Laito x neko reader

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I think my writing is starting to get really bad considering how many likes I get now. 😅

Anyways enjoy!

PS: expect a few chapters to be updated today. I'm trying to make up for the whole time I've been on hiatus.

"Will you stop that you creep?" You asked eye twitching as you glared over at the perverted vampire who continued to smirk at you laughing slightly. "My~ aren't you just a feisty kitty today~?" He laughed teasingly. You just growled slightly tail swishing in annoyance.

He started to walk towards you only to stop when his phone went off causing him to hum as he went and read the message he had received. You watched him silently as he smirked blushing slightly as he went and typed a response. "Fufufu~ looks like one of my friends wants to come over tonight~" He sang laughing.

"And by friend I'm sure you mean some girl who you're going to fuck. How disgusting." You sighed placing your book down as you calmly stood up your ears flickering slightly. Laito watched you closely licking his lips slightly. "Fufufu~ what's wrong? Jealous?" He asked amused.

You looked over at him for a moment no expression on your face. "Not at all." You said walking over to him carefully placing your hand on his cheek causing him to sigh leaning into your touch. "After all I have a date tonight." You said causing him to tense.

You smirked as you went and removed your hand from his cheek walking past him. Your tail went and brushed up against his hand causing him to blush. He looked back watching as you disappeared around the corner. He bit his lip slightly.

"A date huh...?"

~time skip~

You hummed to yourself as you got dressed your tail swishing back and forth happily. As you were finishing getting ready you heard a whistle from behind causing you to sigh as you looked in your mirror. "What do you want now Laito?" You grumbled.

"Fufufu~ don't get so cranky~ I just wanted to see how you looked for your date~" He sang walking up to you carefully wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him. You gasped slightly before glaring back at him. "What the hell does it matter to you? Don't you have a date coming as well?" You hissed.

He just smirked down at you carefully trailing his hands up and down your sides causing you to blush. "But you're my precious neko~ I need to make sure your needs come before mine after all~" He chuckled leaning closer to your neck. "I wonder...what would your date think if you had my mark on your neck..." He whispered huskily.

You went to say something only to gasp in shock as he went and lightly pulled on your tail causing you to cover your mouth. Laito smirked as he went and sunk his fangs into your neck causing you to moan into your hands. Laito hummed as he looked at you through the mirror.

His other hand went up and removed yours as he drank your blood. You whined slightly a deep blush covering your cheeks. Laito hummed as he went and stuck his finger in your mouth before pulling away from your neck. "Ah~ that's such a nice expression~" He sang a blush covering his cheeks.

You whined small tears in your eyes as he continued to pull at your tail. Just as he was about to say something else there was a loud knock on the front door causing him to frown. He slowly pulled away from you before looking down at his finger laughing slightly when he saw the small bite marks and drool.

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