Shuu x reader lemon

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You sighed as you sat through another one of your boring classes. "Geez." You mumbled closing your eyes as you lean your head against your palm. You were never one to be very excited about school or anything like that.

"Miss (L/N). Please pay attention." The teacher scolded. "Hai~" you said bored. As class went on a certain lazy vampire was watching your figure with lazy and lust filled eyes. '(Y/n)....' He thought eyes narrowing a little.

~time skip~

"Finally!" You yelled stretching as you walked next to your cousin Yui. Yui smiled at you. "You really do hate school don't you (Y/N)?" She asked tilting her head. You glanced at her and smiled as you nodded your head. "Yep!" You said popping the 'P'

"(Y/n). Yui." You both freeze as you slowly look back to see Reiji standing there with his usual stern expression. "I do believe you both are failing in your (worst subject) class." He said pushing up his glasses. You both gulped a little as you looked at each other.

"I do believe a punishment is in order." He said. Yui paled as Reiji walked up to the both of you and stood in front of you. "Wellllll...." You said trailing off.








"BYE!" You yell running off. Before you could even turn the corner you ran into someone's chest. They grabbed you tightly by the arm causing you to wince a little in pain. "You loud." You slowly look up only to see Shuu lazily looking down at you.

Something was different this time. His eyes showed some sort of emotion you just couldn't put your finger on it. "Looks like your not completely useless after all." Reiji said as he walked up to the two of you Yui being dragged from behind.

Shuu didn't say anything as he kept his eyes locked onto your figure. "Now hand over (Y/N). She is in need of a punishment." Reiji said monotone. Shuu finally lifted his gaze to his brother and stared at him blankly.

"No." He finally said. This caught you by surprise as you looked up at him shocked. Reiji's eyes narrowed. "Excuse me?" He asked. "I said no. I'll be giving. Her a punishment for being too loud." He said bluntly. Reiji looked his brother straight in the eye.

After a few moments of silence Reiji sighed but nodded his head as he started to drag Yui off. "Very well." He said. "Just don't make a mess." He added glancing back at us. Once he was gone you noticed Shuu's arms were still wrapped around you. "Umm shuu?" You ask. He doesn't say anything.

"What did he mea-" you were cut off as you felt a sharp pain in your neck. You gasped out as one of your eyes closed in pain. "S-shuu." You manage to get out. Shuu hums as he gulps down your blood enjoying how you said his name in pain.

Shuu slowly pulled his fangs out and glanced up at your face. He smirked as he saw your expression and pushed you against the wall. You gasped in shock as Shuu caged you with his arms. He smirked down at you as he slowly took his earbuds out. "Do you know how long I've waited for this?" He asks.

You don't know how to reply. Shuu looks you in the eyes as he slowly continues. "How lob I've waited to touch you? To explore and feel every inch of your body?" His hands slide down your sides and stop at the bottom of your shirt.

His eyes narrow a little. "You've been driving me crazy I haven't been able to get any sleep or peace." He said as his hands slid up into your shirt and squeeze both your breasts causing you to gasp. Shuu takes this chance and kisses you roughly. His tongue enters your mouth as he explores every inch of it.

His hands massage your breasts as he hungrily devours your mouth with his. "(Y/N)..." He whispers in between the kiss. You were blushing heavily as you started to pant slightly. Shuu saw this and smirked as he pulled away slightly. "I'm going to make you cry for me." He said as he started to kiss and suck on your neck.

You moaned slightly as you pressed your hands onto his chest. "I'll make you only want me...and never leave me." He whispered growling slightly. "S-shuu." You whisper blushing at what you were about to say.

"Please..." You whispered closing your eyes. "Please make me want you!" You squeaked. Shuu smirked as he ripped your shirt and bra off exposing your chest. You blushed heavily and wanted to cover yourself but Shuu expected this and pinned your hands above your head.

He narrowed his eyes down at you. "Don't." He growled and started to attack your chest causing you to moan in pleasure. Shuu released your hands and groped your right breast while his other hand slowly made it's way down to your pants line.

"S-shuu!" You squeaked embarrassed. Shuu hummed against your left breast that was in his mouth causing you to arch your back a little. Shuu's hand slipped into your pants as he started to run two fingers against your womanhood.

Your brought your hand up to your month and tried to hold back your moans. Shuu released your breast with a pop and let out a shaky sigh as he slowly opened his eyes. "I can't hold it." He whispered to himself. He pulled away and quickly started to strip himself I his clothes.

You blushed heavily and tried to look away when you saw his bare body. Shuu glanced at you and smirked as he pressed both your naked bodies together. "I'm going to make you cry my name (Y/N)." He whispered into your ear as he pressed you back against the wall.

"So don't hold back." He growled nipping at your ear. Suddenly you felt pain in your lower region. You screamed in pain as tears fell from your eyes. Shuu smirked as he leaned close to your face. "Sorry." He whispered as he kissed you deeply.

He started to thrust in and out if you not giving you much time to adjust. Shuu pulled away from the kiss and puked you up having you wrap your legs around him. He sunk his fangs into your neck and gulped your blood greedily not wanting anyone else to taste your sweetness.

"S-shuu!" You cried as you dug your nails into his back causing him to hiss slightly. You felt a strange feeling in your stomach. "Are you going to cum?" She asked huskily into your ear wanting to hear your voice more.

"Go on. Cum for me. Be the lewd women you are." He growled smirking. Soon you had released causing you to moan very loud. Shuu loved it. That sound you had just made drove him over the edge as he slammed into you hard and came inside you.

You were panting with a deep blush on your cheeks. You hid your face in the crook of Shuu's neck. Shuu glanced at you as he held you close. He leaned down and kissed your neck gently. "I love you (Y/N). I won't let you go." He whispered slowly opening his eyes.

You blushed as you hugged him not letting him see your face.

"I love you too...Shuu."


"Reiji." You said as you stood in front Of him. He looked down at you with his usual expression. "I will only be excepting punishments from Shuu from now on." You said politely bowing. Reiji sighed as he closed his eyes.

"At least your polite about it." He mumbled as he looked you in the eyes. "Very well." He said. You smiled at him and started to run off. "And (Y/N)." Reiji said causing you to look back at him. He smirked.

"I expect a nephew."


Next up!

Ruki x reader lemon

Ruki x reader

Big brother Ayato x little sister reader

Shu x reader x Yuma lemon

Shu x reader x ruki lemon

Shu x reader

Big brother kanato x little sister reader

Ayato x reader x laito

Yuma x reader lemon

Kanato x reader lemon

Triplets x reader

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