Yuma x reader fluff

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You quietly watched as your boyfriend tended to his garden humming to himself. You smiled seeing the soft expression on his face that always warmed your heart. 'He's such a softie.' You thought quietly giggling to yourself as you plopped another sugar cube in your mouth.

You were the only one Yuma would let eat his sugar cubes. "Yuma!!! Are you almost done?!" You called out to him wanting to cuddle. Yuma sat up on his knees and wiped away some of the sweat on his forehead before looking over at you and smiling his usual smile.

"I'll be done in a minute (Y/n)! And hey don't go eating all my sugar cubes!" He yelled. You just stuck your tongue out at him before eating another one. He just rolled his eyes at this before going back to work trying to finish it as fast as he could. You hummed looking up at the sky your eyes sparkling.

'Today's a good day for cuddles.' You thought going to eat more sugar cubes only to have them snatched out of your hand. "Huh?!" You asked quickly looking down only to see them gone. "Heh. You'll get fat at this rate." Yuma chuckled looking down at you as he held the bag in his hand.

You pout slightly reaching up for the bag like a small child. "Yuuuuumaaaaa! Give me back!!!" You whined. Yuma just rolled his eyes at you eating one of his sugar cubes before shoving the bag in his pocket. "No way. You're on a sugar free diet." He grumbled going and picking you up bridal style.

You let out a small squeak wrapping your arms around him. He glanced over at you smirking while you pouted. "You're a meanie Yuma." You mumbled. He just shrugged before teleporting you both into his room where he gently placed you down on the bed.

You smiled as he laid down next to you pulling you into his arms. "Hehe you're so cute." You giggled teasingly. "Shut up or I'll suck you dry." He mumbled closing his eyes as he played with your hair. You just nod in agreement knowing he wouldn't do that to you.

The two of you laid there for a while before falling asleep in each other's arms.

~time skip~

You skipped down the school halls happily humming a tune to yourself. "(Y/n)-chan looks extra happy today. Don't you think Teddy?" You heard your best friend Kanato mumble to his teddybear. You smiled glancing back to see him standing there a small smile on his face.

"Hi Kanato! Teddy! How are you today?" You asked sweetly placing your arms behind your back. "We're good. We brought you some candy today." He said holding his hand out to you. You smiled seeing the small pieces of candy. "Waaah! Thank you so much Kanato! Teddy!" You cheered happily taking the candy from him.

He nods before tilting his head. "I don't see Yuma today...are you two still together?" He asked curiously. You looked at him smiling. "Yuma is currently in history class. We're still together though!" You said happily. Kanato just hums nodding his head.

"I see. Well we have to go. Say goodbye Teddy." He said looking down at the stuffed bear. You smile waving your hand goodbye to the bipolar vampire before turning to continue your little skipping journey through the hall. You went to plop a piece of candy in your mouth only to have someone stop you by grabbing your wrist.

"Hey!" You yelled looking up at the person only to see your boyfriend standing there smirking. "What did I tell you? No more candy." He said carefully taking the candy from your hand. You whined at this trying to take it back from him. "Come on Yuma give it back!" You whined like a child.

Yuma just smiled as he held it above his head watching you struggle finding it extremely cute. "Nope no more sweets for a while. You need to control yourself." He said laughing. You just growl at him crossing your arms. As he laughs you come up with a brilliant idea.

Letting out a small sigh you decided to put it into action. "Fine if that's what you want I won't have anymore sweets." You said innocently. This caused him to stop laughing as he looked down at you raising a brow. "Really? You're giving up like that?" He asked surprised.

You nod your head shrugging. "Yeah I mean it's not like I'm giving them up forever right?" You asked smiling up at him. He smiled at this feeling very proud of you as he went and placed the candy in his pocket. "Yeah that's right. Good for you (Y/n)." He said placing a hand on your head.

You just smiled at him a small blush on your cheeks. He blushed at this too finding you too cute for his heart. He smiled as he went and bent down to give you a kiss on the lips only for you to stop him by placing your hand over his mouth. "Ah ah. You said I can't have any sweets for a while remember?" You asked.

This caused the said vampire to become very confused as to what you were getting at. You just smiled pulling away from him as you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. "That means I can't have any of your sweet kisses." You said giving him a mischievous look. It was then he realized why you had given up so easily.

"You little..." He started eye twitching slightly as he gave you an annoyed smirk. You just stuck your tongue out at him before hearing the bell ring signaling that class was about to start again. "Whelp guess I'll be going now. See ya later Yuma!" You cheered going to leave only to be pulled back into his chest.

He hid his face in the crook of your neck not saying anything. "Come on don't be like that (Y/n)...I can't go more than an hour without your kisses." He mumbled. This caused you to blush embarrassed by his words. 'Crap! He's too cute!!!' You thought squeezing your eyes shut to try and resist him.





"Please baby bear?"

"Gah! That's not fair!" You cried turning to him your face as red as Ayato's hair. This caused Yuma to smile as he quickly went and pressed his lips to yours earning a small squeak from you. He gently stroked your hair causing you to relax and shyly kiss him back. Once the two of you pulled away he smiled pressing your heads together.

"I'm the only sweet thing you can be addicted to."

Hey lovelies!!! I'm back!!!! Did ya miss me?!?!

The next few chapters are going to be Ayato and Yuma cause lots of you were requesting them. I'll be updating a chapter each day.

Current request drafts: 72

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