Ruki x reader lemon

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You were sitting in class as you took down your notes. You were the sacrificial bride of the Mukami's. "Miss (y/n) please stay after in the library today and help ruki-kun clean it." The teacher suddenly said.

You sighed as you tried to hide your light blush. You had a big crush on ruki but tried to ignore it. "Hai!" You said looking away from the teacher. The teacher smiled and went back to teaching. As you went back to taking notes you felt eyes on you.

You shivered at that. You sneakily looked around the room and saw that one of your guy classmates (random playboy) was staring at you. When he saw that you saw him he smirked and licked his lips. You shivered and looked back at your notes.

Ruki saw this and was glaring deadly at (r/pb). He grit his teeth as his eyes narrowed thinking of many ways to kill the guy. Soon the bell rang and everyone was leaving the school to go home. You were walking to the library when suddenly you were pinned to the wall.

"Hey babe." You looked and saw (r/pb) smirking down at you. You looked at him a little scared. "Let me go." You whispered looking down. He chucked as he grabbed your chin and lifted your head up. "And why would I do that?" He asked to close for comfort.

"After all your just to tempting~" he purred. You tried to push him away but to no avail. "Hold still." He growled. He was about to lock lips with you until a hand was firmly placed on his shoulder pulling him back.

"I'm sorry but we have to go and clean the library." Your eyes shot open as you looked and see ruki who was glaring down at (r/pb). "Now I believe you should be going home." Ruki said as his glare deepened. You paled. 'Ruki...your really scary!' You thought.

You watched as (r/pb) ran off leaving you and ruki alone. "(Y/n)." Ruki said. You jumped and looked at him. He was now standing in front of you with his usual expression. You looked up at him a little scared. "Y-yes ruki-kun?" You asked quietly.

He reached a hand up to your face causing you to squeeze your eyes shut. You were expecting him to hit you but to your surprise he gently cupped your cheek. "Open your eyes." Ruki demanded. You slowly opened them and looked at ruki.

He looked at you as his hand cupped your cheek. "Ruki-kun?" You asked.

~ruki's POV~

I stared at (y/n). Her eyes were so beautiful. It angered me that someone touched what's mine. (Y/n) was a shy and fragile girl. That's why me and my brothers were always so carful with her unlike when we had that livestock girl.

"Ruki-kun?" I heard her whisper. I shook out of my daze and removed my hand slowly. "Let's go." I said and walked off ahead of her to the library. I bite my lip as I close my eyes. 'Shes making this difficult.' I fought as we reached the library.

~back to you~

You and ruki were in the library putting books away. You couldn't get what happened earlier out of your head. Right now you were picking up books as you carried them to put them away. Suddenly you tripped and were about to fall when suddenly strong arms wrapped around you.

"Be more carful." You looked up and saw ruki. He looked at you and sighed as he lifted you up and let you go. He picked up the books and was putting them away with you. You were both quiet. "Ruki-kun?" You ask as you put another book away.

"Hmm?" He hums as he continues what he's doing. "Do you h-have" You ask quietly. Ruki doesn't answer you for a moment making you look up at him. He was staring at you. "Yes I do." He Said and went back to working.

You felt your heart tighten as your body stopped moving. "I-I see." You whispered quietly. Ruki glanced at you confused as to why you had suddenly stopped working. You felt tears form in your eyes. "I'm gonna...g-go clean up o-over there." You said and quickly ran off.

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