed as he looked over at you and then at his brothers.

"I don't know." He said quietly. You hummed and lifted your head up from his shoulder and sighed as you stood up. "This is annoying." You muttered as you made your way over to the two redheads. "Ne looks like (y/n)-chan's at her breaking point. Right teddy?" Kanato said smiling.

As you made your way over to the two redheads they both smirked. "Why hello there bitch-chan~" laito sang tilting his fedora back. Ayato smirked as he leaned against his chair. "Yo." Was all he said. You sighed as you crossed your arms and glared at the two of them.

"Mind telling me why you both keep staring at me and Kanato-Kun?" You asked slightly annoyed. Both males looked at each other before looking back at you. "Is something wrong with looking at our brother and his girlfriend?" Ayato asked shrugging.

"Fufufu~ that's right~ I didn't think it was a crime~" laito chuckled. You looked at both of them and blinked a few times. "Huh? Girlfriend?" You asked tilting your head. Both males looked at you confused. "What? You are Kanato's girlfriend aren't you?" They both asked.

You shook your head. "No I'm not. Me and Kanato-Kun are just childhood friends." You said shrugging. They both looked at you and frowned. "Childhood friends? But if that's the case we would have also been friends." Ayato said eyes narrowed. "Fufufu~ that's right bitch-chan~ the three of us always played together~" laito said.

"You two were always fighting when I came to play." You said sighing. Both of them looked at you confused. "What are you talking about?" Ayato asked. You shook your head and sighed. "It's nothing forget it." You said as you started to walk out of the classroom.

"I'll see you tomorrow Kanato-kun!" You said as you left the room. "Bye (y/n)-chan!" Kanato called. Once you were gone Kanato got up and walked over to his two brothers. "So what did you and (y/n)-chan talk about?" He asked looking at them interested.

"Kanato did we ever play with her?" Ayato asked. "Yes~ she seems to think that you are both childhood friends~ fufufu~ but that can't be right~ we've always played together~" laito said laughing. Kanato looked at the two of his brothers confused.

"You don't remember her?" He asked tilting his head. "Huh?" Was all they said. Kanato sighed and shook his head. "(Y/n)-chan always wanted to play with us but you two always fought and argued....mother didn't like her either." Kanato mumbled as his hid behind teddy.

"All well..I guess not all things can be remembered."

~time skip~

When everyone had gotten home Ayato and laito sat in the living room in deep thought. "(Y/n)....(y/n)...why does that sound so familiar yet at the same time I can't recall ever meeting a girl named (y/n)." Ayato grumbled. Laito nodded and sighed. "Wish I could remember~" laito pouted.

"Huh? What the hell are you two sulking about?" Subaru asked as he entered the living room. Both males turned to look at Subaru. "Oi Subaru do you remember a girl named (y/n)?" Ayato asked annoyed. "Huh? (Y/n)? You mean that creepy doll Kanato had found as a kid?" Subaru asked.

"Doll? What no! She's not a doll!" Ayato yelled sitting up on the couch. "She goes to our school~ she's pretty cute if you ask me~" laito said chuckling. Subaru frowned at that but ignored it. "Yeah (y/n) was a doll that Kanato was given by some orphan human girl." Subaru said shrugging.

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